Dr. Rhonda Sealey-Thomas of Antigua and Barbuda Assumes Role as PAHO/WHO Assistant Director


PAHO/WHO – Dr. Rhonda Sealey-Thomas, a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda, was sworn in today as the new Assistant Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office for the Americas of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Dr. Sealey-Thomas holds a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree, as well as a Master of Public Health and a Doctorate in Public Health from the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. She has worked for the Ministry of Health in Antigua and Barbuda for over 25 years, most recently serving as Chief Medical Officer from 2005-2023.

In her new post, Dr. Sealey-Thomas is part of PAHO’s Executive Management team, along with PAHO Director, Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, Deputy Director, Ms Mary-Lou Valdez, and Director of Administration, Mrs Kristan Beck.

“Dr. Sealey-Thomas knows, understands and shares the values and the mission of this great organization.

Indeed, the work of her whole life reflects these values of equity, excellence, solidarity, respect and integrity,” PAHO Director, Dr. Jarbas Barbosa, said. “The Organization is quite fortunate to have her at this crucial time.”

During the ceremony, the new Assistant-Director highlighted the primary health challenges the Region of the Americas must face over the next few years, including non-communicable diseases, climate change, the ability to have resilient systems and the urgent need to strengthen pandemic preparedness and response. Dr. Sealey-Thomas expressed her commitment to work with Dr. Barbosa to support his vision for the future of PAHO and for the Region of the Americas.

“There is a wealth of knowledge, skilled personnel, learning institutions and other entities that bind us together,” she said. “It is my aspiration that during my tenure we work even closer as a Region in line with PAHO’s value of solidarity.”

Also speaking at the ceremony, Minister of Health, Wellness & the Environment of Antigua and Barbuda, Honorable. Sir Molwyn Joseph, underscored the “pivotal role” PAHO has played and “must continue to play” in the Region, and welcomed Dr. Sealey-Thomas’ appointment “because of our deep knowledge of her capacity to perform successfully and every confidence in her ability to strengthen the PAHO team.”

Dr. Sealey-Thomas oversees the departments of Communicable Diseases, Prevention, Control and Elimination; Social and Environmental Determinants for Health Equity; Evidence and Intelligence for Action in Health; Health Systems and Services; Innovation, Access to Medicines and Health Technologies; and Noncommunicable Diseases Prevention and Mental Health;; as well as the Special Programs on Comprehensive Immunization and the Regional Revolving Funds.

In addition, three PAHO/WHO technical centers are under Dr. Sealey-Thomas’ responsibility: the Pan American Center for Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Veterinary Public Health (PANAFTOSA); the Latin American Center for Perinatology, Women and Reproductive Health (CLAP); and the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME).

”Please be assured that I embark on this journey with humility, determination and compassion,” Dr. Sealey-Thomas concluded. “Let us all remember that our collective efforts are the driving force behind building healthier, more resilient, and more equitable societies throughout the Americas.


Dr. Sealey-Thomas started her career as a Medical Officer for the Ministry of Health in Antigua and Barbuda in 1994. She then served as the country’s Chief Medical Officer from 2005-2023, where she acted as the primary advisor on most pertinent health issues.

Dr. Sealey-Thomas began her collaboration with PAHO in 2004 as Associate Consultant in the Non-communicable Diseases Unit, where she helped shape the Organization’s approach to regional challenges such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and cancer.

She was a member of PAHO’s working group in charge of crafting a Health Agenda for the Americas during 2005-2006, a member of the Organization’s advisory group on the Noncommunicable Disease Agenda in the Caribbean and was also Chair of the Regional Validation Committee for the Elimination of the Mother to Child Transmission of HIV and Congenital Syphilis.





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  1. Buckle-up folks, and get ready for part TWO of the WHO, PAHO and Bill Gates funded PLANDEMIC 2.0

    These devilish people went into HIDING whilst the adverse effects and deaths took hold on many of the global populous – and why didn’t they respond to injured or bereaved? Nasty!

