House Speaker rejects Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon’s resignation letter, says it does not conform to constitution


House Speaker Sir Gerald Watt KC has written to Member of Parliament for St Mary’s South, Hon. Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon, indicating that his letter of resignation does not conform to the Constitution and therefore cannot be accepted.

However, Sir Gerald says there is nothing to prevent him from resubmitting a letter of resignation which conforms with section 41(1)(e) of the Constitution.


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      Why don’t you follow the laws of Antigua / Barbuda and stop being an IDIOT ? Foolish Person you are Brixtonian.

      • @Gel- cause once ABLP is in oiffice he needs anarchy. Rules must be ignored, the court disrespected. They then start having their own mock trails (eg judgement square). Its not clear to you that people like Brix.. are all of self ?

        • … are you sure you aren’t talking about Gassssston?as Asot Michael would put it @ “ten men”.

          Sounds like it – read it again! Slowly this time … 😁

  1. And there you have it folks. I didn’t want to tell you so, but I told you so!

    One part of the evil TRIPARTITE 😈 in action, and more to come.

    The wanton disruption of the electoral voting system by the ABLP. Devil’s incarnate.


    As I mentioned before, this is dictatorship by the back door.

      Why don’t you follow the laws of Antigua / Barbuda and stop being an IDIOT ? Foolish Person you are Brixtonian.

      • Seems like the truth hurts GEL[LY], did I touch a raw nerve in you and “ten men”?

        MARVELLOUS … 😁

  2. When you want to be the Government it’s important to have the best minds if you attracting low achievers with plenty babble they would become laughable it’s amazing some of the ignorance that you keep hearing it has to change because the world is watching and our children are confused

    • @Bush Master- Must be so hurtful for the uppites seeing the comedy show their advsors have caused. They clearly have not learned from the myraid of mistakes they made when they were in office. I get the impression that they only wish to take advise from persons who please their ego (Trump like)

      • @Tenman, isn’t that the same thing Gassy is doing? Who doesn’t take advice from anyone? He only gives advice, and he doesn’t take it from anyone. That’s the Gassy I have known all my life.

      • @Tenman, isn’t that the same thing Gassy is doing? Who doesn’t take advice from anyone? He only gives advice, and he doesn’t take it from anyone. That’s the Gassy I have known all my life. Let the people decide who they want to represent them in parliament, not any court. It seems there is two interpretation of the Constitution.

    • Right you are; the world is watching and the Nigerians and Cameroonians are seeking answers. If these bandits had not swindled those poor Africans, whatever happened to them here would not have happened. Did the bandits follow the law? We will soon find out. They have a larger problem than this parliamentary matter.

  3. “if, having been elected to the House by virtue of being a member of a political party, he resigns his party whip and withdraws his allegiance from that party:
    Provided that he shall not be required to vacate his seat so long as he remains an independent member of the House.”

    Charles Tabor looking with glee at your response to the learned KC. We(UPP taking this matter) gooing court?

    • You conviently select that section, however if there are any doubt, all shugy have to do is don’t turn up for the next 3 sittings full stop.
      You cults wish that court will samonster will never happen.

  4. Come on you Labourites. The 18th candidate does not have the right to reject a resignation. This is all just the ultimate BS. I don’t know what the hell this jackass is looking at, but the instructions from the constitution is quite pellucid. This clown is just seeking relevance.
    The part he quoted has nothing to do with the resignation of any elected member of parliament. My God, man, just do your damn job and quit trying to bat for Gaston Browne. You are just ridiculous now. You made a big blunder with Asot Michael and here you are again making another one.
    The letter was delivered to you by courier, in line with the constitution. How ironic! The same constitution that you said to hell with, you are now trying to quote from? Why don’t you just resign yourself. We will be better of without your blatant partiality and condescension.

