(CMC) – The former director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Dominican-born Dr Carissa F Etienne, died Friday of an apparent heart failure.
She was 71 years old.
Etienne, who recently retired after 10 years as director, was declared Director-Emeritus on September 30, 2022, at the 30th Pan American Sanitary Conference.
“From a little girl in Massacre, Dominica – walking barefoot, going to school, being as every other child was. If that child can rise to become director of PAHO, then there is hope for every child that walks the streets of the Americas (including the Caribbean),” said Etienne during the ceremony.
It is with great sorrow that the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) informs of the passing of Director Emeritus Dr. Carissa F. Etienne.
Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, a native of Dominica, served as Director of PAHO and Regional Director of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the Americas from February 2013 to January 2023.
“Carissa was a dear friend and colleague, and under her steadfast leadership and guidance, PAHO achieved significant milestones for the region of the Americas while facing one of our greatest public health challenges with COVID-19,” PAHO Director Dr. Jarbas Barbosa said. “I am very saddened by her passing, and my thoughts are with her family, friends and all of us at PAHO who cared deeply for her.”
During Dr. Etienne’s tenure, PAHO led the response to the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic in the region of the Americas, as well as efforts to control Zika and chikungunya epidemics and cholera and yellow fever outbreaks in Haiti and Brazil, while significantly improving the Organization’s response to emergencies and disasters within 48 hours.
Under her leadership, the Americas eliminated the endemic transmission of measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome, and made considerable strides in the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases. Legislative and regulatory mechanisms gained traction, as countries enacted legislation on the labelling of food products and introduced taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages.
Advances were also made in strengthening national health systems and in progress toward universal health. In the last five years of Dr. Etienne’s mandate, deliveries by skilled birth attendants increased from 95% to nearly 100% and, for the first time, the Region of the Americas reached the recommended target of 25 physicians and nurses per 10,000 people.
Prior to becoming PAHO Director, from March 2008 to November 2012, Dr. Etienne served as Assistant Director-General for Health Systems and Services at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. Before that, she served as Assistant Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau from July 2003 to February 2008, where she led five technical areas: Health Systems and Services; Technology, Health Care, and Research; Health Surveillance and Disease Management; Family and Community Health; and Sustainable Development and Environmental Health.
During her tenure at both WHO and PAHO, Dr. Etienne directed efforts to renew and strengthen health systems based on primary health care. She has also spearheaded policies for reducing health inequalities increasing people-centered care and integrating health into broader public policies.
“We have lost a great public health champion,” Dr. Barbosa said. “Dr. Etienne’s invaluable experience will be sorely missed in global health discussions to improve the lives of people and to ensure better preparedness for global health emergencies.”
Dr. Etienne began her career in her native Dominica as a medical officer at the Princess Margaret Hospital and was later appointed as the Chief Medical Officer of that country. She has also served in other high-level posts in Dominica, including as Director of Primary Health Care Services, Coordinator of the National AIDS Program, Disaster Coordinator for the Ministry of Health, and Chair of the National Advisory Council for HIV/AIDS.
Dr. Etienne received her medical degree (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery-MBBS) from the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, and her Master of Science Degree (MSc) in Community Health in Developing Countries from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London.
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@. And you think you go live forever, right?
Stop the deflection, and open your eyes @ Carter. Sounds like you may have also rolled up taken a mRNA trial vaccine(s).
Brix, Can you name the 148 person we lost during the Covid-19 pandemic. You think they dies of just a small little flu? Do you have any friends or family that died? Well I have and hearing you speak this nonsense make me angry. And a good friend of mine lost both her Mother and Sister in one week after they contracted Covid. You are messing with people’s grief. That you don’t believe in the vaccine that is ok. You didn’t take it, that is your perrogative. But please respect others’ choices and respect the fact that we had millions of deaths all over the world. And yes the human body is one that adopts to various virusses, but that can take a while and bring lots of missery along with it. That is why the good Lord above gave us scientists and doctors to look for cures for illnesses. There are many we still have not find a cure for. Technology doesn’t sit still. It is constantly evolving. Just check the new Smat Watches coming on the market. Given you health stats at your finger tip. What technology is that, that can ready so much information and even gives you an ECG in no time.
