Commissioner of Police Atlee Rodney said:
“Well, they are coming from overseas. We know that. We have intercepted quite a few firearms and ammunition. Last year, we had a large quantity, around 600 rounds of ammunition, in a single operation at the port.
For this year, we have already recovered close to 15 firearms, some at the port and others through intelligence efforts.
Recently, there have been discussions about our limited communication regarding our success in intercepting these weapons. It seems that sometimes the weapons arrive incomplete, intentionally limited in parts.
This approach may be a way to evade detection. Instead of finding fully assembled pistols, we often come across individual components such as barrels or trigger guards.
However, these fragmented firearms are later assembled by those involved in the smuggling process, indicating their creativity in avoiding scrutiny.
We are actively working on addressing this issue at the local level, but there are also regional efforts underway through the CARICOM Impacts Intelligence Unit. The primary objective of this unit is to collect and analyze all relevant data.
By sharing information about a firearm recovered in Antigua, we can trace its journey from the manufacturer to our territory.
This system is supported by the U.S. government, with assistance from the ATF leading the charge alongside Interpol’s tracing system.
It is worth noting that the majority of the weapons we encounter come from North America, rather than Brazil or South America. While this is a concern, it aligns with the trends observed in other countries across the region.
Homicide rates, as presented in the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Trinidad, indicate that nearly 90% of violent crimes, especially homicides, involve firearms. This highlights the urgency to address this issue collaboratively.
This update provides insight into the ongoing efforts to combat firearm smuggling in Antigua.”
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😀 GO FOR IT! Thank GOD we can count on the police force to tackle this problem.
Even though there is a deportee in my OWN family (hangs head in shame). I am SHOCKED and DISMAYED that the country took back dangerous criminals from the USA and just RELEASED them into unsuspecting villages and towns.
Former drug dealers and gang members from the USA are experts at crime and violence. If they don’t get education in how to behave/work etc, they can corrupt others and continue their lives of crime with their connections from the states.
The other issue is citizens from drug and gang HOTSPOTS like Italy and the Netherlands setting up shop on the island. Those countries are REELING from violence, guns and drugs. The gangsters kill Italian government officials and have threatened the Dutch Royal family.
They know how to move guns and OTHER weapons and seem to be ADDICTED to dirty money. Many of them have left a trail of fear, blood and tears in the countries they are from. Cut them DOWN if they have DARED to set up shop on our island.
It makes my blood BOIL that gang members think that Antigua is easy picking for them. They are LOSERS. Sadly, they are also a serious threat. Our police need the BEST technology and protection, body armor, spy satellite access, drones etc. AND ample funding.
Expert-level criminals have obviously infiltrated the society and they have managed to corrupt and convert too many other young people. How DARE they try to run that many guns on ANTIGUA?!! Please get the HEAD of this snake and crush it thoroughly!
Some years ago, I was driving around the island, and I think I heard gunshots. A GUN range?! If there is a gun range on Antigua and it is NOT for the ARMY or the POLICE, they must be shut down and JAILED or DEPORTED AND their assets confiscated by the state.
GODSPEED to our police. Everyone must support them. God protect all of you. God protect the victims, and GOD keep our populace from succumbing to crime, fear and violence.
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