Dr. Mansoor Denies Rumours That He Will Replace Charles Max Fernandez in Rural North


Dr. Mansoor Addresses Rumors Surrounding His Decision to Join ABLP

Dr. Mansoor, a former longtime member of the opposition United Progressive Party (UPP), has publicly responded to rumors and speculation regarding his recent decision to join the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP).

Speaking on ZDK Radio, Dr. Mansoor categorically denied any discussions about receiving government appointments or promises of positions, addressing concerns that have surfaced in media circles.

“I have had no discussions with anyone whatsoever about any appointment anywhere in government,” Dr. Mansoor stated firmly. He emphasized that rumors suggesting he would run for office in rural North or that he had been offered a quid pro quo arrangement were unfounded. “Let me state categorically, I’m throwing my full support behind The Honorable Charles Max Fernandez, 100%.”

Dr. Mansoor, who is a full-time physician and associate professor at the American University of Antigua School of Medicine, reiterated his commitment to the development of Antigua and Barbuda.

He expressed gratitude to the ABLP for welcoming him and highlighted that his decision to align with the ruling party was based purely on the facts available to him and a desire to serve the country.

“I plan to bring all the talent that God has gifted me to the service of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party,” he explained. “For me, it’s about country first. Antigua is home.”

Dr. Mansoor also took the opportunity to dismiss any gossip or hearsay regarding his motivations for the political shift, clarifying that his skill sets and talents are available to support the government in the positive development of the nation, without any personal agenda.

Dr. Mansoor acknowledged the media discussions but maintained that his focus remains on serious issues affecting the forward movement of Antigua and Barbuda.

“I am not interested in hearsay and gossip. My skill sets are available to the government as they see fit,” he concluded.

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  1. poor Pearl “FOOTS” Quinn. She have to do primary against Kem Warner…..the man she claims is known for submitting some exorbitant bills to government.

    Kem is from the bowels of Labour, so UPP better not be surprised when he returns home to Labour. (r.i.p Mama Heskey)

  2. You see the upp is just a “party” whereas the Labour Party is an INSITUTION!!! note the difference. coming together to be spiteful, vindictive, jealous and badminded to ABLP was not a good foundation for upp to stand on. The people of Antigua and Baburda and the world at large get to see what the upp is made of – rotten to the core, with maggots seeping out and a fecal stench. Run for the hill before the lipstick-wearing hog tramples you to death.

  3. Those of you who can recall after the Nigerian Airlines and ultimate fiasco after the photo shoot launch. I said at the time when the rumours were rife about him wanting to leave the ABLP, that Charles Max Fernández would be looking for a way out in the future – we just didn’t know when.


  4. Here’s another of my GREAT predictions:

    The diehard and long-term members of the ABLP, will eventually get fed-up and turn on Gaston Browne, due to the fact that he’s currently promoting FORMER UPP members (BTW, who he on many many occasions denigrated) above them.

    This a Gaston Browne ABLP/UPP alliance under another evil guise …



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