FAMILY MEMBER: We are seeking the assistance of the public to identify the person responsible for hitting the wall fence of Agnes Chaia Residence at Coolidge and fled the scene.
It is believed that the vehicle is small in size, and the left side should be damaged. A rear window visor and a hubcap were recovered from the scene.
Please if anyone has any information please contact the Coolidge Police Station.
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Shuups for a lot of folks right now there’s more important things like jobs and food on the table
Are you saying it is okay to destroy the property of others? I hope this property owner finds the person and have him/her arrested. This is not a damn joke.
@ RED Go F yourself Red boy.
How many people that are struggling as I speak gives a rats ass about a wall that got knocked down .
You think it’s a joke for families to choose between taking a substance in their body that they don’t want or putting food on the table.
Do you think it’s a joke that pensioners are not getting their money on time and even when they do it’s not enough.
Do you think it’s a joke that I spoke to a Government employee and they told they haven’t gotten paid for last month .
It’s never okay to destroy property but folks have a whole lot of issues to deal with besides a busted down fence.
Get a grip on real life real issues and basic necessities that’s facing so many.
If you care so much and so touchy about it contact the good folks about wall through ANR and have it fixed for them or sit your ass down and be quiet and stop trying a sound hero.
All of the things you mentioned. The Administration needs to make those things right. It has nothing to do with the destruction of private citizens properties. How could you justify such a thing knowing it to be wrong.
@Red Kool Aid…It is obvious that “Oh Well” has some mental challenges.
You are a political clown with your lies. No Government worker was paid late or is owed a salary just Stop the lies…… 17-0
How did all this talk of pensioners come into play when the problem is a damage wall?
Well well this just proves that y’all will create an argument where one isn’t necessary.
But since we’re talking about “struggling people” do you think it’s OK for someone to destroy another person’s property and not take accountability for it?
These are struggling times and who do you think the burden now rest on? The property owner.
So you think it’s cool to leave him/her with all that to sort out?
My thoughts the driver should have put on there big boy pants and talked to the owner
I hope it happens to your fence. But by your angry post if it happens you would hunt down the person and beat the crap out of them or worse.
Look for a medical student with a damaged vehicle 😂🤣😂🤣
So no one see this car hit and move from the scene?
That is so very unfortunate. I hope they’re found.
Only a fool can turn a broken fence into a Political tirade.
Tell that to ‘Oh Well’ him/her bought up the politics.
I was there and was a night in 2021 long time ago , I saw the lady from the house speak with the driver of the car and now they’re looking for the driver ???? Serious ????
I was was wondering if this was another crash into the fence. For I know there was a crash last last year. Possibly about sept or Oct. But still, I hope they find the person who destroyed the fence if they’ve gone missing.
The fence is personal property
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