Government Dedicates $15 Million to Crime Fighting


The government has allocated $15M to combat crime in Antigua and Barbuda.

On Wednesday, the Cabinet revealed that $5.4M of this budget will be used to enhance law enforcement with new vehicles, vessels, drones, and communication equipment.

The initiative aims to address gun-related crimes and improve the identification of suspects using advanced technology.

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  1. I am in agreement there need to be more tools in fighting crimes. However, I would love to see those who are experts in the field participating to determine what is really needed and how they will utilize it strategically to fight crime. Get an expert panel with those with advance knowledge in criminology, policing, national security, social science, calculus, statistics, etcetera. PLEASE.

    FOR YEARS, there was some money, some tools and equipments, but what never happened, is a unit or panel of advance experts watching, data collecting, analyzing, researching, strategizing, guiding, advising, etcetera.

    Using actually what is currently happening and getting deep into it and providing policies that reduces, attack, obstruct and intercept crimes in its core and at its surface imminently.

    No one has mentioned this one thing but me. This is the most important step. You do not have to pay these experts, well some of them I believe.

  2. The Prime Minister has said recently that there are over 400 repeat offenders walking free. Some are armed and dangerous, he stated.

    This only shows support for what I have always been saying, experts who can study these kinds of criminals are vital in understanding them and providing policing techniques and other policies on how to properly deal with such criminals using what we have learned from them, during our study of them, to secure the nation.

    Ask yourself this, has this since the existence of Antigua and Barbuda ever happened? No.

    Do you think this is where the best new and innovative policing and policies would would derive? Yes.

    They are repeat offenders who have “advanced” in their field of criminality.

    They have been trying to find ways to commit crimes and avoid capturing. It is time we learn from them, criminals, repeat offenders, and use that information to better protect our society, deter criminal behavior, and condition our people out of being criminals.

    This can only occur with a panel/unit of intelligence and national security unit made up of experts in psychology, psychiatry, criminology, criminal justice, sociology, statistics, calculus, researchers, juvenile correction experts, corrections experts, policing experts, etcetera with an advance degree of exceptional ability within their fields they have studied for years.

    This is the one thing that makes the most sense, but have never ever been tried by anyone in Antigua and Barbuda.


    A highly commendable ‘…State’s Investment Against Crime.

    A ‘…Resourcefully Prudent’ commitment of ‘…State Resources.’


    That which ‘…CABINET’ might be:

    (i) ‘…Visually ‘…SHORT-SIGHTED’ on : or

    (ii) …Dangerously blind-folded, and seemingly in ‘DENIAL,’ or too naive , is the glaring

    Lest anyone behaved ‘…UTTERLY STUPID,’ writing without fear of ‘…PROFESSIONAL CONTRADICTION.’

    With the apparent ‘…UNCHECKED SPATE OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES,’ a defenceless and horrified citizenry, and an apparent:

    (a) ‘…Vexed Police Welfare Association (PWA):

    Woman: and Child,’ could be at ‘…GREAT RISK’ in paying ‘DEARLY’ for ‘…CONTINUED
    EXECUTIVE EMBRACEMENT’ of, inter alia:

    (a) ‘…Performance that speaks to Mediocrity:

    (b) …Inefficiency:

    (c) …Impotency:

    (d) …Incompetency: and compounded by



    While ‘…ADEQUACY OF RESOURCES,’ is of vital importance, so too is ‘…ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP.’


    Both: ‘…Former Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer: and currently sitting ‘…Prime Minister. GASTON BROWNE’ had often retorted, if not repeated: ‘…LEADERSHIP MATTERS.’

    It may have been observed when the latter ‘LIFTED’ it from ‘…Former Prime Minister, Sir Lester Bryant Bird.’



    Much more like it.



  4. @Pompey, I feel good when someone say the same thing I am saying. The sad part is, accepting what we both have agreed to and is saying, to them, will seems as if they are agreement to themself being incompetent and failures. They must understand great leaders knows their strong points and utilize the skills and knowledge of others to be great leaders.

    When will they see all they are doing have no impact because they are not the pragmatic solution.

    My Friend, ‘Top of the Morning.’

    Frequently, when ‘…INDEPENDENCE OF MIND’ dictates that people say things how they saw them, people often take offence.

    Can say the time for ‘…SENTIMENTALITY’ has come, and ‘…LONG GONE.’

    The time seems right to ‘…Hold the Bull by the Horn’ and cut off its tail.

    Makes a darn delicious stew as well.

    What’s your preference ‘MWH’, the ‘…FOOT?’

    Time to ‘CUT’ them off too.

    The ‘…HEAD’ is also ‘GOOD’ for ‘…CHICKEN SOUP…? -?-?’

  6. Shuggy memorized and recited what was sent to him in a missive. He cannot be more detailed because he doesn’t understand what he was saying.

  7. @ Pompey, The head, neck and other parts of the “cow” that includes muscles are in need severing. Perhaps after doing so we will then have a delicious and safe meal to share and eat.

  8. There are Antiguan and Barbuda nationals living abroad with the knowledge and skills in such areas of crime fighting and rehabilitation. I implore on the government to try and reach out to these people and to try and offer them a chance to return back to their homeland to make a meaningful contribution to this pandemic (the rise in crime ) that have taken over our beloved nation.

