LETTER: Frustrated Graduate Highlights Lack of Job Opportunities for Young Antiguans Returning Home


Dear Editor,

I write this letter not only as a concerned citizen, but as one of many young Antiguans who has returned home after years of studying abroad with a degree in hand, only to face the harsh reality that job opportunities here are scarce.

For the sake of anonymity, I will not disclose my identity, but I am a graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. I came back to Antigua with the hope of contributing to the development of my country, but instead, I’ve found myself facing roadblocks at every turn.


Mental health is a field that is significantly lacking in Antigua. As someone who is passionate about the well-being of our people, I am disheartened by the lack of opportunities available in this area.

Despite the increasing awareness of mental health issues worldwide, Antigua seems to lag behind. There is an overwhelming shortage of qualified professionals in this field, yet when individuals like myself return home to fill these gaps, we are met with closed doors and indifference.

Many young graduates find themselves in a similar position, returning home with the hope of making a meaningful impact, only to realize that the job market is not only limited but unwelcoming.

This is why so many of our best and brightest choose to stay abroad after completing their studies.


They see no viable future here—no room to grow, no opportunities to apply what they have learned. It is a painful reality that discourages young talent from returning home, ultimately depriving Antigua of the skills and knowledge that are so desperately needed.

The government and private sector must do better to ensure that young graduates have the opportunity to work in their respective fields. We should not have to fight tooth and nail for the chance to contribute to our society. It is a disservice not only to the individual, but to the entire nation.

This situation cannot continue if we wish to build a thriving future for Antigua.

The time to take mental health, and other areas where there are clear gaps, seriously is now. I implore those in positions of power to consider the challenges facing returning graduates, and to create a space where we can put our hard-earned qualifications to use for the betterment of our country.

A Frustrated Graduate




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  1. All when you have all the requirements and qualifications you still can’t find a job . It’s all friends and company . Its really sad because some places don’t want spend extra money to train the new works . So what they do is look for people who have experience within similar fields of work .

  2. I think what people have to recognize with the private sector is that many companies there do not have the financial space for a lot of management-track employees or if they do, they have them there for 20+ years until retirement. The tax load on many of these business curtails their ability to invest in things like marketing departments and other back level things and they scale back to essentials like accounting and inventory where management takes the load on the other back office functions and outsources when necessary. My business doesn’t get any tax holidays or amnesties and we pay upwards of $2 million on taxes and levies each year alone with corporate tax on top. We do this despite having the stop crediting to government because of how much they owe.

    A lot of businesses would love to have young people in management track positions but we cannot promote them to roles that do not exist or promise them salaries we may not able to upkeep when business is slow.

    I myself have qualms of if I want my daughter to come back after she finishes school as her only option would be to take over my business if she wants a good living and the stress of dealing with staff may not be worth it.

  3. I feel for this person. Tbh, a degree such as this can be put to good use here because it is lacking. How about a branch of psychologists that are attached to the ministry of education, geared towards the holistic wellbeing of the secondary school students. This department cld do outreach that bolsters our Prime Minister’s efforts to reach the at risk children in our population and help them to find their way to being positive members of society.

  4. The reality is you would have trouble finding a job in Psychology in North America with an undergraduate degree. Put in a couple more years in school and get your masters degree

  5. Apply Plan “B!” Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for country. Computer technology and A.I. paves the way for self-employment and remote earning. Negroes (Kneegrows) complain often, but nobody is leaving Antigua 🇦🇬 for employment elsewhere.

  6. “Check your Minister.” That’s all you have to do. The doors should finally open for you and those who find themselves in the same situation.

  7. The Bottleneck_Syndrome is in full effect. It’s gonna get worst with all of the graduates 🎓 who’ll be leaving the UWI-FI.
    An interesting five(5) year period lay ahead.

    The Bottleneck_Syndrome is
    in full effect, and it will [affect] more than just those with degrees!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦉Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  8. I understand and empathize. I went to Antigua in 2022 and 2023, the place of my birth, to open a crime victim advocacy and research endeavor (a business you and your degree in psychology would be essential in).

    I have everything registered for the business and was given a firearms temporary permit. I requested for the full license and the mandatory training that they said is required for the permit given to me to take effect. I have not gotten that training because they said no one was available, so the permit given to me expired without use.

