Prime Minister Gaston Browne has made it clear that he does not want to be called Doctor despite receiving an honorary doctorate.
In June 2017, Browne accepted an honorary Doctorate in Medicine from the American University of Antigua.
“You call me Dr Browne but me no earn no PHD yet you know,” Browne told a radio listener who insisted on adding Doctor before his name.
The caller reminded Browne that he should have declined the honorary doctorate if he didn’t want to be called doctor.
He responded, “You have a point but those honorary doctorates doesn’t count.”
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Dr. Winston Baldwin Spencer and his decision
I to have an honorary doctorate in Dunceness but just wish to remain as Duncy Bat.
Doctorate in Medicine? Why not ‘Finance?’
But then, these institutions do not offer studies in ‘Finance.’
It has always been felt that some institutions either in ‘…seeking to win recognition or attract public attention,’ often bestowed ‘…Honorary Awards’ to high profile people or well-positioned public officials.
Invariably, this was seen as making ‘…Mockery of Their Ego.’
Likened to Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s profound declaration that he does not wish to be called ‘Doctor,’ my good friend ‘…Duncy Bat,’ has said it all.
Well said ‘…Prime Minister.’
No one shall make ‘…Mockery of His Ego.’
Now, one can see that the ‘Social Media Name’ ‘Duncy Bat’ absolutely has no bearing on his intelligence.
Well said ‘…Duncy Bat.’ No one shall make ‘Mockery’ of your ‘Ego.’
When you will have graduated from ‘Dunciness,’ you will no longer use this name.
Is an honorary doctorate the same as a doctorate?
While they’re a nice recognition and probably look good hanging on the wall, honorary degrees are not ‘real’ degrees; in other words, being awarded an honorary degree is not the same as earning an actual doctorate. In fact, an honorary degree is a degree honoris causa, Latin for ‘for the sake of the honor
Can a person with an honorary doctorate be called Doctor?
Most likely the answer is NO, you should not call yourself “Dr.” if your only doctorate degree is an honorary one. But some universities might not mind so much if they do. … In some countries, a person who holds an honorary doctorate may use the title “Doctor” prenominally, abbreviated “Dr.h.c.” or “Dr.(h.c.)”.
I hope the above Mr. Pompey shows that it has nothing to do with making a mockery of your ego. i thought you were a learned man.
Expected you to comment on what Prime Minister Gaston Browne reportedly said.
‘…You call me Dr. Browne, but me no earn no PhD yet, you know.’
Readers now know why he refused to be so called.
That was a profound response and highly commendable of the PM not to be so called.
Still, you may wish to ask the recipient how he felt ‘…accepting the medicine- related award’ then, when his forte was ‘…banking, financing and public administration.’
Though they are all feathered animals, ‘…never heard anyone called a pigeon a duck’ yet.
None had ever been offered or bestowed upon ‘…Rawlston Pompey.’
Egoistically, no ‘…Mockery’ was made.
Again you have it all wrong.
He receives the honorary doctorate for what the AUA feels his government has contributed for the growth of the AUA and the comfort that the students find here in this country. When you compare the living situations in e.g. Barbados, Trinidad and Jamaica than Antigua is like a Paradise. And that is why the PM accepted the award on behalf of the people of Antigua and Barbuda. Not for himself in particular. And you know that. Cause that is what he said then when giving his acceptance speech.
Honorary doctorates are typically given to those who have contributed positively to a department of a school or the school as a whole. They were not meant to highlight the person’s intelligence or education but to award and recognize that person for their contribution.
The entire world knows this or so I thought. I think we should appreciate others and their contribution. Not assume it is mockery and done in bad-faith and charge and convict them.
It is in that light that the AUA saw it fit to give that honor to the PM. Who intern said he accepts this on behalf of the people of Antigua and Barbuda and not for himself. In contrast PM Baldwin Spencer received two honorary from universities he was not even connected to and for what?
Notes From A Native Son Of The Rock!
βYou call me Dr Browne but me no earn no PHD yet you know,β – Browne! “Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” – Thomas Gray 18th century English poet wrote a poem, for the ages. in 1742 titled “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College!” This phrase wasn’t meant to be taken literally! Gray was a poet, classical scholar, and professor at Pembroke College in Cambridge! Clearly, he was not a man opposed to knowledge! Rather, he was waxing philosophical about a time when he was able to be ignorant – IN HIS CHILDHOOD! Surely, children know less than adults and are, therefore, allowed to enjoy their days without the “weight of the world” on their shoulders! So, while ignorance isn’t bliss exactly, it sure makes our days lighter and more carefree! “Once A Man, Twice A Child” with Longevity and Wisdom!
Lest We Forget!
“To suggest that our life circumstances, the neighbourhoods in which we live, the schools we attend and the opportunities we are able to access are as much determined by our individual efforts as structural factors mediated by characteristics such as class, race, gender and citizenship is to destroy a dearly held belief system that governs the way we think of ourselves, our communities and our capacity to influence and control what happens to us.” – Antigua’s Dr. Carle E. James: Life At The Intersection – Community, Class and Schooling!