Look at this now. “RESPECT OTHERS CHOICE ” i guess u have amnesia now. Just the other day it was the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. From who saying “we not working with them” send them home. Did not care that how ppl feed their families. How ironic that the words “RESPECT OTHERS CHOICE ” is being used now. When the unvaccinated made a choice to remain that way. Where was this RESPECT?
Brixty, we agree on many things in local politics however I must disagree with you and the naysayers on this non political (medical) one. A person dying suddenly is not uncommon;it is a part and parcel of life, always has been and always will be, vaccine or no vaccine. It would appear to naysayers that if a person dies suddenly the cause of death is due to the vaccine. I cannot repeat it often enough; all medicines, I repeat all medicines have a side-effect on the human body. Some people’s immune systems shrug off negative effects like a duck ignores water thrown over it. They sail through life without or with very little worry. Others not so. The biggest negative with these vaccines appear to be blood clots developing in the body after vaccination. I must stress again, some people’s systems can dissolve the clots naturally, if formed, while they go along with life merrily without any bother while others are not so fortunate. When you take any medication you weigh up the benefits against the risks and make a consiidered judgment on either.side; the choice is yours. I personally have taken every dose of the Pfizer vaccine from the beginning and on every occasion I was asked by the nurse before the injection if I am taking any blood thinners. I was always curiuos about this question and never asked why (I should have done) and it now seems to have to do with the formation of blood clots. I cannot say for sure, am not medically trained but that suspicion makes me wonder if that might be the case. Someone I know called me a few months ago and said they were coughing up blood: I told them to phone the Covid Help Line immediately, no hanging about, which they did. The Help Line told them to see the doctor the following day, Covid Help Line made the appointent the very same evening. Result, a blood clot had formed. This cleared up after an injection. Brixty, tell me how many people do you think have died by taking the vaccine compared to those who did not?
All I would say to you @ oversee, is to try and search/Google on any of the 30-odd medical experts that I have recently mentioned, and you’ll find that they wanted their voices to be heard from the get-go, but where shutdown and silenced.
On a personal note, I will tell you part of my own journey.
Though I did my research and due diligence; however, I made contact with a medical practitioner in the US – by email address – about the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines (after being ignored by a dozen or so of them beforehand); and to my pleasant surprise she was open, forthright and so honest about Covid-19.
She wasn’t an advocate for the trial vaccines being pushed or mandate!
I got so much feedback and other worthwhile information, and alternative preventative actions from this amazing doctor, that me and my family (and dear dear friends) are to this day, forever grateful.
This was around a couple of years ago.
Enjoy your day, I wish you well …
And you take it and are afraid to go because your humongus ignorancy
You people so heartless! Wait! you think your day will not come? Death is for everyone and i hope you will be prepared.just imaging you rejoicing over someone’s Death because of the Brain wash you got from the naysayers of the covid vaccines. Stop Blaming the woman!Ignorant Fool.
Stop getting emotional….These vaxxines are killing our people… Google the Pfizer documents u will see that death will happen if u take that vaxxine. Sorry but it is poison…..
Is best you had gotten the poison,you would have better commonsense not to write this garbage on here
Everyone will die yes….. what is keeping u in the dark ??? Do u not see all the young people dying of heart attacks and blood clots/ brain bleed. The rate that we are losing people …U guys that took that vaxxines are ANGRY ….WHEN U GUYS WERE HAPPY TAKING THE VAXXINES THINKING THAT U BOUGHT LIFE U WERE HAPPY ,CONDEMINIG THE UMVAXXS WAS YOUR DAILY MEAL. NOW ENJOY THE CLOT SOT
Words cannot express the disguss I have for low life people like you. I wish this website would have a higher standard of what they publish and what not. Not everything should be considered “free speech”. Especially when the writer remains anonymous.
Cry harder Sideline. Some people have family who died from the jab also. More deaths have been recorded since their roll out than the COVID deaths. 17 million is the current count worldwide now. The data are coming out and the life insurance actuaries have the numbers. Plus, the lying MSM has already admitted that the COVID death counts were over inflated — Gun shot deaths were counted as COVID deaths, etc. You’re a wanna be dic[k]tator and just as much of a low life as you’re accusing others of. Good thing you’re not running ANR and people can still speak freely to some extent. ANR censors at times. All those young people that are just dropping dead have one thing in common– mandatory COVID jabs for school, sports, work etc. Some of us are disgusted by you too.
