Gun Battle Reported Near Central Marketing Corporation; Residents Advised to Exercise Caution



Reports indicate a gun battle near Central Marketing Corporation (CMC).


Law enforcement has not yet released an official statement.

Residents in the area are advised to exercise caution.

Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.





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  1. the wild wild west movie scenes, I don’t want to live in ANU any more.
    These are very frightening days and I’m only here like a few days now….from murder of a teen girl to robberies to shoot out in the streets, what is happening ?
    I am never coming here ever again, this place is not safe especially for tourists and family visiting.
    My expectations were shattered thankfully not by a bullet.

  2. I lived in Chicago for 6 years and this behavior was a regular thing , so stop acting like your place is better..

  3. That’s the attitude! When the tourists stop coming, things will get even worse!

    Not a case of which place is better, it’s a case of Antigua no longer being the paradise that people thought/want it to be!

  4. So you want to compare Chicago with hundreds of murders years to Antigua. The West side gethos of Chicago alone have more people than the population of Antigua

  5. The devil know his time short so he will do everything to scare people. By prayer and supplication to God Almighty this will come to an end. Divine ideas and solutions will be supplied and applied by grace.

    This is a promise

  6. This happens every couple years.. We have an uptick in crime, our boys in grey take them out and life goes on..i still wldnt live anywhere else. Ride off antigua back..

  7. Not concerned because i am a tourist of many years, but concerned of the reputation your island may receive due to the latest violence. Your island thrives on tourism and it would be a shame for people to stop coming because of this. Many US tourists follow the State Department guides for foreign violence. I hope this is not a fad.

  8. “Justice too long delayed is justice denied”

    When the government doesn’t make sure that the laws are applied evenly to everyone, even the street thugs, petty criminals, and hard core murderers notices.
    If we want really want a society that is free from crime and violence, then we need to punish EVERYONE that commits crime and violence. The killing of Manny James was a CRIME!
    So, the government FIRST needs to be the change they want to see.
    It shouldn’t become acceptable that the police gets a free pass for killing an unarmed person just for running AWAY from them.

  9. @ Mesiah – no disrespect but not getting robbed and killed on a regular basis IS better, and we’re trying to keep it that way

  10. We have syrians, Chinese and white people living here, am I correct? Are they the ones on the streets, killing, robbing, raping, shooting out? Why is that so? And it happens in st. Kitts, Jamaica, south side of Chicago? Right? Same demographics, right? Why is that so? I wonder what is the crime rate percentage in Japan, Malaysia. Compare and contrast. Black people, black men, broken homes, fatherless homes. No love of self. What is wrong with us as a people?? Think about it.

  11. Syrians, Chinese and white people are the ones getting all the opportunity….so shut the fuck up!! you have other demographics other than black people at the helm of our establishments why? why only certain people in Antigua making decent money to do fuck all especially hotel….while the local black people get treated and paid differently why is that??
    how Gaston aquire his riches is ONDCP watching that?? why a certain hotel brought it nearly 50 men from overseas to do construction on their rooms ……have them working around the clock cause they don’t want use the locals who will be governed under out labor code? they pay flights for all dem man house and feed them and pay them little bit of money cause they know they can’t to that to Antiguans…so where we to find construction work?

  12. Yes, many of us black descendants of slaves clearly have issues. Society should work to correct root causes of poverty, our local crabs in a barrel mentality, fatherlessness, and crime. Poverty solutions are obvious. Education, job and entrepreneurship opportunities are already being made available and can be improved a bit. We should ensure that young people know what all their options are. Perhaps there should be more career fairs and talks at schools. Fatherlessness solutions would involve perhaps teaching young people proper respectful treatment of the opposite gender so they can have lasting healthy relationships. Perhaps have successful older couples tell their stories and give advice. Crabs in a barrel fixes might involve having young people practice teaming up to work on mini businesses together e.g. as regular school projects. If concrete steps are actually taken to help people learn how to work together, perhaps the social problems can be alleviated and crime and violence can be reduced. Above all we need to not worry what other races think about our appearance or material status and just focus on participating in building a good society. Focus on the tasks at hand and forget all the hyperemotional melodrama.

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