Prime Minister Gaston Browne has asked residents whether they can picture Opposition leader Jamale Pringle as leader of the country.
Browne asked the question rhetorically on the basis that UPP Leader Harold Lovell will not win his seat in the next general election.
The Prime Minister has also branded Lovell as the worst Minister of Finance the world has ever seen.
He made the criticism of Lovell and the UPP in this clip below while speaking on Pointe FM.
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. Even Lovell himself sheepishly admitted this to Darren Matthew-Ward
Really don’t know where UPP going with that washed-up has been of a poiltician. Again, Lovell this is what happens when you badplay Joanne Massiah for party leadership. What goes around comes around buddy.
It is official these headline are not news worthy, nough is enough.
ANR definitely has a benefactor that is spewing these headlines.
.UPP please back raise them and level the field.
Not a news worthy item.
We know it is not the truth.
Not a factual statement.
We lived it and we know
The sky is PINK
WOW. WOW Harold Lovell in the Guinness Book of records for losing the most elections in the world. Harold is still the POLITICAL LEADER of UPP ????? Something is definitely wrong with UPP
It is so sad that is how history will remember#HFWL. His LLCs are the most worthless set of people to ever vie for political office.
ANR, Why are you doing this? Are you a part of the Gaston Browne propaganda machinery. You have gone too far. Every utterance of Gaston Browne on Pointe FM irrespective of verasity is repeated in this news portal. What are you trying to prove. Do you owe Gaston money? Are you trying to get duty free concessions? Do you need Cabinet approval for something.
There is something behind this UPP bashing! What you are doing is not right!
Please advise me as to the edition of the Guinness Book of Records in which this article appears. Was it 2014? If so how come we did not know of it before.
Rather, I think that the Prime Minister might be off his medication so he is hallucinating.
Poor Gaston, we all know that you have problems in certain areas.
Some on this platforrm constantly remind what a wonderful decision my family and myself made 31 years ago to leave this mess.
I don’t know if it’s a lack of education or it’s culturally ingrained but , the ignorance in these comments section is overly ,stifflinly ignorant and at times embarrassing .
There’s no wrong even when it’s clear .
There’s no right even when it’s clear
Silly followers only see party or color continue to squabble in the mess with like pig eating pig food . Like sand ⏳ through the hour glass the buffoonery will pass to next generation .
Brainwashed with the red and blue cool aid nonsense EDUCATION***???I think it is the small island syndrome, idleness , ignorance, sort of rejection to critical thinking, as the blind leads the blind all choked with the lack of principles and morality, and all to do with money, riches and power … No healing in a sick place but just dirty and corrupt minds passed on from generation to generation there is a very few but a preserved seed that must protected from contamination if not we are all doomed
The truth really hurts.
Them UPP charlatans and their cronies can’t take the heat.
LMAS. PM you’re so right. They can’t take the heat. See how they are using all kind of foul language that should have been redacted. But the editor I guess doesn’t care about foul language on his website
Sidelines: What Gaston Browne is spewing about Lovell being the worst Finance Minister in the world. Is absolutely nonsense. You profess to be so smart/bright. To the contrary not smart /bright at all.
Now if you ask ERIC (THE RED) and JUST SAYING to produce evidence to prove their contention that Harold Lovell was the worst Minister of Finance in the world they would not be able to produce a shred of evidence. Nonetheless they continue to repeat this hogwash from their leader Gaston Browne. Yes, Harold Lovell was the skillful Finance Minister that got this country through the world’s financial crisis of 2009, at the same time that the genius Gaston Browne was denying the existence of any such crisis.
Gaston Browne you seem to be the one not being able to take the heat. Boy! things must be really heating up with election drawing near and you have nothing tangible to show. As some one asked what would you have done without the CIP? What will the next election gimmick be 1000 homes (or jobs) in 1000 days?
Charles you desperately seeking the Pm’s attention. But sad enough for you, he is not taking you on.
But tell me Tabor, are you the lawyer that advised Mr. Pringle on the Defense Amendment bill 2021. http://laws.gov.ag/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Defence-Amendment-Bill-2021.pdf
I mean for a little 5-page document Pringle cannot even read for himself and understand? And on top of that the lawyer had to misguide the poor boy. getting licks left right and center again in Parliament. I mean I notice this website didn’t even touch the story. But like always it was a complete embarrassment displayed by Pringle once again. I wonder when he will see that he is been setup time and time again to fail. And if you are that lawyer you will have to be ashame of yourself.
How can Harold Lovell Lead a Political Party when He is currently in HIGH COURT facing a CRIMINAL CHARGE ??? Just asking !!!!!
P.J.CAMERALL does being involved in a criminal matter bar you from politics or leadership in a political party? The comments of you guys are getting more and more nonsensical and vapid.
He’ll do it from prison. Like Choksi
Only they seem to know how the case will go.
Let’s see the audited reports of the IMF on the performance of the Antiguan and Barbudan economy from 2010 thru 2020. By the way Gaston. O is a letter not a number. Correct your speech. My 7 year old would have chastised for that!
