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These Manifestos are a joke. It’s like a weekly sales flyer with lots of rhetoric. I can’t recall seeing any promises from a manifesto fully realized. Most of the goals are lofty and difficult to accomplish in the ways that they are being marketed for example 500 homes in 500 days. The opposition has to hold the governments feet to the fire to ensure that the people’s interests are equally met.
UPP and ABLP stop talking about Broken promises. All are the DAMN same. CHUPTZ
@ Karl
ONCE YOU SAY ‘ALL (sic) ARE THE DAM SAME’ CHUPTZ”- thats a cop out because you cannot defend what your party did you MINION.
Oh please… show me one manifesto with no broken promises. Then we can have a conversation. This is not news…its gossip. Tell me something new.
@ Dexter Pelle
Shut the hell up you ass licker. We did not seek your opinion. As Kublai say, if the PM give y’all ‘CHIT’ to eat you would just nyam um.
What a shame and disgrace that people like you give GB a free pass obviously because you are obtaining benefit from ‘enrichment schemes’, but don’t give a dam about the suffering of poor people.
Kublai was referring to a former PM….who went against every promise made while in opposition…”that ungrateful son of a…”….Kublai words… you guys are color blinded…driven by hate and not reason…you are the worst kind.
Again show me one manifesto that doesn’t have one broken promise…or shut you dumb mouth… and reveal who you are!
@ Dexter Pelle
Your hate is only and always directed at ANYONE who opposes Gaston Brown.
How many boards are you a member of? How much per diem have you earned in 2023?
Anyone who defends a government over the poor masses is elitist. They promised they not gonna raise taxes and they can’t use the excuse that they didn’t know about the state of the finances, because they have ran this country for nearly 10 years, so they come up with all sort of reason about Antigua being a low tax jurisdiction.
I have never once read where you condemn the actions of the ABLP, buy yet still you calling people colour blind, you REDDER THAN RED COOL AID DRINKER.
Careful Richard, watch your words. As you know the Prime Minister can be very sensitive regarding VALID criticism, especially of his broken election promises.
Gassssston is probably got his legal eagles going over every word that you have mentioned with a fine toothed come.
Careful buddy …
@Dexter pelle,you’re such a LUNATIC like gaston ……..Only people like u can see eye to eye………Antigua need an uprising, time to upset this government
on another note, They keep talking about building hotels and the ones we have now can’t even maintain a steady occupancy in the winter season. Carlisle already putting staff on days and the year just started….
Might this reduction to days be part of a possible productivity and cost-saving focus?
Many properties doing likewise regionally.
“Politics and Government “ are two different things. Hell, they did not know the fiscal situation was “so bad.” Give a phucking break. Labornearga have been the incumbent for the last three elections and presented a flawed budget since 2014.
“Jam dem hard.” We must remember…you can’t take back the spoken word. And say “Me num min say so.”
@Brixtonian, you are right of course, but all of Richard Lewis’s claims can be validated by simply listening to the stem cell Dawg’s mad rantings.
I have said it before and will repeat it again, this idiot has done NOTHING for Antigua and Barbuda, NOTHING.
The man is not to be trusted under any circumstances and anything he says is just lies, lies and more lies. It is highly likely that anyone supporting this clown is eating from the trough.
Watch out Antigua and Barbuda, here comes the IMF. The DAWG is returning to his vomit.
No government has ever stuck to any manifesto. Even jokey Asot put out one last year he is yet to start any projects mentioned therein.
I’m one of the biggest objectors of Gatson Browne, not by any bias, but by watching this man govern and all the lies and misleading antics he propergates on the general public.
See this man is thinking he’s defeating his enemies with his political antics, all the while hurting and putting endless pressure on the general public.
Such politicians are dangerous, and totally not to be trusted.
They are more out for revenge, than uplifting and empowering the people.
Such people like “the Donald”comes to mind when you think of Gatson Browne and his band of lunatics following him.
I said it a long long time ago(and I stand by it) that Antiguan is going no damn where with this man in power. He’s too petty and simple minded to lead anyone.
Oftentimes, revenge is more of his policy, than actual substantial actions that will help his people.
Look at a few of his policies,and you will see the drift. (1) The Alfa Nero..look how he pursued that fail cause with his feelings, instead of solid discussion and understanding of foreign sanction polices(2) look at the botch Antigua airways debacle. Look how he pursued that with his stubbornness to prove to everyone that he’s smarter than them(3) look at the 1000 Africans he brought in, with no recourse as how to use these people, other than to probably use them as votes. (Where are they now?) And (4) look at the way he double down with the Air Peace foolishness, trying to sellout lait 2020 to an unknown entity that many warned him about.(where does than deal stands now?) Policies that directly hurt the people. Finally, look at the ABST..enough said.
This man govern with feelings,and from a please of weakness, not empathy for his people. Dangerous dangerous coute to have in power and as a leader at that.
So he can suit all he wants, but man Gaston Browne is Lunatic, just like The Donald. Many of their policies are crafted from feelings, and weak revengeful feelings at that..
Not a person you can trust in politics. At the end of the day, Gatson is what he is. A man that driven by revenge and the need to posture to say he’s the greatest.
The word for I guess, is “Naccasisim”
What would be more important is a debate with the PM Gaston Browne as the minister of finance and a member of the Opposition who is tasked to shadow finance and the economy. Since the nation didn’t get the chance to witness the budget debate in lieu this debate should be encouraged….
Who in the UPP is up the challenge…its time to shut up Gaston Browne… may be the U.W.I.F.I.C can facilitate the debate.
@Dexter Pelle. I hope this not my school buddy from Green bay hill. If it is, I would like to know where you have hit your head!
Now it’s senseless to debate Gaston. He will try to insult and misrepresent his way through it. If however you feel that no one from UPP is up to the task, I would like to remind you of: Melford, Daryll, Winston, Dwayne George, Lamming etc. None of these were qualified to make the grade ABLP said but once they wanted someone, they were enticed to join the cult. Thing is these were not even the first rate actors. The point is: it is clear that your leader does believe that UPP members are brilliant because that is where he goes when he needs human resource; ABLP members just cannot make the grade it seems
Can’t we all just get along? 🤣🤣
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