An anonymous former employee shares a personal and harrowing account of enduring a toxic and misogynistic work environment, detailing the severe emotional and physical toll it took on her health. She ultimately made the difficult decision to resign for the sake of her well-being. She concludes with a heartfelt appeal for understanding and support for Anthony Smith Jr., encouraging the community to lift him up in prayers and recognize the challenges he faces.
Years, A Moment ago, I remember stressing, what I would never ever do…
I worked with a young acquaintance who came in to work one Monday morning, met with management, turned in her keys and quit.
I recall saying to our other colleagues nothing or no-one would never ever make me quit…
Yes, she had a sexual relationship with one of the members of the said management team and he was making the work environment a living hell, toxic, demoralizing, threatening and unbearable to say the least, after she broke it off…
He would drive by her home where she lived with her daughter and yes she got all of the orders pertinent to protecting her peace but to no avail. (Took off many days in the court system).
She came in one Monday morning, Quit, rented out her house and moved to another state. (Forfeited her benefits and final paycheck)
Yes I was one of the naysayer in my ignorance I had a lot to say why she should not have resigned.
Fast forward…
I continue to work at said job.. and I began to fell my share of harassment, It was a Misogynistic work environment.
It was unbelievable, unbelievable… I was working in a toxic, demeaning woman hating environment.
I remember getting soooooo sick… The headaches, heart palpitation… Everyday when it was time to go to work.. I would sweat profusely. Anxiety took over.
Every other week I was going to the doctor and being given pills for one diagnosis or another.
I remember thinking, I was tooooo young to die. I did not want to die. I visited several doctors and was told take a leave of absence and rest if I valued my life…
When I sent in my doctor papers… I was ORDERED to come to work since this was a critical time for the company. If I didn’t, I was ordered to resign or I would be fired. Yes… Fired… I remember calling my husband at work, discussing the matter and we decided, my health and well being was most supreme and paramount.
That said day… My husband came to the house, collected their keys and my resignation letter….
It was the best decision for my health, my family, my relationship my environment… my overall everything that I made.
None of us…. None of you… yes you…. The judgers, want to live, work, participate in a toxic, threatening, cut throat environment… whether private or political..
Anthony Smith, Jr. Is a son of the soil. I DO NOT KNOW HIM.. I HAVE NEVER EVER met him.. But he could be my son. Yes I do have a son in a leadership position and I am proud and would be proud if he stood up and did something… Anything that put a radiant smile on his face as I saw today.
This is a young man with a family… a young family.. can you imagine what strain this was in that household???… just knowing he was suffering..
Instead of bashing him and berating him.. Lets lift him up in prayers. Let us recognize that if he was your son, brother, uncle cousin and you realize the tip of the iceberg he was living/working in you would want him to be INDEPENDENT and VOID of the cancer that he has left behind.
Sometimes it takes a divorce or a lost of a limb to realize that the unhealthy horse manure that you have been accepting day after day, once its released.. there is a better lightning system and sigh of relief that some may not understand but you’ll sleep better, become more productive and self reliant…
Proud of you ANTHONY SMITH JR. Do whats best for your constituents and your country…
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The article is poorly written but I agree with the point that no one wants to be in a toxic environment.
Anthony Smith did what was best for him. The constituents will be better served now he’s a minister.
Funny thing about all this is the UPP was hoping a member of ABLP to do exactly what Anthony Smith did. They wanted a member or two of ABLP to resgin and cross the floor cause a shift in government. Now the script have been flipped they crying in the comments. Cry harder UPP😭😭😭
Unfortunately many of us do not have empathy. We are extremely judgemental. Our political leaders are human beings too. They are of us. They are our children, they are our grandchildren, they have uncles, aunts and cousins. More importantly all of us have free will. When we belong to an organisation and we perceive that the leadership is not listening and are bending and breaking their own rules there is a serious problem to be addressed. We cannot preach democracy and practise dictatorship. It is time for all of us to listen more and talk less. Hopefully this young politician will find a way to serve his peoples and his country.
OK soothsayer
Anthony is not the first to leave the UPP and cite the leadership style and culture of the party as their reason. When the party leader threatened his expulsion, that’s his livelihood they’re putting on the line — that’s how he takes care of his family. In such a case, his loyalty is to his wife and children; phuck the UPP — and fyi, I’m a supporter.
