Education Minister calls for consultation on extending school hours


The House of Representatives has approved the Small Charges (Amendment) Bill 2024, aimed at enhancing public safety by discouraging loitering by minors. The bill amends the Small Charges Act Cap 405, mandating that children under 18 must be accompanied by a parent between 10:00pm and 6:00am.

Parents face fines ranging from EC $2,000 to $5,000 or up to six months in prison for their children’s loitering offenses. Bars, nightclubs, and similar venues will also be fined EC $5,000 if they allow unaccompanied minors on their premises during these hours.

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  1. I 1000% Agree. It would serve to keep our young people actively and positively engaged. Some may argue that there are extracurricular activities that already take place, but the fact is not many of these young people can afford the things needed to participate. This initiative would need the support and input from stakeholders such as the business community and other NGO’s, youth groups, churches etc. Programs can provide mentorship, homework assistance, counseling etc. Let’s stop looking down at our young people as liabilities and start treating them as assets; nurture their natural gifts and abilities and empower them to develop into wholesome, law abiding and contributing citizens.

  2. I see someone was reading my post and listening to me. I an elated that my recent article on this very subject got the attention of the Minister of Education. He is someone that I have the highest regard and admiration for.

  3. So the parents and child will be both in prison?
    If the parent is in prison who is going to take care of the child?
    What about considering community services.
    Where if the caught for the first offense they do 3 months of community service after school until 8pm
    Monday to Thursday.

  4. How will teachers cope with this extra pressure and extra time?
    Where will govt find extra money to pay teachers for these extra duties?
    How will teachers find time to do marking, lesson plans etc. if they are in school 2+ hours longer daily?

    Nice idea, needs careful planning and delivery.

    Teachers Union should be part of discussion from now.

  5. Let’s see. The place is abnormally hot. Students are fainting, feeling unwell and unable to focus. So we are suggesting keeping them in these inhumane conditions for another two hours. With conditions the way they are, this is no about to change anytime soon.
    To keep up with rising cost of living, most teachers are forced to moonlight, already engaged in another source of income.
    Will the government be prepared to pay teachers for the extra time?
    Many students attend after classes. That will have to be considered. My child gets home at 2:45 now. He will get home at 4:45.
    There are a lot of things to sort out before jumping on this ship


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