    I went to PM Gaston Brown, my role-model at the time, AG Cutie Benjamin, minister Samantha Marshall for St. Mary’s South at time, and even MP Chet Green (someone I like also), just to have them designate my nationally important endeavor (business) as nationally importance in hopes that would make the police commissioner and the firearms license commission expedite full approval of my firearms license and mandatory firearms training (I actually provided them with my US firearms training certificate in hope they would then waive that requirement for me since I already have that advance training, the COP office does not respond). However, everyone of the above ignored my request.

    Actually, Prime Minister Gaston Brown told me and my aunt (his biggest supporter) that he is unable to help. I pleaded and nothing.

    I explained that my crime victim advocacy endeavor in Antigua would have access to billions of dollars by representing, advocating, and providing emotional support to residents of certain US states who become victims of certain types of abuse, crimes, and terrorism while visiting Antigua and Barbuda (I would cover not only Antigua and Barbuda but the caribbean region), and connecting these victims to available Crime and terrorism victim resources that could include in some cases millions in terrorism victim funds or over $65,000 in crime victim funds and vital emotional support that the writer of the above article seems to be overqualified for.

    I provided the Antigua and Barbuda government, Attorney General, Commissioner of police and Deputy Commissioner of police with the law and programs, in hopes they would see how important it is to help US visitors who victims of crimes in their jurisdiction but I was just ignored and did not get the basic help that I needed which was simply to expedite my firearms license since this job would require me to investigate the crime and submit evidence to prove that my client qualifies. I would be putting myself in harms way and my staff too (staff like the writer of the above article).

    My endeavor would also advocate for Antiguans and Barbudans and others from the region who are also victims of crimes or terrorism while visiting the US. These visitors to the US that is coming from Antigua and Barbuda or other caribbean countries would be entitled to all the same benefits, as much as $65,000usd in some cases, and even US crime victim visa that leads to US greencard and US citizenship.

    My satellite office would be located in Antigua and Barbuda to serve the entire country and caribbean. I expected to employ about 50 people, and because of how well the crime and terrorism victim funds pay, I expected to have paid staff in Antigua about $1000ec to $2500ec a week.

    Provided evidence of my ability to pay, my success in the field already, the benefits to the local tourism product that provide assurance to US tourist that services are available for them as victims of crimes (hopefully they are not) while they are visiting, even though all actions would be invested in their safety but the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Brown, said he cannot help and expressed he does not care. Same thing expressed by the persons I am mentioning here.

    I would have hired local attorneys/advocates, psychologists, counselors, secretaries, assistants, nurses, doctors, marketing team, investigators, etcetera.

    I remember one police officer that acts like an idiot stating, “you can open this business without a fire-arms” failing to listen that I have to prove that I am well-positioned to advance my proposed endeavor to the US by showing I have all tools required to successfully do my job. A firearms license is vitally important to investigate vicious and qualifying crimes, of which I must submit my own evidence to the crime and terrorism victim boards to get approvals of funds to provide to victims.

    Are you saying it is not reasonable to conclude a crime victim advocate who must investigate and submit evidence of a crime to be victimize themself performing their duties of proving their client was in fact victimized and by who?

    Anyway, my point is, you could have gotten a job from me, but for the Prime Minister’s Gaston Brown, Attorney General Cutie Benjamin, Commissioner of Police Rodney Atlee, Antigua Firearms commission, and all others I went to for this one help, granting me what they already granted me by granting the full firearms license and grant the training that is required or waive the training because I already have that advance training.

    I literally just did another firearms training from a US state police department last week and from city police also last week.

    Why do these politicians for ABLP and the people they pick in positions care nothing about people with advanced degrees doing what they are good at and qualified to do?

    I am sorry you are not able to find a job and you must blame the politicians and your family and friends for not pushing these politicians to do more or blame your family and friends for voting for them.

    Do something to let them see their decisions hurt you. Stop sending them money. Stay away from them.

  9. Dear Frustrated Graduate. First of all don’t get discouraged. It happens to new grads almost all over the world, being an answer or explanation that new grads lack experience (I would always think; how would they get experience if you don’t give them a job or the opportunity). Present your resume which at this time will show I think, part time jobs and also what you did while studying, both, no matter how short; along with a good introductory letter mentioning what you can do for them and for the cause (private and public organizations) and what is your passion. Keep knocking on doors, something will show up or someone will help you. While you go through this process, volunteer to causes or places where you think you can assist or make a difference in your field of expertise….don’t give up. Shake off the understandable frustration, instead say a little prayer and goooo ! 🙌 Wish you all the best.

  10. @Lynn, very positive and needed response. I wish ministers of government think and behave as you do on this platform. Thank you so much.