Why should the UPP leaders think their positions are above being challenged — especially when they’re doing a piss poor job? Obviously, a new leadership style is warranted to get different results. Gaston Browne is going to get a 4th term – because UPP top brass aren’t flexible, humble, or capable.
Self awareness is the greatest gift we can give ourselves!
Please don’t make excuses for his decision . This is pure bribery ! How can anyone justify calling Gaston and his administration corrupt ,wicked and also accuse him of nepotism and now join him? This has nothing to do with nation building . He got an offer personally and run with it . Heard the offer was too good for him to refuse. 6 m ,brand new red truck plus minister of agriculture.
@Straight Talk, I heard it was $60 million. So which one is it? The point is, just because you hear something doesn’t make it the TRUTH.
Please tell us, what stress was Anthony Smith under in the UPP? Was he working for the party, was he abused by the leadership?
What kind of crappy story is this? Wasn’t it this same leadership that pushed him up front to be leader just after he became an MP?
Anthony Smith is a big man. A family man. More than that, he is one of the most powerful men in the country. HE HAS A PARLIAMENT SEAT.
I have never read more pig swill than this stupid story. If he wants an excuse to give people for going where the money is, then let him find another one. Not this drip dry poppycock.
If the writer wanted to know about abuse from the UPP directorate tell her to talk to Mr Richard Lewis. And all the bad treatment this man got and still getting from the leadership of the UPP since he decided to contest Harlod Lovell for leader some time back.
Smith first job will be to go Barbuda and try to force the people off their land. That is too rough for Maria. Will he have the belly for that?
What would be his excuse when he can’t take it and wants to run from King Beelzeubub?
Bullshit!!! You in a toxic work environment but when to general council sunday afternoon. Work environment toxic ‘stay away’ you dam a$$. You put yourself infront of your constituents 1000 who trusted you, but your greed say toxic environment, you had been in negociations long time with Gaston he say so. But my dear Jesus was betrayed so who is UPP?
I agree with the letter writer. If the gentleman found the environment toxic then he is certainly justified in leaving and as others stated the organization should do some reflection on how they treat their members.
On the other hand, some state that he was bribed with a huge amount to pay off a debt. Hopefully, that was clean money not ill gotten gains and if he decided to accept it that is largely his business. If, however, it was money earned through corruption then yes that would be a bigger problem. If that is true, then that still raises some questions for the opposition. They often say the ruling party is corrupt and they are the more virtuous option but they keep putting up candidates that apparently are easily bought; so why should the public be confident in their candidates and that they would not all be corrupt as well if they won? In fact, they were also accused of corrupt dealings, money under the table etc. the last time they won. Since people are apparently easy to corrupt once they get into those positions, have access to millions of the public’s dollars, and are hanging out with rich businessmen and world leaders, what mechanisms do they plan to put in place to make corrupt practices as difficult as possible? Do they plan to introduce legislation whilst in opposition to curb corrupt practices? Should there be term limits on politicians etc.? Should there be less centralized government with money or resources or plans etc. controlled directly by communities instead? Is there any evidence that the opposition members do useful work in the community whilst in opposition? They might not have money but they can organise projects, call meetings, ask for volunteers etc. to get things done. That would be useful community leadership in the interim and help them to remember the people when they get into government. Or, do they only think they can effect change once they have access to the millions of dollars and positions of power? ‘Cause the problem seems to be once persons get into power they quickly forget what it’s like to live like a commoner, get blinded by the glitz and glam, want to quickly amass a fortune for their family and friends etc. and don’t do much to move communities forwards. Meanwhile things get so bad that people struggle to get water, food, housing, security etc. because all the politicians are busy fighting each other for power whilst the people face existential threats with no real leadership from them to solve the problems that truly deserve attention. It’s good that the opposition tries to hold the government to account over questionable dealings, but they also need to address why they themselves are so corruptible and how can we ensure that the people get what they need from politicians in power.
@What a load of Crap, interesting that you’re saying Richard got bad treatment from UPP while denying what Anthony says about his treatment. His letter also mentioned that he was getting flak for supporting Richards bid for leader. Your comment made it clear that UPP’s top brass has a history of abusing their reps — this makes Anthony’s statement more credible.
