Festivals Commission owes close to seven million dollars

Matthew, Carnival Minister

The monies owed to various individuals and service providers for carnival over the years is a whopping $ 6.8 million, Carnival Minister Daryl Matthew has revealed.

The Cabinet agreed on Wednesday to provide the Festivals Commission with a sum of money, sufficient to meet significant portions of the debt owed to suppliers of goods and services, during Carnival 2017 and earlier.

Suppliers who are owed significant sums are now being asked to negotiate a reduced settlement so that the debts can be liquidated.

Matthew said some payments, especially to prize winners, will begin in the next two weeks.

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  1. How SAD & they paid for FREE CONCERTS???? they paid for BILLBOARDS during the ELECTION now they can’t get PAID FOR THEIR WORK THIS IS GREAT

  2. It’s a pity that citizens are powerless to take action against the government for outstanding payments. Like hauling Ministers to court like Nikki Phoenix to answer for outstanding debts! That would be poetic justice!

  3. OBEDIAH do you really think that ABLP can take up the Government’s money to have free concert and put up billboards? Then you do not understand the way government functions. The Permanent Secretaries are the only Officers who can access and disperse Government’s money and I am sure that NONE of them would give Government’s money to politicians to campaign. Campaign funds are raised by political parties.
    It is a FALSE and iressponsible statement and should be stopped. Truth be told the Accountant General makes the decision on what is priority which is salaries and servicing of loans. Those payments usually exhaust the financial resources and so other strategies have to be implemented to raise funds for carnival and other events. Government’s money is slow but it is sure. It takes effort and intelligence to run government not loose talk.

  4. What is so unfair about this, is that government is asking persons owed to take less than what is invoiced,after being owed as the article say for years, yet still, they come after you inclusive of late fees, leans and all sorts of measures for taxes owed. Case in point 2% or $500.00 on the U.B.T.
    Shame on you government!

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