Financial Education Group Releases e-Book on How to Start a Business Later in Life


inancial Education Group Releases e-Book on How to Start a Business Later in Life

In celebration of Grandparent’s Day on September 8th, the team at Samuel-Fields Consulting Group (SFCG) is encouraged by the large number of seniors who bring many skills and talents to the world of business. Whether it is Sir George Ryan who continues to provide innovative thinking and business advice at the age 90, or their matriarch Miriam Samuel who also turned 90, and continues to expand her agro-processing business. For many of today’s senior citizens, success is not measured only by profits, but in the joy and fulfillment that business ventures can bring, by turning dreams into reality.

Motivated by the success of their mother’s recently released book, Megan Samuel-Fields and Derede Whitlock have published an ebook entitled “The Seniorpreneur Phenomenon: A New Era of Entrepreneurship.” It will serve as a strategic roadmap, outlining the steps and considerations that seniors should to take to bring their vision of entrepreneurship to life. The ebook will help seniors harness their creativity and innovative ideas and transform their passion into big-picture thinking to foster growth and profits.

“When we think of aspiring entrepreneurs we tend to think of young, vibrant professionals with decades of potential ahead of them. But considering the drive that some of the senior citizens in today’s society bring to the table, we must revisit that notion,” said Megan Samuel-Fields, CEO of SFCG

“No matter what stage of life you’re in, it’s never too late to pursue your dreams. But for many seniors looking to start or expand their businesses they lack the tools and guidance. Age, after all, isn’t only a number — it’s an indication of a life lived and lessons learned. With that in mind, we at SFCG want to assist senior citizens in leveraging their ideas and experience to start their own successful businesses,” said Derede Whitlock CMO of SFCG.

Starting or expanding a business provides an opportunity for older individuals to continue to be productive and make a positive contribution to society. The ebook is designed to help seniors harness their strengths and use it to their advantage. Research shows that seniorpreneurs are likely to have greater financial flexibility, either through significant life savings or assets that they can use as startup funds. They are also typically more savvy at networking. After years of experience, very often, it’s not what you know, but who you know. The ebook will position seniors to take advantage of the contacts that they have cultivated throughout their careers and leverage them for success.

In celebration of Grandparent’s Day and this new era of entrepreneurship, the FREE ebook will highlight the activities of Miriam Samuel, a seniorpreneur who is determined to leave a legacy as “everyone’s grandma.” This veteran teacher of 40 years, taught in nine schools in four parishes in Antigua. As an avid gardener, she has created more than 90 agri-products that offer a sense of nostalgia through flavors, aromas and medicinal properties. These products include food, beverages, essential oils, soaps, confectionery and nutritional supplements.
Miriam’s book “Mirie’s Magic Recipe: Loving, Leading, Legacy” provides a delightful narrative of her experiences as an ordinary woman who has lived an extraordinary life by turning obstacles into opportunities.  She utilizes many metaphoric links to cooking, gardening and travel to impart valuable life lessons. At the end of each chapter she shares recipes to nourish the mind, body, and soul.

The ebook The Seniorpreneur Phenomenon: A New Era of Entrepreneurship is available at:
The book is available on Amazon:

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