PM Browne has successfully brought UWI’s 4th CAMPUS to FIVE ISLANDS Village! “In time to come,” Honourary Degrees will be a most worthy feature at it’s Graduation Ceremonies! Celebrate! Don’t Hate!
Seems you are in order to make a ‘…toast and have a drink of Vodka with the Prime Minister.’
You may wish to invite ‘…Duncy Bat’ who has also boldly made a similar declaration as to ‘…when and where’ this shall take place.
A good venue might be at ‘…Spirit Bar,’ (near to the St. John’s Public Cemetery).
If he passes out, he could just be left at the cemetery.
Though he would also be deposited there, if the PM passes out, let one of the funeral homes do the honors.
Encourage him not to say anything ‘Duncy’ though.
The PM is right.
βYou have a point but those honorary doctorates doesnβt count.β
Agreed Mr. PM! “those” and “doesn’t” cannot be in that same sentence. Your very statement proves your point.
You can wear that costume next halloween. It wears well on you.π
Ralston Pompey talk to much !!!
Even with some hesitation, yet with no qualms, there is no fearlessness in saying that when ‘…brain appeared so seized up and/or void of creative thinking,’ people, out of jealousy, often say that which often exposes their ‘…Empty-Mindedness.’
Is that all you can contribute?
Leave ‘…Rawlston Pompey and Duncy Bat’ alone.
Been friends since in the days of ‘CARIBARENA.’
Can say you have brought absolutely nothing to the discussions.
Not even to make ‘Larry ‘ put on a serious or smiling face.
“Hello doctor. Hello doctor. Hello doctor how are you? Are you singing calypso?”
Well mr pm you knew that you did not wish to receive such accolade but you still
showed for the ceremony and after it’s all said and done you spout this hog wash
don’t call me DR. just when are you going to stop making fools out of Antiguan people
PM a bit disingenuous if you ask me. If he didn’t want the accolade , he could have respectfully declined it. He accepted it and with that comes the tittle. The Prime Ministers pronouncements are smart and humbling but amounts to nothing
I wonder how the University feels about this unfolding development……
Good or bad everything has consequences.
They could ‘…Feel’ how they want to ‘Feel.’
They may have been inept, if not reckless not to know that the PM had only ‘…studied and earned a Degree in Business, had engaged in ‘…banking and now governance and finance.’
They now know that they shall not award to anyone a ‘…Doctorate In Medicine’ of which he/she had neither studied nor practiced, let alone to express a ‘Craving.’
@Mr Pompey
There are times when I observe bloggers criticizing your commentary.
And you spear no words in responding immediately until you appear almost exhausted.
The thing is Mr Pompey after you would have exerted much energy and show such brillance all in the name of Goodwill.
You are obviously put out by anyone who bodly utter a negative remark. Mr Knight may have a similar opinion.
Anyone who does anything in good faith is bound to feel embarrassed if there Goodwill gesture is misunderstood and spat upon.
Next time you are criticize take it like a man and respond not a word unless you are humbly thanking the blogger for their critique.
It was never about ‘…criticism.’
By now, you would realize most responses are usually to ‘…Duncy Bat and Melchisedec.’
Most with a bit of humor.
One can never be in the kitchen and do not feel the heat.
Conversely, one could never be in wicket and feels that he could hit every ball.
At some point, some balls would hit him, either ‘…under the rib-cage or on the head.’
The same principle might be applied to these discussions.
But as you know, some people are ‘…shallow-minded,’ digressing from the news report with non-relevant comments.
They shall be brought to consciousness of the subject matter.
They shall have been ‘RATIONALLY’ wondering just like you do, ‘…I wonder how the University feels about this unfolding development.’
There had to be something why you responded in that manner.
Who can say you are ‘…wondering too much?’
Those persons at AUA are really kissing up to Gaston Browne.An Honorary Doctorate Degree in Medicine? Really? I agreed with Gaston Browne not to use that NON ACHIEVING DOCTORATE.Are we all Honorary People? LOL
Former Prime Minister Spencer received two honorary doctorates and was very proud of them. It was sad to see though as he was as dumb as they come
I don’t think i can agree with the PM’s statement and others who may share the same sentiments. In my view, the principle of an honourary recognition is not much different that getting a knighthood. Such honours are bestowed upon persons who possess and displays exemplary qualities which is usually found outside of the box that the average person may not possess… So why shouldn’t that person be recognized in that manner? On the otherhand, if an institution of such calibre did not see it fitting to bestow such honours, then their reputation will be in disrepute.. Lets us not be narrow minded and begin to appreciate such gestures…..
This country is full of honourary doctors, especially amongst the clergy, and they flaunt their “doctorates”, most of which are not “earned”…most are purely “honourary” or worse, bought and paid for with US dollars, sometimes without spending even one day in a classroom. Some of these so-called universities and seminaries are only paper organizations, and have no real campus. Nobody in this country should be allowed to call themselves “Doctor”, based on such degrees. Some even call themselves Bishops, and my Lord in Heaven…even ArchBishops and Apostles or Prophets. Too much nonsense going on. Time to clean the mess up. The PM is to be commended for his statement, and his refusal to be titled “Doctor”. Let that be an example to some of these wannabes out there.
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