@Sugarapple…From The Sidelines(him, her, they, S’him) aka Mrs. Condescending is most definitely a dic[k]tator prefers to grovel under the rich man’s table, on his knees sucking and lapping up more than his crumbs like their lap dog!
Did you expect any other reasoning from Mrs. Condescending?
It’s as if as adults one has no RIGHTS over their body’s.
It is in the same way, they rolled out ABORTION through the FAMILY PLANNING, which later was determined to be a concept for M. Sanger #EUGENICS.
We remember The Tuskegee Experiment.
We remember the Small Pox Blankets.
We remember the MEDIA henchmen and women for the MEDIUM(oligarchs and plutocrats) WHO’RE in control of the molding of society with their various forms of population control through wars(guns, bombs, germs).
From The Sidelines MUST no, that the SPIRIT of the CHRIST embedded into our genes, through the ESSENCE of Nature’s Ether is not that, which has being hybridised, bastardised, indoctrinated by grovelling under the rich man’s table lapping up whatever he can reach, on vended knees!
Now, that’s a low life who’s as deadly as a snake crawling around on what was meant to stand on.
Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
De ‘ole Dutty Peg 🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
Take more poison vaxxines and enjoy the ride
Heart attack again???? Sorry for all those who took that poison vaxxine…. she was pushing that poison vaxxine and now millones around the world dropping dead from massive heart attacks and blood clots…. the covid deaths ??? Those were fake , people died in car accidents were counted as covid deaths. Gaston Browne mandated this poison now watch this poison kill our young
Despite my previous criticisms of Dr Carissa F. Etienne’s roll in promoting the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines in the Caribbean region and beyond throughout her roll with Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), it’s a very sad time for her family, friends and close colleagues.
… Maybe, the voices of the other medical practitioners and experts (that strangely silenced) will be allowed to be heard now!
Could this now be the SEMINAL moment in the serious adverse effects and roll-outs in ALL mRNA vaccines?
An OPEN and HONEST dialogue between all medical experts about these TRIAL vaccines is long overdue …
@Brixtonian, Dr Mike Yeadon former vice president of Pfizer UK said people would start dying at 3 years post jab. (I guess she didn’t get the antidote).
These so called “health” organizations needs to be SHUTDOWN. They never tell people the importance of sunlight/vitamin d on the immune system. All they do is push unnatural and harmful solutions unto people, especially children — Too many young healthy people are not here anymore because of the disinformation they spread.
Totally agree with you @ Sugarapple, like you I also listened to the medical experts whose voices were silenced, not only by the main stream media, but also by politicians around the world.
18-24 months ago, here are some of the EXPERT voices that were silenced:
Dr Renee Hoenderkamp; Dr John Campbell; Dr Peter McCulloch; Dr Ramin Oskoui (Cardiologist); Dr Pierre Kory; Professor Paul Marik; Dr Jane Orient; Dr Tess Lawrie; Dr Mobeen Syed; Dr Jay Bhattacharya; Dr Suneel Dhand; Dr Christian Parks; Theresa Long MD, MPH, FS: Peter Doshi (PHD); Joel Wallskog MD (and injured by the AstraZeneca vaccine): Shaun Barcavage (another Health Care professional that was vaccine injured, and can no longer practice); Nurse, Victoria Jensen; Dr Kevin Esvelt; Dr Tony Hinton; Bret Weinstein; Dr Tommy Redwood (who refused to be vaccinated); Dr Shankara Chetty; Dr Mike Hobart; Dr Joe Ladapo (opposed vaccine mandates); Dr Scott Jensen (also opposed vaccine mandates); Dr Audrey Dionne (cardiologist who highlighted heart problems with Myocarditis); Dr Ror (retired paediatrician); Dr Mary Tally Bowden; Dr Aseem Malholtra (consultant cardiologist).
Many more lives around the globe would have been save, if a more balanced discussion was allowed to take place.
* Dr Ros Jones (retired paediatrician)
Brixty, it puzzles me why the medical experts you mentioned always complain of being shut down or silenced in their opposition to the COVID vaccine. Here we have those in high places such as kings, presidents and prime minsters etc., being openly vaccinated for all the world to see yet no one has advised them against taking the vaccine? It doesn’t add up. You are to be applauded for doing searches on the efficacy of the vaccine. I must however ask you again to provide any information you may have on the number of fatalies of those who were vaccinated compared to those who were not. I return best wishes to you.
