House arrest for Antigua football official on drug charges in Jamaica


The equipment manager for the Antigua and Barbuda Football Association (ABFA), Danny Benjamin has been granted J$500,000 bail on drug charges that he and his colleague, Derrick “Pretty Boy” Edwards, are facing in Jamaica following their arrest on March 26. Edwards got $200,000 bail a week ago.

Benjamin, 48, and Edwards, 49, are now under house arrest.

While under house arrest, food and other necessities will be taken to the men as they await their next court appearance set for May 4.

The two well-known officials were arrested a day after the Benna Boys’ 1-1 draw with the Reggae Boys at Sabina Park, when their bags were searched and the marijuana was found at the Norman Manley International Airport. This occurred as the team was checking in for their flight home.

They were later charged with possession of ganja, dealing in ganja, taking steps preparatory to export ganja and conspiracy, after they were interviewed in the presence of their attorneys.

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  1. The irony of it is that in Jamaican newspapers, no one is beating up and disgracing these gentlemen. No one is telling all Antiguans to “go home.”. If only there was reciprocity.

    • Oh hush and go back to jamacia if u so proud of there. U people are nothing but thorns in outside.

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