WRITE UPS 24: Prime Minister Gaston Browne listed the achievements of his Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) since coming to office in 2014. His statement comes as the country prepares for general election that is likely to be called ahead of the constitutional deadline of June 2023.
During an address at the convention on Sunday, Prime Minister Browne said that his government spent millions of dollars to advance education, health care, and housing, in addition to providing duty- and tax-free exemptions.
“I am honoured to lead the ABLP, the strongest political organisation in this hemisphere,” said Browne, who has repeatedly asked supporters to be ready for a general election.
He informed cheering supporters that the government has offered student grants totalling more than EC$240 million for preschool to university education.
Other expenditures on education included the development of the majority of secondary school facilities and the building of the fourth landed campus of the University of the West Indies at Five Islands, which he referred to as the crown gem of the country’s education system.
Browne stated that significant sums of money had been spent on improving and expanding the health care infrastructure. With more than EC$300 million spent on over 1,000 subsidised homes and more than EC$250 million in duty-free and tax waivers to facilitate car ownership, home ownership, and capital purchases for small business growth.
The ABLP, which won 15 of the 17 seats in the Parliament in the 2018 general election, endorsed its slate of candidates on Sunday, with the chairman of a Suitability Committee, Hilroy Humphreys, telling supporters that the incumbent Member of Parliament for St. Peter’s, Asot Michael, was deemed unsuitable by two of the panel’s three members.
Humphreys noted that the committee’s authority was limited to making recommendations, leaving the final selection of candidates to the convention.
Foreign Affairs Minister and ABLP Chairman E. P. Chet Greene stated in his speech that the party’s record of accomplishments over the previous eight years demonstrates its viability.
“We enacted measures to keep our economy afloat and to continue paying government employees and pensions, despite the fact that the economy had shrunk by more than 20 percent and the government had little or no money. We battled hard to ensure that at least one member every home was compensated,” he explained.
According to Greene, people are now back at work, hotels have reopened, and the country’s entry points are buzzing.
“It is undeniable that our economy is rebounding back, despite the blows inflicted by COVID-19, and only because the government of our great ABLP once again stood to the challenge of safeguarding our nation’s economy and ensuring the welfare of our people,” he continued.
The principal competitor of the ABLP will be the United Progressive Party, which gained one seat in the 2018 election.
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What about the list of failures/failed projects? This exceeds successes significantly.
What achievements Gaston. They are all in your distorted mind. The only achievement I would honestly give to your government is the opening of the UWI campus here. Other than that you have done absolutely nothing other than enrich yourself and family.
Exactly True Antiguan. Besides, can the ordinary Antiguan citizen really afford UWI? This guy is such a pathological liar, only idiots will listen to his mad ravings and distorted perceptions. Maybe it’s the rispadol talking. All I know is that for the sake of this country, we must get rid a dem.
They are now on their 5th announcement about Jolly Beach and workers are fed up. ABLP holds the record as the government with the most failed projects anywhere in the world. They had already set the record for failures and broke their own record recently with the Jolly Beach project. Time for them to just go!
Look please Gaston Browne jumbee no who for frighten a foreday morning. You and your bunch of useless idiots you guys are the worse labor party government ever to lead this country.
List all what you acquired for you and moma inlaw, Maria , u Pickney an dem.
One thing me know for sure u accquired a jail bird in you family. add that to your personal acquisition.
Gaston your lying tongue need
to be scrubbed wid salt and vinegar, your time is up., we know the difference between fact from fiction. Call the election, de country a ball for proper leadership. Lovell is fit and ready. dignified, trustworthy and honest.
🤣😅😂 … but wait, ah wha’ dis mi ah hear, Gassy 🥸 he funny so til, mi rib ah hurt mi … 🤣😂😅
Look folks, in all seriousness, if Gaston Browne loses the next election – and I for one hope he does – there is always a roll for him as a renowned comedian on the world’s stage!
Again, mi rib an ‘tomach ah ache … 😁😁😁
PM we know your record of success is unmatched. You cant please everyone. Even in doing your very best people will still ask for more. Continue to uplift this blessed nation. My son was enrolled in UWI and it is a fraction of what I would have paid had I left him in Atlanta to attend university. Thanks for providing that opportunity for every one to empower themselves both economically and also their human capital. Anyone who cant relate to such is downright lazy, lack ambition and are looking for handouts. Gone are those days…Do what you can for yourself and stop looking to government.
Jah guide sir.
@ Just Saying
Ya nuh tyad kiss Gaston batty? You sure is your son that or some other man breed off your woman? Enjoy your day kiss ass.
Boss, Just Saying is a member of the ABLP.
It’s so obvious, never criticises on lack of payments to pensioners or outstanding wages to the workforce, the dishonesty about the completion of the island-wide water system.
I could go on but you get my drift …
Dem Fu go to hell just cum out of office time will tell ⏳ Gaston member we Antiguan fed up with u bulshit u just a enrich u pocket while we are suffering
@ just lying
Just lying always singing for supper .
What is your excuse for workers who are owed money before covid?
What is your excuse for them covering corruption, millions of dollars owed to customs a liard leader stated a broker forge his signature? Who is the broker why he is not charged?
We have persons who stole a pound of sugar because they are owed pension money and charged instantly ,but “We don’t want to charge the broker (our friend) we want the money back”
Stop singing for your supper and don’t be selfish! This is the worst party I ever supported not again
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