The most recent reports received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and the Mount St. John’s Medical Center has revealed five new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda as of July 28th 2020 at 6pm.
Of the one hundred and eight samples tested, one hundred and three were negative and five were positive.
Meanwhile, two new recovered cases have been recorded bringing the total number of recovered cases to 67.
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is ninety-one with twenty-one active cases.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.
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What are the details of these new cases? Are they imported or local spread? Some details would be nice people. Seems the Government prefers to give as little information as possible.
Moon man,you are do correct. In Jamaica they give you a lot more details. If imported,the band if the airline ,flight number ,visitor or resident age group and parish they are from. It seems very suspicious about the way the authorities giving out these information to the public.
I agree. More information must be given.
Name of the air line
The more details they give the more people will be mindful help with the contact tracing. If i know of the details ..i can check myself to see if I was in such vicinity and if I was, I would isolate myself to protect others and my family
Moon Man, why don’t you just stay there!! Some details would be “nice”????? Frankly, I am surprised that the figures are not much higher. Antiguans from all walks of life continue to openly ignore the government mandated protocols. We continue to fete with gay abandon, we picnic non-stop, we wear masks if and when and how we feel like – and more as a fashion statement than as a critical weapon against contraction. All this so that we could feel “nice” as we watch Covid figures rise so we could try to blame the government!!! How sick is that!!!??
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