High Court Rejects MP Asot Michael’s Attempt to Overturn Suspension


St Peter Member of Parliament, Asot Michael, faced a legal setback as the High Court ruled against his challenge to overturn his suspension from Parliament’s Lower House.

The Court emphasized its lack of jurisdiction over the legislative body’s internal proceedings, which operate independently and equally alongside the executive and judicial branches of government.

Additionally, the Court rejected Michael’s injunction application, aimed at lifting his suspension.

Earlier this year, Michael was named and suspended by House Speaker Sir Gerald Watt KC due to what was described as “hooliganism.”

His loud response to a remark from the Government Benches defied the Speaker’s instructions.







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  1. Really no surprise there as judges tend not to want to be involved in the proceedings of the Legislature. It really gives the Speaker a free hand in directing and controlling the affairs of parliament according to Parliamentary rules. The 3 branches of government namely the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary was all intended to act and operate independently.

    • So how come legislators function on the Executive side of government (Cabinet). You’re mixing our system with the US system.

      In the colonial system that we have adopted. Legislative, upper and lower, are controlled by the majority party in the lower house.

      Not even the Governor General is independent of this majority party control.

      • Even in the US Supreme court they do not deal with cases that involve the House. They refer them back

    • They don’t tend not to want to. They cannot be involved. They are the judiciary. It is not a legal issue. It’s an issue for Parliament and in Parliament the Aye’s have it. They make their own rules. And the Speaker is not above the rules. If the majority of Parliament disagree with the speaker he can be removed. Simple as that. The speaker doesn’t have absolute power in controlling the affairs of parliament. Please do not misinform the readers. Things are put to a vote and the parliamentarians cast their vote and the majority rules. Very simple rule. You cannot take the Speaker to court. Same way anything a Parliamentarian says in parliament you cannot take him to court for that. They have parliamentary immunity. And we have seen they use that a lot in parliament, and it is the speaker who must rein them in when they go overboard with that.

      • So when the speaker clearly made a blunder in his haste to get Michael out of parliament, by moving the motion himself, there is nothing that can be done?

  2. Is anyone really surprised at this nefarious outcome?

    This government – and the collaborative TRIPARTITE – is doing their utmost to stifle parliamentary debate.

    This suspension has gone on for far too long.

    The NASTY party is slowly destroying our democracy and turning the country into an autocracy.

    Praying 🙏🏽 that our Lord and saviour intervenes sooner rather than later – Antiguans deserves better governance.

    • There must be some form internal process to appeal such suspension or else one man having such power, to suspend a minister, could abuse his authority (not saying it occurred here) but I am not in support of one man reigning Supreme, which risk arbitrary and capricious or tyrannical or bias or unfair decisions.

      It was expected the court would make such decisions, there are precedence all over the world which shows that practically all courts have refused to intervene in such “intrusion” into internal affairs of the legislative branch of the government.

      I think the court should have minimum ordered for their to be some kind of internal administrative due process procedure to review such decisions by one man/person.

    • Dummy. The suspension is for three consecutive sittings of the house. So far, we have had only one sitting. So, what are you talking about it being too long.
      And this is our democracy. The Aye’s have it. MAJORITY rules in Parliament. Elections have consequences. I am telling you guys; you do not know how to live in a democracy. Especially when your party is not the one in the majority, you have difficulty abiding by the majority rule. It is very simple. Next time better luck. Campaign harder and better. And convince the voters to make you the majority party. Until then, wait for the next election date.

  3. The judiciary may have made the correct decision citing its inability to act in this matter, however what is frightening is the fact that the speaker of the house can act in partiality unchecked. No one should have that power in parliament.

    • Another lie again. The speaker put it to the House for a Vote. The House Voted on it and Aye’s have it. The speaker only implemented what the house rules called for. Suspension of three sittings of the house. So far, the house has had one sitting. So, two more to go.

      • You @ From The Sideline, will not be happy until Antigua becomes an autocratic country with Gaston Browne as some sort of dictator, where anything he says goes.

        You can continue to whitewash the speakers terrible treatment of Asot Michael (who I recall that you sang his praises to high heaven when he was a former ABLP operative).

        If you claim to have some sort of intelligence, you well and know why Gerald Watt is prolonging Mr Asot Michael’s suspension, and if you say otherwise, you are one of the biggest SPINNER OF YARNS on this ANR thread – bar none!

        You and the nasty party belong together …

        • You know the problem I have with you. I present you with facts and you deliberately ignore them. Fact; Asot Michael was suspended for three consecutive sittings of parliament. So far, the Parliament has met only once since then. Therefore, the balance of his suspension is two more sittings. What of this don’t you get?
          Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

          • “… I present you with facts …”

            Personally, I would call it distortion – You so funny Sidey 😂😂😁

        • @Brix.. why are you so Nixonian? Like him you see yourself as some crusader and everyone else who disagrees needs to be treated as evil. This is the same attitude, former PM, Baldwin Spencer had. This is why the court had to often chastise him for his undemocratic actions. You see evil in GB and labor but fail to see your errors. Both political parties agree that Assot deserve to be punished, but watch you try to treat him as if he was the victim. Prepare yourself, because with his lack of self control (lack of emotional intelligence), to make more excuses for him

    • @Antigua First

      You too DAMN LIE!!! The decision was made by VOTE of the MPs. Shut you LYADD baxide!!!