People read between the lines… this was all in the making. Do u recall Gaston hinting that Smith will join Alp since last year? Gaston realized he cannot win that seat so he promise Smith a portfolio as an independent since he cannot cross over to Alp until a general election is called. If Smith claims his party was toxic why not push for no confidence vote? Or why not do like Ascot and remain independent without a portfolio? This notion that he has an opportunity to now serve is just an excuse to join the labour party because that is exactly what he is going to do! The next election Smith will officially join labor party as a candidate! Why u think there isn’t a primary now? Gaston told Lahaina and Burton to step aside…. Smith has no integrity and he has lost my respect!!! Coming from an independent voice.
I want to say I am sorry and I feel your pain. You have my support. I will never be like the locals who victim shame and blame. Your message here is being listened to and taken seriously by me. Again, I am not sure what I could do to help but one thing I wanted to do is to help local Antiguans with exceptional ability (with or without a degree) and those people with advanced degree to get a greencard from the US based on either of these accomplishment. I can still help but I am not local which may be easier for locals to seek such help from me.
I pray you the best and there is nothing in this world that is more valuable than your sanity and safety.
I see a lot of people come on this platform to air their grievances and 100% of them are attacked and sadly by government officials and those who represent them.
I would see these grievances as a chance to help and convince people but instead they see it as a reason to accuse and even threaten with murder.
@helping Antigua is not perfect right now, but not everyone wants to go to the U.S. because it also has a lot of problems at the moment. It would be nice if there was a business that could assist persons with legitimately migrating to different parts of the world. So, that’s a nice business idea, but maybe something broader would be most helpful.
Who the hell cares AND what does this have to do with the TRAITOR AS??
IF HE WAS UNDER DURESS BRING IT TO MANAGEMENT IFIT WASNT PROPERLY ADDRESS THEN QUIT …..our mental health needs to be always protected it’s better to have integrity than be a dammm traitor…..BUT I GUESS 6 million was hard to say no too and ALL HIS SO CALLED MENTAL DURESS IS CURED NOW
He couldn’t even be honest with his constituents and he expects them when he runs on ALP ticket to vote for him?
@Wake up People, because being an independent candidate requires having your own money to buy your seat. Antiguans have become accustomed to their bribes at election time, they expect and even demands it. Asot will always win his seat because he has history with his constituents and he’s independent wealth When others, like Dr.Cleon Athill and Ms.Malaika Parker also made similar claims about the UPP, the argument that his resignation was only about money becomes weak.
UPP needs to clean up they act on how to treat their reps.
Value what you have when you have it!
*Independently wealthy.*
A bunch of cry babies ! Stop cry and create alternative programs and show that you can run the country every body knows the truth ABLP has superior leadership and representation Mr Pringle admitted to that and it’s not going to stop more would leave our PM has thrown out the invitation anyone that wants to serve and build their country come over it’s a clever and a political strategize manouver to get the best and ambitious few to build the ABLP so what’s the quarrel about I would like to see Mr Pringle just like Chet , Melford and the others join the ABLP which at the rate our PM is going can happen before the year end . Gaston Brown loves to build institutions and is a driven capitalist to empower the people of Antigua and Barbuda when he is done with Barbuda it will be the envy of the Caribbean he is a visionary and a great thinker he does not do maintenance economics he wants full control and ownership for the people and the more he is attacked the more he is motivated because he always wins and sees some of himself in Anthony Smith young and full of potential some even say he is Prime Minister material
Is Anthony Smith a victim here? He’s nothing short of being a blatant traitor. He had been involved in talks for many months prior to this deceptive move and the fact that Chet, as Minister of Agriculture, is not surprised as the UPP members, is evidence that it was being discussed at the Cabinet level. Imagine having an Anthony Smith ad a colleague in your military camp and taking bribes to give up the geographical coordinates of your position! There’s not a single dated reference he could’ve sighted to support his first and only story and I have absolutely no doubt that that letter was dictated to him or better yet, written for him. How could all these UPP defectors allow a single person to transform them into traitors, deceivers and liars? Antigua is really in the big league with countries like North Korea, Myanmar and ofcourse, Red China. Our leader is obsessed with power, but he has to be, because he knows something that we all know too well and that is; when you offend the USA, if it’s going to take a century to effect justice ,somebody’s going to be available whenever that time comes.
;Odebretch is not going to take a vacation. In the real mafiosos world, of which the unprincipled ALP is founded, all the defectors, from Colin O’Neal straight down to Anthony Smith, are known as RATS.
Big question will Ablp still have a primary in allsaints west?
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