    • @Watching: you are wrong. It does offer him an out if he wants another election. Switch sides to ablp (not be independent) and then there must be a bi-election. Suspect he can then just change back to UPP when the by election is called

  5. Gerry Watt, you are nothing more than an attention seeker. Cannot wait to see you end up with chit on your face.Remember,power tends to corrupt, and persons like you with absolute powers corrupts absolutely.

  6. The learned KC is talking pure nonsense. Section 41 of the Constitution which deals with TENURE and section 125 which deals with RESIGNATION are two completely different matters and that is why they are addressed separately. Tenure is about an MP leaving Parliament because of some condition precedent or supervening issue, for example becoming a citizen of another country while a member of Parliament. In that case the MP’s

    • In that case the MP’s tenure in Parliament would come to an end. Similarly if the MP was absent from a number of sittings of Parliament without proper excuse. Section 125 deals with resignation which an MP can do at any time

  7. He who did say, to hell with the Constitution is now referring to that same Constitution.Let your words be soft and sweet.Just in case you have to eat them.

  8. What is the relationship between APOSTLE SHUGY SIMON and the NAZARENE CHURCH???

    The church endorse any man leaving his wife because she gain weight during pregnancy to give birth to the same man’s child??

    Reverend Sharpe has anything to say??

    • What is the relationship between your Puppet Master , his ‘Father’ and his ‘Grandfather’? He was only indicating to the Barbudans that they had nothing over him but most of us never read it that way.

  9. Jerry Watt, you are making yourself a total idiot. You are an embarrassment.

    I would be so disappointed in Shuggy if he sits down with you to talk about that piece of garbage that you wrote.

    Shuggy and his advisors should proceed to the court.

    I am also ashamed of Samantha Marshall.

    Samantha you are trying to force yourself on the majority of persons in the St. Mary’s South Constituency when it is obvious that they do not want you.

    Samantha you don’t have any shame?

    Imagine what the labour party has come to. Labour party is trying to force itself on people who do not want them.

    Labour party is like vomit.



    This is the reason SHUGY is in this DILEMMA. AWFUL Advisors such BRIXTONIAN, CHAKU WAKU , D GISEL ISAAC et al placed SHUGY in this AWFUL situation. This is ridiculous . You Guys must read and understand the CONSTITUTION and stop being soooo IDIOTIC. POOR Shugy. You should run as an Independent Candidate.

    Mr.Knight ( Observer Radio ) please include BRIXTONIAN on you list with the OLD FARTS CHAKU , D GISEL ISAAC , CHARLES TABOR and BRIXTONIAN. SHAME on these for the AWFUL advice they gave SHUGY. HYPOCRITES.

    • @ GEL, are you ok?

      What a FULMINATING rant of epic proportions. You are all over the place with your PHILIPPIC nonsense.

      Ah so mi DISCOMBOBULATE you so boss, that you VOCIFERATE uncontrollably?



        • … and don’t mek mi drop anymore LATIN on your backside GEL[LY] – so go quiet yourself, you nah ready for mi, in fact none of you GASTONITES are …

          • @BRIXTONIAN

            BRIXTONIAN should attend the LAW SCHOOL of Sir Gerald Watts KC. SIR GERALD explained the the CONSTITUTION that everyone could understand . BRIXTONIAN and others just blow HOT AIR. BRIXTONIAN you are a ONESIDED , HYPOCRITICAL Person. No One takes you serious. You are looking for Senate position but will never happen. Find a job you HYPOCRITE.

          • Still FULMINATING I see @ Gel.

            Coherence and clarity isn’t your strong point. Try being lucid in your writing for once. Pretty please 👍

  12. Nothing in section 41 (1) requires a letter of resignation….NOTHING! Subsection (1) (e) has absolutely nothing to do with Mr K. Simon since he is not resigning from the UPP. There is a difference between vacating the seat and resigning .
    (1) (a) dissolution of parliament ALL SEATS ARE VACATED…. doesn’t required Any letter 90f resignation to the speaker
    (1) (b) ceases to a citizen SEAT IS AUTOMATICALLY VACANT….doesn’t require a letter of resignation
    (1) (c) and (d) so simple doesn’t require any explanation. If you are absent from parliament for more than three sittings your seat becomes vacant and doesn’t require any resignation letter

    (1) (e) is the section Sir G is too bright to understand. This is triggered if the member resigns is party whip and wishes to cross the floor,he must remains independent otherwise he must vacate the seat.

