The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda, meeting on Thursday, December 10, 2020, reviewed the fiscal position of the Government, and the revenue intake of the Treasury, the Statutory Corporations, and the several Government Authorities. The fiscal state of the Government is severely challenged as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, and its impact on economic activity since March 2020.
The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda has therefore determined that the Treasury, the Statutory Corporations, and the state’s several Authorities are not now in a position to pay bonuses, or to make advances to staff. The difficult position in which the government bodies find themselves, commenced nearly nine months ago when borders were closed, and those conditions will not dissipate for a few months yet.
The Cabinet determined that the conditions in the major markets with which Antigua and Barbuda carries on trade—whether in goods or services—are not likely to improve until after the first quarter of 2021. Consequently, no bonus payments will be paid in 2020.
The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda regrets this set of circumstances. Nevertheless, the Government has ensured that all workers employed by the Statutory Corporations, the several Government Authorities, and by the Central Government have received their wages and salaries in full and on-time.
The Cabinet appreciates the forbearance and patience of all workers who may have counted on the bonuses and the advances which would normally have been paid. The global Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted all economies, resulting in lay-offs and terminations of many employees in Antigua and Barbuda, and around the world. Not a single employee of the Statutory Corporations, the Government Authorities, and employees of the Central Government has been laid-off.
The Government of Antigua and Barbuda will continue to engage the several bargaining agents of the workers on the issue of paying bonuses.
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Its sad that you have to tell people that they will get no bonus this year. I though every well thinking individual would realize things are not normal. But as I have said before Antiguans are going about life as if there is no Pandemic and no economic down turn. Supermarkets are full to the brim and Barrett is even opening a new one where someone just failed. No wonder why we are the envy of the Caribbean and IMF and others refuse to give us grants and soft loans.
@Sideline. But they will still get ham and turkeys rolled out of a truck onto the ground where they will fight to get them. All the while, Self-enrichment continues for the ‘comraids’.
So tighten your belts those who gave us our jobs. We will fatten ourselves while you will be reduced to beggars; won’t even get the monies due to you.
And, according to this poster, you should just ban your belly and applaud.
FROM THE SIDELINE there you go again with promulgating pure rubbish. By the way, even little St. Kitts and Nevis (our next door neighbour) envy us. Your argument is so flawed it is ridiculous.
Tabor I don’t expect you to agree with my views. But at least let hear yours.
2008/9 we went through hard time less then what we are seeing now. Stanford was used to give bonuesses each quarter and for the first time a memo went out to all staff members that this year due to the economic downturn in the economy and the stockmarkets taken a beating the company will not be giving any bonusses this year. Many felt bad, but many appreciate the fact that there were no layoff the entire time. And that what is important now. The UPP went through the same thing and acctually said to their supporters no ham and turkey that year because they had no money. The one off the only representatives that didn’t let down his constituants was Asot Michael. Everyone got their ham and turkey. However the die hard UPP supporters has always rejected his gifts seeing them as bribes. And for the blogger I never answers please do not confuse what the party does and what the government does. The party may find monies from donors to give Ham and Turkey as a Xmas gift but the government may be broke and cannot afford given anything. The party have wealthy supporters like Mr. Ayers who may be called upon to make a donation and many others in Jumby Bay and Mill Reef.
No mention of overtime owed to workers since 2019???
Smh the audocity
All the MP’s should be taking a pay cut. The “leaders” are “bleeders”.
All they have accomplished is filling their pockets by bleeding the country and its citizens dry. Their “creative enrichment” scheme has been working for them at our expense.
Bragged months ago that he didn’t need his salary because he’s so wealthy.
So why is he still talking a salary during a pandemic?
These current and former politicians are robbing the country blind
From the side lines,obviously you do not read Caribbean news. St.kitts let antigua looks like we are in reverse. They have just announced they are going to build the largest Solar panel farm in the Caribbean. They too is facing the virus,and was able to offer their people stimulus . Plus antigua”s opened up it’s boarders way before them,yet they are giving more stimulus. People like you must stop wearing blinders and follow what is going on in Antigua.
Antigua has a con artist, shyster selling off the country to the highest briber and enriching himself
St. Kitts has real leader that was also implicated in the Peter Virdee Scandal.
