Government Warning Sparks Barbudans’ Resistance to Land Ownership Dispute


The Barbuda Land Rights and Resources Committee (BLRRC) has publicly denounced government efforts to manipulate public opinion regarding land distribution on the island.

The Attorney General, Steadroy Benjamin, recently cautioned Barbudans against what he termed “illegal acts” following reports of the Barbuda Council urging residents to occupy and fence off lands.

The BLRRC disputed these claims, asserting that Barbudans have lawfully allocated Council land for decades to build homes and sustain their families.

The ongoing dispute centers on changes to the Registered Land Act and concerns over the Gravenor Bay development project, which residents fear could threaten Barbuda’s ecology.

The committee pledged to resist what they call a “shameless land grab” by the government.





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  1. When Barbudans believe that even after the ruling of the Privy Council that the land is theirs to do as they like, well they will have another thing coming. Antigua and Barbuda is a Unitary State and the Laws of Antigua are also the laws for Barbuda. In Antigua no one can go and fence crown land and call it theirs. So why Barbudans think they can do so?
    Lawlessness will not prevail.

    • Would you ,kindly, explain,Barbuda and the land issues,,,from its conception,,,please.
      I am ignorant on this topic.

      • Then stay ignorant, cause if you really want to know you would go to the Privy Council’s website and read the judgement. Those who wants to remain ignorant, continue. It’s has never been used an excuse in a court of law

  2. The Privy Council ruling never stipulated that NERO should give away Barbuda lands to interlopers and receive US $12M as kickback.

  3. In the USA Trump called on his supporters to march to the Capital and take back their country. Many that did so are now regretting it. But too late they are now facing jail time. That is exactly what will happen to these Barbudans that are listening to the council member. And like Trump these leaders will be dragged in front of the court for their share in inviting this lawlessness.

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