@ oversee, this may be of interest to you regarding death rates between the VACCINATED and the UNVACCINATED.
Dr John Campell has released a video on YouTube titled: ‘More Vaccinated Deaths than Unvaccinated From Covid’
The video is around 16 minutes long – but well worth watching.
This particular topic on the Covid-19 programme received around 1.7M hits. You may also be interested in reading some of the very disturbing comments as well.
Hopefully, Dr Campbell’s facts, figures and data helps to clarify any of your concerns.
Oh, and btw, Dr John Campell was originally pro vaccination until he himself started to look into the inconsistent narratives and propaganda from the likes of the World Health Organisation and global governments.
And then when he and other medical experts, virologists, whistle-blowers and even embalmers were showing concerns about the dangers and deaths of mRNA vaccines, he was ignored by the relevant authorities – like many other practitioners in his field.
Here lies the dilemma; for every medical expert who is anti vaccine there is a pro vaccine. For every qouted number of deaths caused by the vaccine there is a counter number of people who survived Covid because they took the vaccine. So, where do we go from here? You have done much more research into these numbers than me, kudos to you, however when this subject was raised about a year ago, a poster referenced Dr Peter Mc Culloch as an example of an anti vaccine expert. I did a search on his reasoning and lo and behold his argument was shot down in flames by a pro medical expert. I ask again, where do we go from here? It comes down to personal choice, to take or not to take. Weigh the pros against the cons, benefit against risk and decide. Choice is the key.
Yes @ oversee, it is about personal preference and personal choice, but I’ll conclude by saying that three Antiguans that I know had the same mindset as me in the early days about not being vaccinated, and were adamant they wouldn’t take it – no matter what!
However, they had an overriding impulse to continue travelling and succumbed to vaccination (and I won’t judge or blame them at all); but sadly two of them got diagnosed with cancer, and the third can barely walk without the aid of a walking stick. Heartbreaking!
Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not, but I was determined to wait and see … I’m glad I held out!
I’ll let you decide @ oversee – the evidence of adverse reactions is overwhelming …
Wouldn’t it be ironic, if her “heart attack,” was as a result of one of, the many vaccines which she advocated for all HUEmans during the recent COVID-19 PLANDEMIC!
I did dig two graves⚰️⚰️(even though, I’m requiring, that once this shell/body is no more in need by my Spirit, it must be buried in a Hemp box with not metals, lined with burlap/hemp material, with my naked body placed in it, and my grave becomes a planter for a sweet tamarind tree).
Condolences to the bereaved.
Jumbee Picknee aka Ras Smood
De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
Condolences to her family.
Most of the persons on the front line of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic are well intentioned and want to help humankind. Our sympathies go out to Dr. Etienne’s family, friends, colleagues, Dominica. the Caribbean and indeed the world. This is a tragedy every which way and extreme unfortunate. We have lost so many to this virus.
To all of you with your opinions. The lady is gone to the great beyond and cannot respond to you.One day,some day, we would all be traveling that road. Regardless if you had taken the Vaccines or not. Do you care what others would be saying about you then?
Same with your opinion…
@BUGSY…then, I guess #BLACKMAN, #BOXBOROUGH and #WHARF RAT wouldn’t agree with you. However, from your opinion, I’ll ASSume, that no one MUST question dead slave owners, dead catholic popes, priests, cardinals.
Dead serial killers, Dead war mongers like Leopold, Hitler etc.
Let me ASSume again, what is the premise for the fake Israelites now being propped up as the OLIGARCHS WARS BASE in the Middle East or better yet, just tell them, to release RA Stanford from prison, return all of his pyramid scheme millions to him, and give him HALFMOON BAY with an additional 200 acres for free.
He can even build his own version, of the BERLIN WALL from FREETOWN to BROWNES BAY to Bird Island back to HALFMOON bay.
COVID-19 is a business entity. She was pushing the COMPANY’ MISSION.
Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
My condolences to the bereaved. She was truly a health champion in the Caribbean Region. And through her effort the dead toll in the Caribbean has remained one of the lowest during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Caribbean owe her a lot of gratitude. Ensuring that we were not left out of the distribution of the various vaccines.