When are we getting a raise..cost of living is to high..plus S.S ..is rising again from nx month…lord please help up
I know where the government can save some money to pay these workers. Stop allowing Ron Sanders to throw away taxpayers Money. Ron is fighting me in court when I am willing to settle for money I earned. Taxpayers, pensioners, Ron Sanders is spending thousands of tax payers dollars frivolously. Tell Gaston to look into that. Enough to pay at least 20 pensioners for months.
These are hard times and Ron should volunteer to take a cut in pay along with all of the MPs until the pandemic is over.
The previous Admin owes me since 2011and me can’t get me money but the want me to pay property tax. Socisl security can’t pay me pension, what the hell must I do. I am a sick woman and need medication. APUA bill that is sooooo high take just the government pension.
All them free concert were waste of money. Barbuda Airport was waste of money and so much more waste monies.Antigua needs purging.
Can somebody please tell me what winning formula St Kitts is using to be so successful. We need to copy it.
That is a lie. They have fired at least one staff member from ABS during these unprecedented times. And unfairly to boot.
And MONTHS later, not even the AG’s office has made good on its promise to in GOOD FAITH at least pay the vacation pay which is owed to him and not negotiable.
The government in this case seems to be encouraging CRIME. Because I’d you wrongfully fire a man and not even paying him the vacation pay he has already earned, you are pushing your citizen into a corner. And these desperate times call for desperate measures, so if you wont release his money from him to attend to his minor children, something else may have to give.
Also for those who love to screenshot, kindly advise the PM that his OWN constituent is waiting urgently and desperately for the release of the monies so she can get HERS out of it
When you think you punishing one, you punishing many more and your own at that. Grow up. You have wronged this man in law, the LEAST you can do is release the vacation pay. That is not even a negotiable issue. You fire someone or they resign, you MUST pony up their vacation pay.
The money has BEEN in the system at Treasury for month, let it out
Remember we are in desperate times, which may call for desperate measures especially if the government who should try to protect you during these horrid times is actually the author making it worse for you and their OWN supporters.
I trust that we won’t be myopic and will realise the circle of hardship. It labour party supporters need to be IN the circle, I assure you they are.
The year soon done. Fix it. This is the time for government to be COMPASSIONATE.
Fix it, Mr PM. You own poor constituent is waiting for her money.
And while you’re at it, please tell your Ministers to stop embarrassing you and costing your government more money.
Pay UP at least the vacation amount. If you can’t count on the ATTORNEY GENERAL’s office and their good faith, then it sounds like one is being pushed to last resort measures.
The run-around is finished now.
This sounds horrible and unconscionable especially in these times. May God intervene to help the monies be released to you.
@D. So sorry to hear of your plight but sadly, this is the spiteful M.O of this government. I am sure you can recall that they did a similar thing to a former governal general out of pure spite.
Recall the Five Island school, a decision out of pure spite.
Its important that Antiguans keep a clear account of the actions of this government and dont use false narratives, ‘all ah dem a de same’, to keep this govt in power. Meanwhile, the citizenry is being taken to the cleaners al9ng with their children and grand children….
Regardless of what this govt and their minions say, we are not in a good place- a short look across the waters to St Kitts & Nevis will confirm this. There is no reason why we should be in this position except for the robbery of the populace over time.
Take stock people; if indeed you love your children.
If election would be called now, money will come from all angles
Listen up commentators,
I want y’all to be aware of certain things that’s going on in Foreign Affairs but am in court right now. It is unconscionable. The Government of Antigua and Barbuda does not look out for it”s citizens. Gaston is quite aware of what is going on and he is allowing Ron Sanders to do this to me. Meanwhile, Ron Sanders is collecting upwards of USD 15000,00 per month of taxpayers dollars in addition to many other Perks while Antiguans suffer. I promise, the amount of money Sanders wasting can help some of the pensioners and those who can’t get their monthly salary. Very soon I will let you all know everything. We must demand that Ron Sanders be relieved of his duties. All facts, they cannot deny any of it.
I heard a recording of Gaston Browne.He was saying that Hams and Turkeys would be given out for Christmas.HIP,HIP,HIP,HOORAY. For Comrades only:The Hams and Turkeys are coming before Christmas.
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