The Cabinet invited to its meeting the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and her Deputy, the Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, the Chief Health Inspector and the Commissioner of Police and his Deputy to discuss the removal of the State of Emergency and the curfew and other Covid-related matters.
The Minister of Health indicated that there are twenty-seven (27) active cases in Antigua and Barbuda, nineteen (19) of which are locals and eight (8) imported; transmission of the virus is predominantly by locals.
The real risk lies with the behaviour of the local population.
Fetes are a threat to our continued success in managing the Covid-19 pandemic.
The science governing Omicron is not yet complete and reliable data will still have to be accumulated before the scientists can draw useful conclusions. Following intense discussions by the Cabinet the following decisions were made:
The Cabinet having given careful consideration to the presentation made the previous week by the Group of Persons representing the Promoters, and in consideration of the ongoing threat posed by the Omicron Variant has decided to maintain an upper limit of 300 for approved Fetes with a further restriction that only one event will be permitted on any given day subject to all of the other safety protocols inclusive of the rapid test pre-screening.
Private parties are limited to 25 persons (other than those held in bio-secure spaces).
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Cabinet- You fly in GOD face over and over again. What fete? Think about saving our lives and livelihoods. Secondly don’t be fooled by all those civil servants that took the one jab when it was mandatory and most are elegible to take the second and have not. Either they take both shots or do the test twice monthly. One shot means you are unvaccinated.
It’s time to outlaw all fetes until this dark cloud of Covid passes by. At least that’s what the guys on the street are saying. I think they’re right. There is a time for all things, and this is not the time for fetes.
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