The Governor-General of Antigua and Barbuda, His Excellency Sir Rodney Williams was admitted on 11 June 2019 to the Freedom of the City of London at a ceremony held at Guildhall.
His Excellency, now a Citizen of London, accepted the Freedom as a recognition of the enduring bond of friendship between Antigua and Barbuda, the United Kingdom and the wider Commonwealth.
The ceremony was officiated by the Remembrancer and Chief of Protocol of the City of London in the presence of a distinguished company, including the Governor-General’s spouse, Lady Williams, civic officials and the High Commissioner of Antigua and Barbuda, Her Excellency Karen-Mae Hill. The presentation was followed by a private lunch hosted by the Remembrancer.
The Freedom of the City of London has existed since 1237 and has been presented ever since to merchants, members of livery companies and others with strong links to the City.
The Freedom has been presented to many distinguished figures throughout history and the ceremony is one of the oldest continuing traditions in the United Kingdom.
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Give Duncy Bat the keys to the city and I will solve the Brexit issue!
This man does travel non-stop! Every week he in another part of the world for some photo opportunity. Who pays for that? He never here!
I wish the Governor-General would fight more against the EU, US, and UK when it comes to how these places bully and try to push down Antigua on issues like banking and CIP. Frankly, the UK has done almost nothing for Antigua and Barbuda on the issue of hurricane relief and financial aid. And even if the UK does provide hurricane help, it is usually in the form of ridiculous loans.
This Governor-General seems to be more interested in gaining personal awards from the UK rather than aggressively fighting for the interests of Antigua and Barbuda. I will be happy with a new Governor-General, a more aggressive one, rather than one that just goes to cocktail parties and social circle events in London. I respect this current Governor-General and think well of him, but I think it is time for change.
Please PM Browne, appoint a new Governor-General that is much more aggressive and outspoken in the advocacy for Antigua and Barbuda, and for Caribbean nations overall.
You wish the GG would fight more against the UK? Um…er….the GG represents The Queen. So you want him to fight against himself?
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