    They have now regrouped and got a SECOND wind to try and implement MANDATORY worldwide vaccinations (and not forgetting the digitalisation of health passports), especially with the votes from the 190-odd Members of the World Heath Organisation.

    Will Dr Rhonda Sealey-Thomas be rolling up her sleeves on camera again to hoodwink the Antiguan public once more.

    These people should all be locked up!

    Praying 🙏🏽 for a Nuremberg 2.0 type trial for these wicked set ah people for the heartbreak and mayhem that they have caused to the innocent who believed in them, and the gullible that followed them.

    Thankfully, many people will not entertain their duplicity like they did in 2019/20 with Covid-19.

    • … and as you know, I will bring my fellow Antiguans the facts and figures on the World Health Organisation and PAHO”s global LOCKSTEP movement that will effect us all.

      See the proof from the Health and Democracy conference on Dr John Campbell’s YouTube channel titled:

      ‘Pandemic Treaty’

      Please watch ASAP before it’s taken down …

      Dr Rhonda Sealey-Thomas (PAHO) or Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO) will NEVER inform you about taking away our Sovereignty.


  2. Assistant to the Deputy and to the Director sounds like a fabrication.
    Be that as it may, well played Madame Thomas, we’ll played.

  3. Watch Molwyn face in the back. He’s a real fool.

    No wonder this woman was ALWAYS on a plane every minute (like she was the only one in Ministry of Health who owned a passport).

    She was never about trying to advance Antigua, she was only about trying to advance herself. By any means necessary.

    Well the fun dun and the hard wok now start!

  4. What a proud moment for Antigua and Barbuda once again. All these things only happening under this Gaston Browne lead administration. And I was additionally pleased to see our very own Khan Cordice playing the pan there at the ceremony in Washington. Antiguans and Barbudans who are real patriot and not just political hacks should be very proud.
    Congrats once again Mrs. Sealey Thomas on your remarkable achievement. I wish you many more achievements in your professional career.

    But I understand the ABLP and Browne haters cannot separate politics from love of country. Cause they cannot even wish Doctor, Sir, (King Short Shirt),McLean Emmanual well.

    • “… All these things only happening under this Gaston Browne led administration”.

      Absolutely correct @ From The Sideline, the Prime Minister is a dangerous liability to our beautiful island.

      Here’s some more FACTS for you regarding our IMMINENT loss of SOVEREIGNTY to the World Health Organisation:

      Gaston Browne (along with other World leaders) has given the WHO tacit agreement to implement MANDATORY vaccination for future pandemics, with total agreement from the 194 members affiliated in the next few days or weeks to be RATIFIED.

      You voted for the ABLP, but did you vote for the World Health Organisation to remove our sovereignty as well regarding our FUTURE health?

      The Prime Minister knows about the above. Fact!

      Molwyn Joseph knows about the above. Fact!

      And the newly promoted Dr Rhonda Sealey-Thomas definitely knows about the above as well. Fact!

      People like you Sidey NEVER want to query the authorities (especially when it comes to anything they do or say), and you’ll always end up sleep walking into dangerous areas and avenues that – long term – you cannot get out of.

      You Absolute simpleton. Fact!

  5. Why all this negativity? Why aren’t we congratulating this woman? Isn’t this a great accomplishment and good look for A&B? It’s always politics, hatred and selfishness in this place.

    • Wake up @ Carvaa, we’re you fast asleep when the medical fraternity (who were only trying to highlight the deaths and serious adverse reactions from the Covid-19 vaccines?) wanted to show their independent and peer reviewed studies of the dangers of the Moderna, Pfizer and the AstraZeneca TRIAL vaccines … AND WERE SILENCED!!!

      Promotions are only good if justified – you’d do well to remember this.

      • You used the WORD ‘bitter’ Sidey 😁, but check out if wha’ mi ah say ah lie?

        Again, you can’t compete with Brixtonian for truths and rights!

        You loser in WORTHWHILE communications …

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