The death toll in the Caribbean remained low because of peoples vitamins levels not because of the her effort. Immune systems with high enough vitamin levels do not over react and go into cytokine storms.
You speak of God and scientist — well God gave us a perfect army (ie an immune system) that and fight off anything if it’s healthy enough.
Vitamin D levels.
That can and will fight off
Guess she didn’t realize she was only supposed to sell the Kool-Aid, not actually drink it. Still, a life is a life and sad to lose anyone, but it would be very ironic if it was the shot that killed her. Anyway I guess we’ll never know.
I don’t think that anyone is gloating about this woman’s death. People can be heartless, but for the most part, times like this remind us of our own mortality.
However, there is no escaping the irony here. No government anywhere in the world has taken steps to do an in depth, comprehensive investigation into the damage these untested, unproven, so-called vaccines have caused, as mortality rates rage out of control. Myocarditis, blood clots, strokes, tumors are all know side effects of the MRNA jabs and Astrazeneca to some extent.
You took the jab to save you job, that was your choice, but those who bowed down were downright nasty to those who didn’t.
I’m just saying, this lady was a strong advocater for the jab that may have caused her demise. That’s the irony here. No ill-feeling or gloating, as we ponder the horrows of last three years, but we are approaching the three year prognosis.
Well said @ Watching, nobody is gloating, but I recall the unvaccinated being vilified from pillar to post; and I can never the forget the young Antiguan man that died and was vaccinated, and Prime Minister Gaston Browne castigated him (in death) for not taking the vaccine, now that to me was – totally unwarranted – gloating.
*was unvaccinated
Reminder People: Before Covid, there were actuall deaths by heart attack, stroke cancer etc. Now, anytime some one dies we are blaming vaccine. Eddie Mello died year before Covid. Had he died after the vaccine, guess what we Will be blaming.
Ron you need to look into the recent stats on heart attacks and cancers, the difference between pre Covid-19 figures and now is up globally by 10-15%.
You obviously do not keep up with the statistics.
Don’t take my word for it, and if you don’t know (as I expect) then let me know … only here to help the uninitiated!
Brixty, let me say this: a prominent medical expert said that cancer rates would rise in the coming years long before Covid came on the scene. People on the whole do not eat as healthily as before. This applies especially to young folk. For instance the imported finger licking chicken which is so popular but is pumped full of chemicals and washed in chlorine can cause havoc with your health. The older folk would eat chicken that roamed the streets, scratching and pecking and they were free. They had a happy and stressless life. Compare the taste between imported chicken to stressless chicken, the difference is remarkable. That’s only one example. You can go further to find other examples. On the subject of numbers of deaths due to the vaccine, and I think AstraZeneca is the one most targeted, I too have heard an expert give the opposite in numbers, which is to say there are fewer deaths in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated.
Again, I ask, where do we go from here? The sayibg goes: You pay your moneyand you make your choice.
“Choice” is one of the greatest words in the dictionary @oversee; it can be a matter of life and death – and the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted this no end.
You asked me earlier for the evidence regarding the differing death rates, yet you’ve gone of on a tangent and started talking about other factors that wasn’t raised in the first instance!
Did you even WATCH Dr John Campbell’s video on the vaccinated and unvaccinated vaccine deaths, where actual facts and figures were stated @oversee?
Obviously not!
Young people dying of heart attacks, cardiac arrest, stokes etc were not regular occurrences –they were rare before the jab. As a matter of fact, we were taught that children don’t get strokes (absent some kind of trauma) — now children are having strokes and it is being normalized since the jab.
The article about her death on observer site stated she got a clean bill of health from her Dr. earlier this year. It is highly likely that she died from vaccine induced heart failure.
Remember in 2020 practically every death was labeled a “covid death” — well now, every sudden death is a vaccine death until proven otherwise, imo. Although, I already know, the type of autopsy required to definitively say it’s a vaccine death will not be done — because, they are still trying to hide the evidence of what was done to the world. But the truth can’t remain hidden forever.
When I heard Bill Gates had heavily invested in Pfizer, I was not surprised. Now they are rolling out combination flu and Covid vaccines with separate ones for ethnic groups. Black people beware! There is now talk of a rebound of Covid and an epidemic of flu and pneumonia in parts of China.