    Lastly why is Sir G linking section 125 with section 41 is wrong wrong wrong. Section 125 deals with resignation and section deals with vacating ( getting fired) . Section 41 requires no letter.

    • So why and from what is Shugy resigning? Is he saying he no longer wants to represent the people of St. Mary South…. but he still want to represent them…so call a BI-ELECTION.
      This has to be a parliamentary game show name RESIGN AND BI-ELECTION….with the House speaker the game show host….

  13. You were afraid to lose the election and lose your job too. You knew the rules and you gambled. Okay, you won the seat, now what?
    Just like all the American citizens who returned to Antigua to contest elections, they do not want to renounce their citizenships and then they lose the election. Look at Mack Emmanuel and others, once the election is over the get to go back to the status quo. Would-it be fair for these guys to win elections and then renounce US citizenship?
    Fight to change the rules first.

  14. It’s a pitty that in his twilight years the old fort will be listening to rumshop radio and taking his cue from from the bottom dawg on how he should conduct the affairs of the People’s parliament.
    He served 1 term as attorney General under the PLM and from all accounts, was worst than cutie.

    It was he who advised the government at the time to institute the public order act, the same act that was used to teargas prople on so many occasions since by the ALP.

  15. It’s a pitty that in his twilight years the old fart will be listening to rumshop radio and taking his cue from from the bottom dawg on how he should conduct the affairs of the People’s parliament.
    He served 1 term as attorney General under the PLM and from all accounts, was worst than cutie.

    It was he who advised the government at the time to institute the public order act, the same act that was used to teargas prople on so many occasions since by the ALP.

  16. This is laughable if it wasn’t so serious. Common sense alone dictates that the Speaker’s position is nonsensical and partisan. The Speaker must constantly be prepared to maintain this right, without fear or favour. One of the hallmarks of good Speakership is the requirement for a high degree of impartiality in the execution of the duties of the office. In general, the Speaker’s official role is to moderate debate, rule on procedure and announce the results of votes, not take sides.

  17. A certain legal firm went all over the world, even to the Privy Council, when a particular former employee of the B.O.E. had an issue.

    When they went to the Privy Council, THEY LOST.

    All I am saying is that their opinion is not God’s word and within recent times their opinions is not worth the paper it is given on.

    I am just saying.

  18. Are you telling me that Gerry Watt does not understand the difference between a seat being vacated and a member resigning? These are two completely different purposes. It seems to me that Gerry is now purposely playing dumb so as to please Gaston and the ALP. Is Gerry trying to get his length of tenure as Speaker extended?

  19. Why these people fraid the by-election so? It’s headed right back to the polls and no amount of shenanigans will work. They are trying to frustrate the people into submission. Just a waste of time and money. Gaston give it up. You have been outmatched!

  20. Ok. Gerry haffu APOLOGIZE for this ludicrous interpretation of the section.

    This section has nothing to do with the price of saltfish.

    Stalling for HIS party whip, is it? This is pathetic.

  21. Pathetic! The brightest bulb has lost its “WATTAGE.” Time to move away from old “incandescent” bulbs and introduce new, brighter and less use of “WATTS” LED technology! De old way. Nar wuk today. Time to send he home!!!

