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Medical University denies Cabinet report that it has stopped operating in Antigua
By – Dr. Adedayo Akande, President of the University of Health Sciences Antigua
We were informed that during a recent cabinet meeting, it was falsely stated that our institution, the University of Health Sciences Antigua, was non-operational. UHSA has been in existence since 1982, and we have never stopped instructing our students.
At the start of the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, our medical students returned to their countries, and we moved campus functions online, consistent with universities worldwide. Distance learning has since continued and is well documented on our website, with governing bodies also being aware. UHSA’s 2021 graduation ceremony was also virtually broadcasted and can be viewed online.
Our clinical students have continued their education at our partner hospitals located throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. We have also established several international strategic partnerships to advance our academic programs further.
The absence of students on campus has allowed us to complete renovations in preparation for their return. During the past two years, we have renovated lecture spaces, upgraded our infrastructure to include central air, and built group study spaces to comply with accreditation standards. Renovation of our library also commenced and will be completed next month.
While we’ve modernized our campus, we have continued our community contributions, including donating a piano to Clare Hall Secondary School and library shelving and storage to The Antigua and Barbuda National Archive and The Antigua and Barbuda National Library.
Although our student-managed “Free Clinic at English Harbour” effort was paused temporarily due to the pandemic, we anticipate resuming this initiative on-campus in the coming months. This program launched in partnership with Georgetown University’s student clinic, the Hoya Clinic in Washington D.C. UHSA self-funded the clinic, which has served over 500 local patients at no cost.
As Antigua’s oldest medical university, we will continue supporting the community as we have always done throughout our 40-year history and trust that our efforts make a difference in the lives of others. As we continue to serve, our graduates not only spread the positive nature of our university but also of Antigua & Barbuda as a nation and as their second home.
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I hope law enforcement is aware that Chet Greene broke the law when he entered the property of UHSA without the permission of the lessee. Even worse he was aided by law enforcement according to his own admission. This country is really upside down and do not adhere to the Rule of Law. This type of behavior is simply that of a rouge government. So sad.
The SKN News article never mentioned anything about “tresspassing”. An Italian restaurant is open to the public to serve authentic, delicious, freshly prepared Italian cuisine 😋
The security let him in- and even saluted them when they exited the gates….. tabor just hush- another Half Moon Bay situation… they not doing no business there and want to hold up Antigua people land not hiring anybody but a security guard while trying to sell the lease to unvetted back door people- upp will support them like what they did with HMB -political prostitute
ADVICE BLOCK no spinning by TENMAN, BEEF, FROM THE SIDELINE, PETE or ERIC (THE RED) can justify what happened. Whether you are a minister of government or not it was unlawful for them to enter the property without permission. And by the way, your argument that they were saluted by the security guard when they were leaving is so nonsensical it does not need any comment.
I agree. Sounds like an ethical violation to me. Using his political office to intimidate and coerce a private citizen acting in his official capacity as a security guard.
Is he suitable to hold public office?
Sounds like another UPP brouhaha to me, something of the Athillian ilk, for which she been become infamous over the years. Yawn, yawn, yawn.
I wondered if the security workers at that place are armed.If not,they should be.
The ones guarding the DECOMMISSIONED WADADLI POWER CAN’T at Crabbs are armed? The ones stationed at the CAN’T PARK or the Wilmoth Daniel STRIPPER POLE BUS? 🤔
Security after Baldwin Spencer urged everyone to “SHARPEN U CUTLISS BACK AND BELLY….CHAP DEM UP”??? 🤔
You are a useful Idiot for the Labour Party. Look it up.
That “university” needs help. A major financial injection. A high labour turnover rate and low student enrollment were prior symptoms.
Dr. Correa lasted only a few months
Dr. Calvin lasted only a few months
Who is in charge now? A mother and son “team” that nah know that dem nah know.
If the “university” was really functioning like it was back in the day under the deceased founder, then no one would have to question whether or not it was OPERATIONAL.
A cesspool of internal issues that spilled over into the student body. Staff were once handed steep paycuts at one point due to pitiful financial performance.
Low morale, a lavish wedding and lots of unneccessary travelliing ……. coupled with an uncontrollable employee in the Puerto Rico office is a sure fire way to sink a ship.
It’s another investor hunting then looting Fernadez family mafia and Greene
You can ask Max nephew to get a land or any thing in from government and you know there is fees .
Or approach Greene .
Antiguan people should get equal treatment and equal rights .
WOW! That video was EARTH-SHATTERING!! Would definitely hold up as sound evidence in a court of law. Did I just see MP Greene clubber the security officer to the ground?? wow! Look at all that BLOODSHED.
Notice the “Statement From Security” is UNSIGNED!!!!!!!!! Typical Akande style. Time wouuld be better spent FEEDING ALL THE GOATS THAT ROAM THE CAMPUS because there are NO STUDENTS there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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