  11. First of all, more people in Antigua are getting their degrees including people who are already in the work force so expect that the job market is going to be very competitive.
    Secondly, in many places, you cannot practice psychology without a MASTER’S DEGREE.
    You talk about being employed in your field of study but you should know that an undergrad in that particular field is NOT enough to make you qualified. You screwed yourself over.
    I know of people with psychology degrees who just were interested in it but work in other industries.
    They dare not step foot in offering therapy or the like.
    If you are serious as you are trying to fool us into believing, go back for your Master’s degree.

  12. @ Tee EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The author is trying to pull one over on us.
    You cannot break into that field without your Master’s.
    People must have their Master’s AND be licensed even in the good old, USA.
    The person is perhaps using psychology to gaslight us.

  13. I want to tell the Author, a bachelor’s degree in psychology is more than sufficient to be of exceptional ability in your field. Nobody knows that more than me who nearly on a daily basis help clients get a greencard based on their education and or experience (exceptional ability. Please do not listen to anyone on this platform who just comment without knowledge. You are highly qualified in the US and overly qualified in Antigua and Barbuda with a Bachelor’s in psychology and frankly, any social and behavioral sciences.

    Excuses they make in an attempt to mitigate their party’s failures. Sometimes you simply have a heart and admit fault and try to make things better. This is one of them. Have some humanity.

    I wish I could get in contact with more Antiguans to help them get a US greencard using the EB-2 NIW category to GET a better chance in life because you will not in Antigua and Barbuda.

  14. For the government and those bloggers who are so focused on protecting their party, this information is for you.

    Yes, you can work in a psychology field with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, but most psychologist jobs require a graduate degree. Some jobs that you can get with a bachelor’s degree in psychology include:
    Mental health technician
    Social work assistant
    Psychiatric technician
    Addiction counselor
    Behavioral disorder counselor
    Nonclinical social worker
    Partial care worker
    Rehabilitation specialist

    A bachelor’s degree in psychology can also prepare you for work in business, such as: Data analyst, Human resources manager, Training and development manager, Research analyst, and Management analyst.

    A psychology degree can be a valuable asset in business because it helps you understand how people behave, which can be used to analyze trends, identify opportunities, and inform marketing strategies.

  15. Most graduates are coming back, having studied something that has no use, with no job experience and then demanding big job and money. The PM touched on this problem 2 weeks ago. Sadly, many graduates think that the certificate is the be all and end all. No employer with sense would employ a recent graduate, with no job experience and put that person at the top. They have to come in and learn and prove themselves first. What job do you get with a BSc in Psychology?
    Most countries would demand at least a Masters. So you studied something useless where there is not too much scope for employment and then you blame everyone else. Students must look at what is happening in the world and determine the occupations that will survive the fast changing world fuelled by technology and AI. Soon there will be no tellers in banks. All replaced by ATMs and the same will happen in other industries. Teachers will also eventually be replaced and classes will be taught by AI. The world will need people with computer skills, engineers, nurses. We already have too many doctors and lawyers with a whole set still to graduate. Where will they work when they come back? And who will they blame?

  16. I am a graduate as well and all I can get is jobs with greedy bosses that doesn’t want to pay for my qualifications and as a graduate I deserve to be paid my timely wage. In god I trust and this shall be over soon. Not just for me but for the others that faces the same impact as I did. I have an associates degree in cooking and I cannot get no work in the hotel industry after three years of searching

  17. Baby G. Here we go again.You have an associate degree in cooking and you want to be paid because you have a degree. Really? Well then open your own cook shop. I recently employed a young lady, part time, with 10 CXC subjects and she could not do simple office tasks correctly. All book learning. A business is not a charity. It needs productivity to succeed and be profitable. Degrees have to be added to work experience and productivity.

