Dr Joey John breaks ground for Hospital and Medical Complex


Yesterday, marked a momentous occasion in Antigua and Barbuda as the country’s latest multi-million dollar project was officially launched.

PM Browne

Dr. Joseph John, one of Antigua and Barbuda’s foremost visionary, pioneer and successful entrepreneur in the field of medicine, held a ceremonial turning of the sod, to officially break ground for the country’s newest private medical complex, ‘The Doctors Hospital and Medical Complex’, to be constructed at the City Park Development (Woods Estate).


To mark the start of a new era in health and medicine, in Antigua and Barbuda,  the turning of the sod was conducted by Dr. John alongside his wife, Mrs. Laurie John; His Excellency Sir Rodney Williams; Prime Minister, Gaston Browne; and Minister of Health, Wellness and the Environment, Sir Molwyn Joseph.

Dr Joey John

During his address, Dr. John expressed, “This new medical complex, The Doctors Hospital, will be a multi-specialty 24/7 facility offering not only all services and procedures already available in Antigua, but importantly many not yet available on the island”. He further stated that the hospital and medical complex will also undoubtedly increase our market share of regional health tourism, an area that he has long championed as a revenue-earner for the country.


During his thirty-year career, Dr. Joseph John served as Chief Surgeon at the then Holberton Hospital from the period 1994 to 2005, and was quite instrumental in the vision, development, and construction of the Mount St. John’s Medical Center (MSJMC). Dr. John also cited, “…For me, the most exciting spin-off will be the role this complex will play in providing additional opportunities for practitioners and specialists in Antigua. In a small island developing country like ours, our human resources – our young people in particular – are our most valuable asset”.


Also in attendance were Dr. Errol Cort, who mastered the ceremony, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Immigration and Trade, Honourable E.P Chet Greene and Minister of Tourism and Investment, the Honourable Charles Fernandez.

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  1. Dr John is a great man. Through divine guidance I was able to have a successful surgery using the services of Dr John.

  2. This sounds GREAT, however, is this hospital only for rich people? Or with ordinary citizens be treated here also? Hopefully so.

    • Have you ever been treated or operated on by him??? If you have, then you will be able to answer your own question.

  3. Is this going to be a Private Hospital? Or is it a Quasi Government Hospital. My reason for asking. I see the Governor General, Prime Minister and Sir,Sir,Molwyn in the above photo. Then I read that other Ministers of the Government were in attendance. This would be the Hospital for the well to do Comrades in RED. While all poor Comrades go to MSJMC.Some Comrades are doing well.While the rest of us catching hell.

    ANR: Where was this ground faking. I meant to breaking.

    • Dumb comment!! The ruling party is always involved in such project as it a sight of job creation and boost to the healthcare and financial/economy sector.

  4. I believe in accessible healthcare services for all and I believe it’s the government’s job to ensure this is so. However, people on here questioning whether “ordinary” or “poor” people will be able to be treated at this facility need to calm down. A PRIVATE citizen has all right to reap the financial payoffs from their hard work and dedication and they can invite whoever the hell they like to the groundbreaking of THEIR establishment. We too licky, licky, nyamy, nyamy and entitled in this country. God man. Mek people mek dem money from dem labour. If ya can’t afford it petition the government for better PUBLIC health facilities.

  5. I strongly believe that it’s a private entity, but those ministers are all partners in it.

    Remember Gaston have share in almost all new cooperate businesses in Antigua.

    It’s good for the country though. Dr. John might be expensive but the service is worth it.

    We need quality health care in Antigua and Barbuda.
    By Gods grace I pray it materializes.

  6. Firstly & most importantly, if this press release came from Dr. John, shame on you. LAURIE JOHN is a highly qualified and skilled anaethesiologist (sp) so if you giving all these men their pomp & circumstance, please give your wife the same darn respect. A Freudian slip perhaps.

    Best guesses regarding the new facility:
    Private facility with high fees paid in the main by health insurance providers & some private clients.
    HEALTH TOURISM – Dr. J. John has expressed interest in this revenue stream on previous occasions.
    Interesting reference to his stint as Chief Surgeon.. I seem to remember some back and forth after that stint where a Labour govt. revoked his hospital priviledges.however that’s clearly in the past and money talks for the current cabinet. (they’re likely all buddies from way back when!)

    • How you so bitter? You’re in a loveless relationship and are projecting? How is he giving others pomp and glory by their names being mentioned? The wife’s profession isn’t relevant in this case. If women want fame and glory, they need to work for it and stop hoping their husbands will give them a bly. It’s 2021 afterall.

      • @Seriously. Did our first MP Jackie Quinn work for hers or did her “husband give her a bly”? Husbands are just about nothing without their wives. It is the wife who will support him in building his empire. Unfortunately, in a lot of cases he will cheat/leave once he has “arrived”.

        Dr. Laurie John is in the photo for a reason and it’s not merely because she is married to Joey. Quit trying to perpetuate the 16th century bullshit of women being “barefooted and pregnant in the kitchen”.

        Congrats to Dr. Laurie John and Dr. Joseph John.

    • Labour was NOT in power in 2005. So get check your facts please and thanks and ask the minister of health between the period of 2004-2014

  7. Good on them for not mentioning the annoying crachead that like to run loose on Facebook. Now maybe some of this vision can rub off on Lovell and Pringle.

  8. @seriously Thanks for your armchair psychologist feedback. You are welcome to your opinions. Note the politicians titles are shown.
    Dr. Laurie John is Dr. J. John’s anesthesiologist of choice, without her, he could not operate. They are in business together. Just hoping women are acknowledged for their worth, not because smart professional women need a ‘by’ from their husbands.

  9. Be reminded that MSJMC was the vision of Dr John.

    He has always had a vision of providing world class medical services in Antigua.

    Removing him from MSJMC was a huge loss to the people of Antigua and Barbuda.

    Who removed him and prevented him from conducting any operation at MSJMC? Charles Tabor please answer)

    Congrats to Dr John and his family.

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