Government to embark on ‘Medicinal Cannabis’ production


The Governor General Sir Rodney Williams at the Throne Speech today announced that the government will, “be granting a few licenses to specially selected farmers to grow cannabis for medicinal purposes.”

The Governor General did not, however, indicate the number of farmers who will be selected, the process by which they will be selected nor the scale of the proposed upcoming joint-venture.

“The plants will be grown, harvested and processed,” he continued, “for the exclusive purpose of turning the vegetation into medicines that will be sold here in Antigua and Barbuda only—for domestic use by residents and visitors.”

Sir Rodney went onto say that there is no intention at this time for there to be any exportation of the “cannabis medicines” produced here.

The medicines will be produced by laboratories that are specially licensed and controlled, and their products tested for standards to which they must conform.

“The economic benefit to our trained pharmacists, chemists, plant scientists and others involved in the process can only be beneficial to our citizenry,” he said.

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