  9. It baffles me that a few little tugs can have the entire country in fear. I mean this to me is ridiculous. The Chief of Police and all the other Heads of National Security need to resign. They cannot even manage these little tugs. So what if this was a Mafia Organization. With much more sophisticated plans and equipment. I mean it should take the police with all its man power no more then two weeks to roll up these little tugs and let them know that they are no match for law enforcement. I mean, these are school dropouts, guys who don’t even have their own home. They still live with their parents. Come one. You guys look stupid. Do some detective work and you will know all there names, where they live and track there movements. One can easily make one of them become an informant. Give him a phone and tag him. And I’m sure all of them have phones, so go get permission to listen to their conversations and to track the phones. I’m really disappointed in these so called high ranking men. Tugs should be dealt with like tugs. Rough. Rough them up one by one. The police has the right to pick you up on suspicion of criminal activity and hold you for 48 hours without charging you. So go ahead and start picking them up. Then we can social profile them. What are their assets and how they acquired them. if they own a car and don’t have an income stream to justify having legally bought it. Confiscate it. And if they have golden chains and rings do the same. No explanation as to how you obtain it, confiscate it. The laws are already on the book. Ill gotten gain assets will be seized by the state and auctioned. Antigua has too many of these punks driving around in Mercedes Benses and Porches, BMW’s and Lexus, and you know they are not working anywhere or have a business that generates that kind of income. Now when I, a law abiding citizen, have to watch people like that going through live unpunished it makes me angry. And concerning the youth, I can see that they then will try to be like them. And think that crime pays. And especially our young girls are attracted to these figures. Fancy cars, money, bling bling and what have you not. That’s the LIFE. Who would want to live the straight and narrow path. Go to a job and make $3000.00 a month. We need to tackle those that have that type of a lifestyle and show the youth that want to worship them, that it does not pays.
    Why do you think Uncle Sam, Canada and the European Union wants to know what assets their citizens are hiding here in our countries. Over there they are being profiled. And they have to answer how they obtained their wealth. Lets do that here as well.
    The government needs to see what is going on with the police force in Guyana, it is that very lifestyle that brought the spotlight on them. Police men walking with lots of bling bling like the criminals.
    And we also had cases here with custom officers that lived above their means, building big houses, only to find out how corrupt they were.

  10. Perhaps we need a special trained unit, like a SEAL TEAM, that would take on these tugs. Because i don’t think the police is trained and fit enough to handle these tugs without fear. We need a special unit. Trained to kill with bare hands if need to. I have seen these robbers, the manner in which they hold a gun and I can tell you, they have no clue how to shoot a gun. Anyone of them come in my space with a gun at arms length will lose their life. I was trained to disarm men with guns and even though this is many years ago. I believe I still have a change against these punks.

    The police that lost his weapon the other day against a un-trained tug, should be ashamed of himself. As I said I don’t think the police is trained at all. Therefore I call for a special unit that is trained like a SEAL TEAM to take on these little tugs.

  11. Oops! As prime minister this crisis will not be allowed to waste, I am going to charge the tax payers $15 million, that’s a self enrichment scheme right their. Oh we Antigua’s are so centrist on terms of politics, and that outdated thing of having night vision on boat is a waste, the coast guard boats in the BVI has an $800,000.00 USD FLIR camera on the boat that can stay on the sea and see people in bushes and behind objects at night, no independent country like ours will offend white monopoly capital, these white people own all the sea ports.

  12. Oops! As prime minister this crisis will not be allowed to waste, I am going to charge the tax payers $15 million, that’s a self enrichment scheme right their. Oh we Antigua’s are so centrist in terms of politics, and that outdated thing of having night vision on boat is a waste, the coast guard boats in the BVI has an $800,000.00 USD FLIR camera on the boat that can stay on the sea and see people in bushes and behind objects at night, no independent country like ours will offend white monopoly capital, these white people own all the sea ports.

  13. Another suggestion is for the government to invest in a military drone that circumnavigate our Islands with night vision so that they can surprise smugglers and fishermen that do illegal dealings on high seas where they believe the coast guard cannot reach them. This is how I believe many of the contraband are coming to our shores. Even alcohol is smuggled from St. Maarten to Antigua and Barbuda. Sometimes you wonder if no one in the Custom and IRD department can do some analysis as to the sales of Alcohol and the importation of the same. Beer companies such as Heineken do this analysis all the time to ensure there is no black market of their products. This has brought some agents in big trouble and they have lost the agency. Numbers do not lie. Government loses lots of revenue from this smuggling practices. A simple test I would have done if I’m in the IRD department is to test the sales of some of the companies, such as Restaurants and hotels with the Cost of Goods. And if the ratio is way off I know to send in the forensic auditors. It’s a pity they sit on their laurels down there.

  14. Gaston is taxing us so much and our pay remains the same especially in the private sector, our tax is to feed criminals in jail and fatten government minister pockets…everyone of them have big houses and fancy cars they don’t pay any bills and they still want things for free. Gastons buddies Barett, Yearwood and Calvin are allowed to do as they like with our land how Calvin already have 4 houses in Antigua and so much property… why Pineapple Verandah, St James, Galley Bay, Jolly Beach, Royalton pay rate is so low what the hell we to do with 500 a week after working so hard? how Gaston ad his sons so rich all of a sudden? he doesn’t wnat Antigua to be a country where everyone is comfortable he wants to oppress us just like these white hotel owners. how come we have no black owned hotels?

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