  22. Mr. Speaker of the House, you got it all wrong. Why you guys keep playing politics with people’s lives?You can fool some of the people some of the time and not all the people all the time. Where in the Constitution gives you the right to reject a Member of the House resignation? When will this government stop taking the people in this country for granted. We are a public than can read and understand just like you can. What the Constitution in Section 41(1) (e) is referring to is if any Member of the House having been elected to the House by virtue of being a member of a political party resigns his party whip and withdraws his allegiance from that party then he should vacate his seat. Mr. Simon did not resign from his party nor sever ties from them. He merely resigned from the House because he was forced to fo so because he was taken to court. The Speaker is trying to mislead the people into believing that Mr. Simon must first resign from his party before he can resign from the House. Total deception.

  23. This guy is almost 90 years old. I believe that his brain is addled now. He needs to be forced to retire and in the process, do the same for Cutie,Molwyn and Robin; they have in excess of 240 years between them.

  24. Sir Gerald Watt, I think you are well aware that you are stating nonsense. You are just stalling for Gaston Browne to delay the resignation until the court case. Is Antigua a democracy or Gaston Browne’s banana republic with certain people aiding and abetting him?

  25. Gaston Browne continues to embarrass himself and this useless government. Sir Gerald has disgraced himself with this ridiculous unconstitutional pronouncement. The ALP can scurry about like roaches, but they can’t hide for SMS people. Set the date now, so we can consign the ALP to the dustbin of SMS politics.

  26. @Tenman, always knew you were an a$$. Do you read? Again I say, what the 18th candidate sighted from the constitution has nothing to do with resignation. Just a political mercenary (Asot’s tag) seeking to please massa.
    Noone with any common sense would think that an employer has an “out clause” to refuse a resignation. What, if a person wants to resign, you are going to deny it. Nonsense man,pure, unadulterated Nonsense.
    Tell Boris Johnson the crap that the 18th candidate. This country has too many damn traitors.I refer to Boris Johnson because the pompous, arrogant ass, Jerry Watts referenced the UK and Canada.

  27. Question for those who agrees with the Speaker….If MP Asot Michael wanted to resign his seat, which subsection of section 41 would applied to him? What procedure should he follow?

  28. If there are no laws in the constitution that say the speaker cannot reject or refuse Mr. Simon’s resignation letter to vacate his seat in Parliament? Then, what is the speaker’s response letter all about Mr. Simon’s resignation letter?

  29. Follow the law, really? Is this the best argument these fools can come up with? Let the people speak and take it back to the poles to let them decide, it’s that simple. And follow the law my backside, 😁. This Government brought in a 1000 refugee’s with no vetting process whatsoever, under the auspecis that they are rich business tourist, and have the nerve to talk about ” follow the laws”. This incident with Mr Simon is trivial in comparison to the African fiasco that have cost my nation a bout load of trouble( literally) but here we are trying to digress and trying to give more credents to this Simon story. This shows these people are all about power and a political seat in parliament more than the country they serve. Bloody hypocrites. Put all this energy into the African fiasco, but no that’s not important, but here you are hurting your very people and this man’s constituents for no other reason than just to be in power. This Government of my nation makes me sick to high heaven’s. You can’t find money to do an inquiry into the messy refugee fiasco, but monies can be found to go after a little man who didn’t do anyone anything other than run for office to serve his people..damn shame indeed, damn shame.

  30. The resignation is valid based on the constitution. Section 41 does not deal with resignation from parliament it is about tenure and the conduct of members if they resign from the political party, it prevents them from crossing the floor. Very simple.

  31. I’m a bit surprised that this morning om Twin Island Media Kieron Murdoch still claims not to understand the letter from Sir Gerald Watt. Kieron is the son of Nelleen Rogers Murdoch. Nelleen Murdoch is the partner in the Law Firm of Simon Rogers Murdoch.
    So, you want to tell me he could not ask his mother to explain the letter from Sir Gerald Watt to him? Amazing isn’t it.

    • We all knew you had links to the ABLP. Some of the things you come out with, sure in HELL proves this!

      And there was me thinking that the likes of you (and tenman) were just plain SHILLS – the two of you are government spokesmen. Fact!


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