Duty-free on Vehicles Outweigh Proposed Fee Increase, Says PM Browne


Tax Breaks on Vehicles Outweigh Proposed Fee Increase

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has defended the planned increase in vehicle licensing fees, arguing that motorists have already benefited from significant tax concessions when purchasing their vehicles. Speaking on Pointe FM, Browne dismissed criticism of the increase, noting that duty-free exemptions have saved vehicle owners thousands of dollars over the years.

“People are listening and observing. Someone posted today that a $100 increase per year over the life of a vehicle doesn’t come close to the tax concessions received when purchasing. Be grateful,” he said.

The Prime Minister also clarified that the $100 figure was only an example, stating that the final increase could be $200, $300, or even $400 annually, depending on the type of vehicle.

“Serpent and the others want to make a political issue out of people paying maybe $200 more per year, but clearly, if you want more durable roads, you have to pay more,” he said.

Browne explained that the increase in fees is necessary to fund a shift to concrete roads, which last longer in extreme heat and heavy rains compared to asphalt. The funds raised will support the government’s $100 million road improvement plan, which is backed by Antigua Commercial Bank (ACB) and Eastern Caribbean Amalgamated Bank (ECAB).

“We need to raise money to improve the country’s road network,” Browne stated.

He assured that every dollar raised from the new fees would be placed in a dedicated Public Works account to ensure that all funds are spent solely on road construction and maintenance.

“My government does not waste public funds. Every cent will go toward better roads,” he declared.

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  1. These roada will never look better than what they are regardless. All these taxes n yet he still cant bring in a proper road engineer..smh! WE FED UP !!!

  2. Bullshit… To whom exactly are you issuing these said duty free on car imports etc… give me a break.. last year I applied for a duty free relief and I only got $500 off give me a flipping break.. I paid almost $9000 to clear a car that cost me $7500. Bullshit. I bet if you’d stopped giving Hadeed and Harney motors all those duty free reliefs you’d sing another tune

    Miss me with the bullshit

  3. Who feels it knows it.. Best me go look a donkey or bicycle. When them done tax everything in a this country, you only a work fi mek money fi go work the next day

  4. How me ah pay almost $900 per year for licensing fees alone, on a car that ova 10 years old, and haffu drive All Saints road every fl!pping day, and me tyres and brakes ah squeak straight. And nuh ask me bout the in-road to get to ma house, how ma car cyarn avoid muddy on the long drive in.
    Miss ME wid da BS!

  5. Interesting….
    So, bcuz GB realize that he’d have 2pay hefty taxes 4 ALL d heavy duty equipment (he min plan fee raise d tax pan) which he own plenty privately, n most a Dem a govt own, him switch n say d tax a go go fee ALL vehicles….hmmmm…. interesting….a bet Dem ago go n mek some vouchers fee exempt demselves from paying any such tax, plus levy the deficit pan d masses, aka, tax payers….
    Yet, nobody a ask wa happen 2 ALL a d multimillion $$ investments dat GB/WB says were gained by he govt fee fix d rds, n other infrastructure….

    Or how about d disaster relief fund dat gee GB/WB over 28 million as disaster relief following Irma, n subsequent hurricanes, including the recent 2 just a couple yrs ago?

    Or wa bout d funding from the US $300 million dat GB get a hefty share of fee combat vaccine hesitancy????

    Ppl, all u need fee wake up n tap act like fools saying “Amen” 2waever dis corrupt dictatorship spit out….

    Beyond fed up atp….

  6. All the exemption you talking about were given to your chosen and it’s biting you now. You need to be reminded that most of the exemptions were for cheap 15 year old cars like the Vitz, Fit, and a few other brands that were bought by the less fortunate, and most were still asked to pay the environmental tax which was usually more than the cost of the vehicles. Your wealthy friends, on the other hand, purchased brand new high-end vehicles and received full exemptions and all that for votes. You boasted about the West Indies Oil Company made millions in profits from us and PLH amassed some 1.4 billion dollars in the first quarter of 2024 from the sales of Real Estate of Barbudan property while they pay absolutely no taxes. Don’t you think it wise to ask them and the others who are holding on to our taxes to assist with the road program? Maybe you have already gotten your personal dividends and they don’t allow double dipping.

  7. All this talk and no action. That’s why they get away with the wickedness. Action calls for inconveniences and nobody willing to be inconvenienced let alone suffer for what they believe.

  8. I bought my vehicle from Hadeed did not get a duty free and did not try to get one as a matter of fact I have owned 4 vehicles and never sought a dut free. Wicked mother f* * * * r

  9. Lots of great points to Include wasting on that concert. The PM point on Duty free is also valid on one had however it is his decision and his decision alone who gets duty free. If we were like St.Martin whereby everyone has equal opportunity to get duty free then those against the tax will have no point. So someone that did not get duty free can still argue against the tax .
    Not withstanding I am for the increase if I we are guaranteed better network of roads. If by the next general elections we don’t have sold and well improved roads , then the electorate should send a clear message.
    My main problem is not the tax but the accountability, the management of these resources and who will be administrating our tax dollars. I for one would not put a red cent in the hands of this Director and his senior engineers hands. We all no of the corruption at PWD. Not blaming the present minister because this has been allowed to fester for decades.
    One ounce of prevention is better than a pound of gold. Watch and see if no wholesale changes made at PWD , someone will go to prison for misappropriation of these same tax money.
    I am calling on the PS in whom I have the highest regard for to step up as the person that is the chief civil servant and protect every cent. Sir you are working with a bunch of crooks. Take full charge of the tendering process and awarding of contracts. Otherwise these people are going to as we say- send you down multi purse to answer questions.
    The ounce of prevention is to get this director out of the position and prevent him mishandle our taxes.
    PM these taxes are to be put in a special fund and not goes into the hands of ambassador cannot read pockets either . I know they are licking their lips already from the purchasing of those heavy duty equipment kick back. Put an end to this nonsense immediately and put Antigua first.
    See I am in full support of the taxes but the accountability is my problem.
    PM we have no opposition Party to hold your feet to the fire , plain and simple. UPP has disintegrated into a fraction of a party. So it’s all up to you to do the right thing.

  10. The greedy PM and his Cabinet decide to give out duty free to their com raids and others who do not give 2 sh*t about this country in order to get votes at election time and then drop the hammer on those of us who pay our duties and taxes, but just wait man

  11. Mr. Prime Minister, have you ever thought of the fact SERPENT AND OTHERS might just be concerned about the BURDEN your wicked taxes have placed on the backs of the people who are barely hand to mouth in thus country. To think years ago I wanted you to replace LESTER BIRD now I m getting it BACK and BELLY

  12. Mr. Prime Minister, have you ever thought of the fact that SERPENT AND OTHERS might be just more concerned about the hardship your administration s wicked evil taxes have on the people of this country, you and your Cabinet colleagues are living on easy street so you don’t give a damn

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