Friday-morning fire in Yorks destroys wooden house without electricity service


REAL NEWS –  A fire in Yorks early Friday morning, October 6, destroyed an abandoned dwelling, and the Fire Department and Police are now investigating.

A report of the incident was also made to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) by officers from the St. John’s Fire Station.

Reports are that a tender was dispatched to the scene after a call was placed by a Yorks resident, who notified firefighters about the inferno.

On arrival, the firemen met a 38’ x 18,’ all-wood, abandoned structure in flames.

And although they fought to put out the blaze, the house could not be saved.

There are no reports of personal injuries, and the owner, Sunfire Pelle of Yorks, told Police that he last visited the abandoned structure at 6 p.m. on October 5.

The property reportedly was not covered by insurance and there were no utilities attached – which could mean that the house had been deliberately set alight.

The fire reportedly started at about 1:30 a.m.


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