  18. You know after leaving college over forty years ago I, and we the then young people, had the same problem. We thought we did our part and now the government, not this one in Antigua, but in Europe, had to now give us a job that we deserved. But guess what. The government didn’t owe us not a thing. It was up to us to find and or create your own employment. And given that you had no job experience, it didn’t matter how many title you had before or after your name. Things are the same today, and someone needs to have a talk with these youngster to give them a rude awakening. No one owes you anything. And you will never at first get the job you studied for. You just have to take whatever it is that you get in order to show that you have good work ethics. And that working for a living is far much better than begging or stealing. You can and should never blame anyone for your own failure. There are numerous bible story where people went to valleys before they climb to the top. The most famous of them is Joseph who was sold in slavery by his brothers and end up in jail, and then to climb to be the right hand man of Pharao. Jacob had to work seven years for his wife and when he did get her his uncle tricked him and told him he needs to work seven more years. I’m saying all this to say. Young people need to be patience and start wherever life takes them. Some will be luckier than others. But keep following your dream and don’t give up. Remember no one not even the government owes you a thing. I have hired over my working years lots of school leavers and some have end up very good, but others have given up on their dream. Looking at my children I must say that if I weren’t their for their support I wonder where they would have been today. Therefore I believe parents should be the support that children need when they grow up. I see that strongly in the Lebanese and Syrian society. You will not see any of their children looking for a job when they come from university. I was talking to one of the Mansoor’s son from Mega Store, who has a complete different university degree then to sell furniture and other appliances, but because of the family empire he has to be in the shop, that is he destiny. In a black or local Antigua family that guy would have revolted and leave the family empire. That is why many of our businesses started by our parents will die when they die. My business is one such business, that will die with me. My sons and daughters have no interest whatsoever in taking over the business. A business that I was able to build up from the ground up and pay their education. Built them homes for whenever they feel like coming back home to live.
    This morning of Twin Island Media I listen to an interview with Dr. Chanel Joseph. And she was so distraught about what she went through, leaving her practice in the USA only to come here and assist the government with the mentally ill. She got the runaround of her life and gave up. Finally she started her own clinic. So now she has her private practice. Lessons learnt I would say to her. She didn’t do her homework not to take the word of politicians as gospel. You should have signed the contract before you left the USA. Antigua government doesn’t spend money nor do they have it, on mental health and the prison. That is why those institutions are so run down. They are not a priority. Sad but true. You can only spend a dime once.
    Young people need to learn not to look for a job but how to start a business, how to be self-employed. You would be surprise when you start marketing your services how much you can be in demand. It is just that one company along cannot afford you. Take for example Marketing or Human Resources. Not many companies can afford a marketing professional or a human resource professional. but they sure do need the services from time to time. These are therefore areas where one can be self-employed and offer services. Even accountants. Some small companies cannot afford a fulltime accountant. So they will settle with an un-qualified youngster that can only pay bills and nothing else. But a qualified account can provide freelance services to go in perhaps once a month and put the profit and loss statement together.
    So once again young people, please do not get disappointed for having finish you education and there is no job for you. Make a way for yourself. And what I hate is when young people use this as an excuse to migrate to uncle Sam, Canada or England. And many of them take up any job for that matter, only to survive up there. Jobs they would refuse to do here at home. Remember this is your country. Do not let anyone run you from here. Stay and fight for your space. For your piece of the rock. Your rightful space. Ah jah yuh barn. Things will not happen overnight.
    Gaston did not become prime minister overnight.

  19. Dear Frustrated Graduate,
    I am experiencing the same difficulties as a graduate with a bachelor’s of science degree in both healthcare management and business administration. After several years of trying to get employment, I get lied to and turned away by my very own country men and women in position to hire to select new hires through nepotism rather than qualifications. I’ve also noticed that in this limited economy where there are few jobs being created, those in retirement age are still holding the fort and remain employed, so the younger generation who want to contribute to their country like myself, are told by government and private companies that they are not hiring, or that companies love my qualifications but can’t afford to pay me.
    Many Antiguan degree holders coming back home are becoming disolusioned. It’s hard to understand that we off island to get a higher education, facing racism, prejudice, bias, and ever other social injustices, but determined to bring the best of what we have learned home, but we come home to face the same thing. Heaven’s forbid if you should have an American or British accent, then you can be crossed out before you get a chance to hand over your resume.
    A recent news post said unqualified youths demand high paying jobs, but even the qualified are being overlooked unfairly.
    I do not condone any type of crime, but some of the youths are fed up and have turned to crooked ways to feed their growing families adding to the growing crime problem. They were told to stay in school, make good decisions, give back to your community, only to find out, it’s all a lie. They don’t all need stiffer sentences or longer jail time, they want jobs. Yes, its true that everyone makes there own choices, until they have no choice. Then that danger becomes a societal issue. At some point, I hope those in power recognize this as a problem that requires immidiate attention, and can help by recycling the job pool and creating necessary changes to support the senior employees and infuse new, stronger life into our country. The Frustrated Graduate is not alone, and we have our voters ID too.

  20. This has been the case for decades and decades….. i came back with my degree and faces the same.

    Fact is, the old don’t want to give up positions or power and so they stay til well after the retirement age…… and the under-
    qualified “fren an company” have been planted and nar leggo neither.

    It’s a shame.


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