Governor General Sir Rodney Williams says the Cabinet will move ahead with recommendations to make Willoughby Bay into a city.
He told the Throne Speech that the 200-page Report of the ERC—entitled: ONE VISION ONE PURPOSE ONE NATION—that has emerged from this national think-tank, is remarkable for its clarity and vision; it serves as a blueprint to guide my Government.
He said: “the Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda—whose members served as Chairpersons of the ERC’s various sub-committees—has been reliant upon ERC guidelines that inform and influence the Cabinet’s weekly, policy-making meetings.
My Government’s plan for Willoughby Bay, growing out of the ERC proposals, will result in the creation of a new city in Antigua.
It is remarkable in its ambition.”
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Rather fix the roads in English harbour ! What a bullshit…
Immediate focus is to feed the people. The road will be fixed later on. The Willoughby project plan is a long term plan for the future. It is not taking any money from fixing the English Harbour road.
Save your money in preparation to invest in the Willoughby project so to build generational wealth for your family. The citizen need to start thinking this way; Otherwise the island will end up like Haiti in the next 50 years. Look at the City of St. Johns. Hardly any regular citizens of Antigua and Barbuda are collection rent for those properties. Local Antiguans should be collecting rent from the Shouls and the Hadeeds. If we take the PM’s plan for granted then the next 75 yeas will be bleak for your great, great grand children.
@COIN DADY. What is going to cause us to end up like Haiti, the process has started, is this never-ending open door policy for ‘wash you foot and come’ people from anywhere. That, and these self enrichment schemes for ABLP higher ups.
The government can’t even finish the sunshine car park much less build new city. I think a new city is a good idea given the mess that is St. John’s. Most of us will be long dead before this city comes to fruition. One question, who owns the lands up there?
SO the sugar mill and all the ruins from the previous town?
A new city? Pure bullshit indeed..
All now you guys can’t even update / upgrade Saint John’s city, but you talking about messing up that pristine area?
A central stage system is needed
Proper size walks
Proper parking
Proper roads
Building regulation so that it don’t like chaotic
Enforcement of covenants between the property owners / business men
A constant supply of water
More public bathrooms
Better regulation of the traffic flows
EIA done? Was it fully made public if it was done? Any consultations with nearby residents?
Boss, I encourage you to fix Saint John’s city first before you touch out there.
Oskaloosa is we can see that you can manage Saint John’s, then maybe you can get us on board for that one
Parham is a Town.Why not advanced that Town.Do an overall upgrade.It would create work for thousands.There is also a secured existing harbor in Parham.That pie in the sky new City is bull dung just that.
Pie-in-the-sky is Lovell and his pipedream of becoming PM.
Bull dung is what Jamal Pringle utters each time he opens his mouth to speak. Still desperately need some grammar lessons. Maybe Ishorna can help since his PAID “research officer” and Chairman of the UPP refuses to help him.
@Truth. Now you take sense and turn it into nonsense. Would you kill yourself if UPP wins an election?
In reference to my comment.That is all you could come up with.Go through Parham and use your imagination.That would involved forward thinking.Parham is an ideal place to be creative and advanced.
TRUTH BE TOLD the article is about the dream of the government in developing a second city as Willoughby Bay. Instead of focusing on that issue and the feasibility of the idea, you are focusing on Harold and Pringle. Where the hell does Harold or Pringle come into the discussion of the development of a second city at Willoughby Bay. You ALP commenters are really going crazy with your ridiculous and nonsensical comments. Of course the development of a second city is not a bad idea. However, even the premise on which the idea is based i.e., a TOD (transit-oriented development) is misplaced. We just continue to borrow ideas and concepts from outside and make a mess with implementation.
Grandpa told us about the begining of Willoughby City and up to now they’re still at the beginning…..
Well said. Good humour.
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