      Always trying to spread LIES & PROPAGANDA like Observer and serpent 🐍

  4. Asot Michael 🎤take the mike! Start singing about IHI, to the bones in the cemetery. This is the best thing that you can do for the country and the Nation, to include REDONDA too!

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg 🦶🏿Garrat Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  5. So, let me get this right.

    No motion was put to the parliament, that is, the procedure to get to the result was wrong according to the rules that run the parliament but the result is correct?

    That sounds right to any rational person?

    In my opinion, another reason to vote against the labour party candidate in the by-election and also another reasons to vote out the a.l.p. government in the next general election.

  6. Ever wonder why they want to silence asot..
    I wonder why? Why?
    Because he was one of them?
    Once you leave the cult the cult
    Members go after you with a vengeance be strong mr.michael
    Get down on your knees and pray for protection and guidance your
    Gonna need it..

    • Like the vengeance with which the UPP is going after Dwayne George, Donna Chia, Lamin Newton, Winston Williams. And don’t forget the vengeance with which they went after Joan Massiah.

      • These people you have identified ,to include Colin O’Neal, have been the nastiest opponents of Gaston Browne and to a lesser extent, The Antigua Labour Party but the Party has a penchant for such muck, so it gladly and rapidly holds cheats to its breasts and Sidelined the lowly rewarded foot-soldiers like you, Sideline,Tenman,smh and your other colleagues. You are treated according to what you think you’re worth. You have done the UPP an invaluable service by removing the dregs that plagued them. Welcome Joanne Massiah next.

      • @ From The Sideline

        Anyone exercise more vengeance on other people than the ABLP as long as they don’t support them. You minions attack people like the rabid DOG that you support. No one dare cross the line with you ‘ablp ‘chit’ eaters’ as Kublai sings.
        UPP does not have money, the means nor power to exercise vengeance, and it’s not vengeance with the ‘turncoats’ mentioned in your tirade: IT IS THE LACK OF PRINCIPLE- THESE PEOPLE CAN BE BOUGHT, JUST LIKE DWAYNE FOR 30 PIECES OF SILVER. Let them do like MOSES and suffer persecution with the people of God, rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a moment.
        Look at how your Sean Bird was attacked and pilloried by the TOP DAWG because he joined the UPP.
        All you guys do everyday is just attack, attack, attack anything that is against the ABLP.
        Poor, Audley Phillip is attacked mercilessly by tenman and others on here because he criticises the administration. YOU GUYS ARE NOTHING but SOBS 🤢

  7. Kudos to Sir Watt for most times getting it right. Yes being human he may make an error but he usually gets it right. His consistent record is why clients seek him out and are willing to pay highly for his service (some others hang around the jail hoping for the desperate). This is a man whose legal training aided him in showing the UPP bully Baldwin Spencer, had no respect for our laws and courts

  8. The mercenaries are coming out in full force. They think that the have achieved something but whatever they are saying is elementary. Mr. Michael is still one of them and his behavior is representative of the policy of the ALP. They are all upset with him for clowning Gaston out of the EC $5 million from the sale of the property in the vicinity of Willikies. The cheater has been cheated. They like to know that he’s rich while they are licking salt. Absolutely no respect for their families or themselves.

  9. No one is disputing that the speaker has the power to act on behalf of parliament and how it is govern, but the question is how long you will suspend Asot for, that’s question.

    The man has been out long enough for crying out loud .the length of this suspension is bias at best.

    Enough is Enough.

  10. @ tenman
    I thought you HAD MORE SENSE THAN THAT, but just like the spinner you are with your elaborate board fee, you very well know why the GOAT had to be removed, because he would not go quietly.
    One of the basic principle in business and life (at least not for Gaston and the likes of you, and that is why he and Gerald knock one head) is that the one who leads MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY- it is called humility and good leadership.
    Gerald and Gaston both HAVE NONE. Go figure!

  11. Our judiciary has descended to levels of spinelessness and compromise, highlighting the selfishness of people as a whole. The corruption here runs deep and we can expect nothing better from the minions.
    The 1000 Watt bulb violated all kinds of parliamentary guidelines yet the courts could not even at least highlight these? At heart, Asot is a Labourite and will not speak of what he knows for fear of incriminating himself.
    First, we remove ALP from office, then let the investigations begin. Time is not on their side. Their bell tolls.

  12. Sad sad sad how you guys always try to bring the judiciary in to your politics. Just the other day when they threw out the case brought against Mr. Simon, you guys praised the judiciary. Now that you do not like the ruling, you accuse the judiciary of being politically biased. So, they are only good when their verdict suits you. Grew up and understand that sometimes you win sometimes you lose. Just like when the BPM took the government to the Privy Council, the highest court they thought would be their saving grace. But since the judgement is not what they wanted they claim not to abide by the court ruling.

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