The Minister of Health will accept any medicine and vaccine to give Antiguans. Hope there is no mandatory requirement in Antigua for this new vaccine.
I sometimes wonder if money is involved.
Brixtonian, so when you die and I hope soon, it won’t be frome the Vaccine. Just Want to make sure we’re all on the same page. it would seems as if people never died before the Covid Vaccine.. heartless #%$&÷#@ allu be
@ Diego, is that the best you can come up with? Tarl!
Despite my compelling, cogent and cognitive explainions, and having a differing viewpoint than yourself, your only comeback is nasty vindictive words.
… After 2 years of local and global vilification, the voices of the UNVACCINATED IS NOW BEING HEARD LOUD AND CLEAR. AT LAST!!!
I am not rejoicing over her death. I have family that died from COVID. If they had not been so busy demonizing some of the most effective antiviral drugs in the world maybe he would have been given some or been encouraged to take some. They told us there’s nothing we could do to protect or treat ourselves except to take this experimental drug. They said stay home and just call the hospital when you feel like you can’t breathe. There were MANY things that could have helped even the odds…Zinc, Quercetin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C….but nooooo, anyone that mentioned them was seen as a quack. This lady, God rest her soul, didn’t do her due diligence. She encouraged pregnant women to take the vaxx when the data that the FDA was eventually forced to release showed that Pfizer saw massive amounts of miscarriage in their test data. A large portion of persons that died of COVID were from the ineffective, experimental and toxic drugs they used to treat it (such as Remdesivir). The vaccine rollout coincided with MAJOR declines in birth rates in many countries except for the ones in Africa, which largely reject the shot. The evidence is there but sometimes cash (Bill Gates cash) blinds
Of course it’s the poison! 1400 Athletes dead since vaccine roll out with many dropping dead on the field. Only the ignorant can’t see it and seem to don’t want to bring perpetrators to justice. Death rate has increased worldwide since roll out with heart attacks and strokes at unprecedented numbers.
Only the blind can’t see and for this we shall all perish.
Let me assure you I never shy away from any question put to me. I asked you for evidence of the statistics and you gave it. In response I said there are other experts who disagree. I was evenhanded when I suggested that for every statistic in favour there is a counter statistic which is against. Why should you suggest otherwise that I went off at a tangent on the subject? I mentioned an expert who was quite adamant that cancer rates would increase in future long before Covid. I pointed to the unhealthy eating habits which I believe can be a cause in the increase in cancers and other diseases. Where did I deflect? Now there is the sudden tragic passing of Kentae Semper, a truly upstanding and honourable man who served his community and country well by all accounts. I offer my condolences to his friends and family. I do notice however that there is an unusual quiet on the vaccine in his case, at least so far. The silence is deafening. What say you?
Life Insurance companies have reported a 40% increase in claims since the roll out of death shots; coroner’s have reported blood clots several feet long in the veins of the dead; cancers have exploded in working age people 25 to 45, including Antigua and Barbuda; young, healthy athletes are collapsing on the field of play (Damar Hamlin on a Monday night Football game live on TV, 25 years old,); news reporters, comedians, pilots, people in public (Did we have a few of this in Antigua recently? ) are stroking out. Do you know what the primary cause of the excess deaths worldover is? CAUSE UNKNOWN.
There remains a degree of uncertainty, but the common denominator worldover is the so-called “vaccine.”
In fact, they changed the century long definition of vaccine to accommodate the shots.
Until they investigate these shots, there will always be uncertainty. Dr. Tenpenny, a strong advocate against the shots has summarized this in simple terms: some will die quickly; for others it will be a slow kill.
I hope she’s wrong, but so far, it doesn’t look good.
All the above that you have mentioned @ Watching, is what many like-minded individuals and critical thinkers have been doing.
People like us, not only to look out for ourselves, but look to protect our families and loved ones as well.
Sadly, too many others believed the government, Health Organisations and the scientific false narratives (i e, Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, WHO, PAHO, CARPHA etc …) especially when it became obvious that money was their main MOTIVATIONS, instead of the previous norm of years – or even decades – of research and scientific programmes.
The way it use to be.
And one of the main reasons that these pharmaceuticals and Health Organisations will NOW not accept any liability or accountability for any of the Covid-19 vaccines that has caused irreparable harm!
Stay vigilant boss … 🤜🏽🤛🏽
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