The greediest and worst PM of all time that will sell out his people to enrich himself, should remain silent
Wasn’t it Lovell who sold his soul for a few drummettes and spinach quiches just to get a photo of at the opening of UWI Five Islands??
Wasn’t he the one who sold out his soul and allow a certain hotelier to hold on to a huge chunk of our ABST??
Wasn’t it Lester Bird who signed the deal with the hotel? Just because your leader chat lies doesn’t make them true.
You all call P.M Browne the worst but you willing to put Mr. Lovell as leader of our country??? You all forgot about the John Ashe situation? If he didn’t die Lovell may be in jail right now.. u all forgot that is them that have Antigua full a Chinese? You all forgot that when young Antiguans was looking for work Chinese Syrians n Spanish had them all? That y they got voted out…ALL THESE POLITICIANS ARE CORRUPT AND ITS ASHAME….but upp was wayyyy more CORRUPT THAN THE ABLP… you all that keep blaming everything on GASTON…. Is the ones that benefit from SUCH party being in power there is no way they are better for our country… best Joanne was leader of upp… that’s y most upp ministers jump ship or was let go because they know what was happening first hand… u mean to tell me all those veteran upp candidates not there anymore?WHY??? And is Lovell you all chose? GIVE ME A BREAK
Only people I respect ✊🏾 on there ballot is BOWEN… cuz I know he is for the ppl… not overlooking his past… but not everyones past speaks for there present… and Mr. Pilgrim… once he can get ppl out of his ears 👂🏾 n lead like he was voted to do
That can only be based on some bullshit that Gaston Browne continue to pull out of his ass.
And to no surprise, his ass eating surfs will agree with him. No need to mention them and waste time, we all know who they are. When you see them in public, they are the ones with dingleberries hanging off their Browne lips.
HON.GASTON BROWNE ..You are correct Charlesworth Tabor and UPP cannot take the heat. What are They going to do when the election is called and the BIG RED MACHINE is rolled out. Charlesworth Tabor the PAID Advisor to HAROLD LOVELL is suffering from a case of FORGETFULNESS. Tabor is the LONEWOLF defending HAROLD LOVELL and UPP. Tabor you will never be ATTORNEY GENERAL. Bunch of LOSERS.
I hear the prime minister throw this nonsensical accusation at Lovell but I remember that the whole world was faced with a crises then and governments around the world had challenges. Yet when Alp took power the former government, with Lovell as Finance minister, left a good foundation for them to build on
This lie won’t fly anymore. When I compare Gaston and Lovell as min of finance, I really think Lovell did a better job.
Lovell is the worst finance minister, why? His wife wasn’t made a millionaire with substantial assets. His children didn’t become rich by buying and selling crown lands and getting all the jobs with their construction equipment. He didn’t give government lands in Fryes to his baby mama. He didn’t become a farmer to take over the farming business from the poor Antiguan farmers. And by the way, how much rent is Gaston paying for the government lands his farm occupies and what are the terms of the lease? You will soon hear that He owns the farm lands. Lovell didn’t give away the lands in Antigua and Barbuda to foreigners. Lands which should be there for future generations.
Why is Antigua still a rubbish heap after fifty years of labour rule? You say Gaston is the smartest finance minister, so maybe he can show us his plans for making Antigua the Singapore of the Caribbean. His government can only talk about a new cemetery but can’t build one.
Only one thing I will give Gaston credit for and that is keeping the Bank of Nova Scotia and Royal Bank local.
You like a finance minister that fools you with big chat and does little for the people, while he and his family get richer and richer.
Yo give me some of whatever u somking!!! Nobody can compare to Harold Lovell aka Mr IMF aka Mr Giveaway our ABST aka Mr Romantic Rhythm aka Mr Lost More Elections than He Won and the list goes on🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
FROM THE SIDELINE if you genuinely think that I am trying to get Gaston Browne’s attention then you are really more uninformed and daft than I previously thought.
I have been trying to get a land to move from the situation that I am currently in because I am a government worker making 1500 a month the banks will not approve me and I am an Antiguan .. foreigners are coming here and buying our lands soon they’ll be no lands for us …. I have my children, I am in a one bedroom and nobody can help me. Parents are out here stressed wondering what can they do to come out of rent in these time none of these governments are for the people….I need a land to put myself into a better situation for my children and myself …..not even a food package, groceries gone up and my little 1500 is the same smh . Nobody cares soon from now plenty suicide will happen as it gets worst and we have no where to turn toooo…thanks slot ministers for absolutely nothing
Imagine a government worker making $1500 per month. How are these people suppose to live? No wonder crime is on the rise. You can’t even find a one bedroom apartment for less than $1000 per month.
Gaston needs to let go all the non nationals on government payroll and use the savings to pay a decent wage to Antiguans. The public service is bloated with unnecessary workers. Let the non nationals go home to their own country as there are no jobs in Antigua. Why should civil servants live in poverty because the labour government is only concerned about votes?
Guy, I feel your pain. Talk to your friends and people in this same situation, and vote wisely the next election. When you keep voting for the same old same old, you get the same result over and over.
The visionary Leader is a Master of controlling the narratives weekly. Look how he have them dancing in the wind spouting their foolishness. GB you’re the best continue to expose those Cockroaches..
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