Former MP Kelvin “Shugy” Simon Releases Statement Following Cades Bay Bridge Accident


There has been yet another serious vehicular accident at the Cades Bay Bridge.

A group of tourists traveling through the area are the latest victims of the ABLP’s gross negligence at this construction site.

Following a similar accident on August 13th 2023, the Ministry of Works released a statement, indicating that the bridge would be completed in nine weeks.

Some four weeks later, very little has been done and the hazards that were identified have not been addressed.

This is particularly vexing as we are in the throes of the hurricane season.

We call on the government to address the following issues immediately: lack of signage warning of the hazards, the overgrowth and obstructions blocking the view of the roadway as well as poor lighting.

Construction of the Cades Bay Bridge began in November 2019 and is still far from complete.

This demonstrates the ABLP’s total disregard for road safety.

The people of St. Mary’s South are outraged at the lack of care demonstrated by the ABLP administration in addressing these major safety issues in our community.

Our country needs a new government. St. Mary’s South will lead the way.

Let’s vote for Kelvin “Shugy” Simon, a Strong leadership who puts PEOPLE FIRST!



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  1. From 2019 to now.I have seen several highways expanded and completed where I am living.This one bridge in Antigua cannot be finished in 4 years.How many accidents are going to happen before we see a completion.Are we going to see someone die again in that area? Before that damn bridge is completed.Maria Browne,as Minister responsible for roads in Antigua and Barbuda.Fix that damn bridge to completion,NOW.

  2. ‘Our country needs a new government.” Truer words were never spoken about this abject failure of a government, with an idiot parading as leader.
    Whatever it takes,for the sake of this twin Island state,we must consign Gaston Browne, his cabinet of puppets and the treacherous, selfish, greedy opportunists, who continue to lie for their supper to the dustbin of history.
    Then,let the investigations begin and let the chips fall where they may.
    Face it. ALP is not interested in Antigua or anything Antiguan and Barbudan. Hope those tourists are ok.

  3. Since 2019? This is a height of nonsense. What is it going to take? A death? This country really gone to the dogs. Hope Southside people taking note. Recklessness indeed!

  4. You are reactionary. You didn’t stay on top of it, you won the constituency why didn’t you go clear the bush? You gotta wait on the government to clean up your constituency?

    • Hmmmmmmmm. Get real. South has always been neglected under ALP and now ABLP. They try to brainwash people leading up to
      elections and then trun a blind eye after. Who in the kitchen feels the heat.

    • You are as stupid as they get…. it is the government responsibility to ensure that road is fixed! Stop trying to deflect cause u are no good at it! The topic is about the road, not no bush! Why not ask Dwayne george to try and do something about it? It would be an opportunity for him to get something done. Thats y there is a perception on u labor rites cause yall to dunce! Go and get some common sense u clearly lack of!

    • All the Alp constituency have overgrown bushs….. why don’t u tell them the same? U can’t bc its your party so I suggest u shut up!

    • @ Shut up Shugy. You really need to shut the hell up. This government fail to fix a bridge in 4 years and you are blaming Shugy who held office for 5 months. You’re a real fool!!!

    • If shugy so cares about it he should put his money where his mouth is and fix it to show the people that he cares and can do it without been in government

    • Wow! This ass**** really believes it’s the opposition in government, well give the opposition the tax money to spend. These dunce elements in the Labour Party……..SMFH!

    • @ ‘Shut up Shugy’

      Does Shuggy control the resources of the state?

      He is not even earning a salary- why don’t U SHUT THE HELL UP YOU FOOL!!!!

  5. Voltures flying over a well to be DEAD….is more than this gentleman can be focus…all his campaign will be based in this infamous bridge???..come one sir..someone discover already the porpoise of wheel

    • @ Inquire

      I am very confused as to what you are trying to communicate, you sound just as disorganised as the ENTIRE ABLP AND GOVERNMENT.
      This country is going to the DOGS and people like you are just picking up the bones.
      Get up stand up, stand up for your right!!!

      • Not everybody can understand a simple syllabus,that is why many people are still going into a inner space for listen the SAME OVER AND OVER.. do you like books or soup movies???

      • And honestly me dear gentleman…long time ago I understand NOT BEGGING or ask a SOMEONE (withing) the power (of course,pay from you and maybe me) about fix me simple humongous life. Is look like you have a professional ID (FOR BEGGING)..the rascal have more value than certain undeveloped begins ( you are one of this kind)

  6. Shugy if you cares so much about the bridge why you don’t fix it for them to show the people and the government you are capable to run things it’s always finding fault but no you can’t fix it to show them you can represent even that you are not in government get sponsors and get it done start working for Antigua and stop bringing down the country that you want to rule

    • @ bushman268

      Does Shuggy control the resources of the state?

      He is not even earning a salary- why don’t U SHUT THE HELL UP YOU FOOL!!!!

  7. The reason why it is not done and no work ñ taking place is that this government owes everyone. They are not paying the private contractors and suppliers. Hope none of the contractors or any of their families members ever vote for this administration again. Only government ministers, Baba, Kool and the Serian contractors are getting paid in a timely manner. Not even those of you that supports ABLP and get government contractors get paid. Most of you are far better off not taking these contracts. They run your businesses into bankruptcy. They the PM pass all types of remarks about all you. I never see such a bunch of blind followers. I blame those of you who follow so blindly. You are surely creating a dictator. Sugy please continue to stay humble. You are a born leader. Like Mitchelle in Grenada you can be a good leader and take Antigua forward. It does not need a genus to run Antigua. All we need is a genuine, honest, hardworking, responsible and respectful leader. The so called geniuses cannot get anything right. Cannot fix a simple bridge. Our water problems are at its worst. In days gone by we at least had standpipes. Today we don’t have anywhere to turn. Sorry to be going off track but important- the ABLP ministers owns water trucks also. So the longer they take to fix the problems the more money they make from delivering water. They are also delivering water to schools too. Talking about the government ministers trucks.

  8. This government wants to open a bridge to Africa, but can’t fix one in their own backyard in 4yrs, what a damn calamity 😆😂.
    This government sure have a fixation with bridges 😂😆😂😆.

    Remember folks, Gatson is not a fixer of bridges, he only tries to open them. Smdh

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