Question of the Day: Do you support the Prime Minister’s decision to meet with juvenile groups like “2Drilly” and “Grays Farm Thugs” in an effort to address delinquency and crime? Why or why not? #CommunityEngagement #YouthDialogue
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yes I support it sometimes it pays to hear what they have to say I wish lot a youth life could change by jus someone sitting an hear them out hear what they has to say many a them haven’t comitted no serious crime as yet they can be brought back from the path of distruction jus hear them out
No We dont care ! yes there is a youth at risk issue that needs to be dealt with however…
What is the government doing to curb the robberies and shootings happening everyday ?
A luxury boat is not the solution for the guns already here . ( maybe a nobu trip.. for some on the tax payers bill ).
Why build another boys school instead of repairing the old one ?
Cost of living is going up , with “the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer ” when the disparity between rich and poor widens , crime takes over .
But mandatory prayer at school will help the youths !
All this is just a distraction from the real tragedy and is now being used to appease the Christian Council , to help the government justify their wild spending and lastly validating the youth gangs .
In the middle…
1. U don’t want to condone and encourage them. A young lady died a horrible death and there hasn’t been any justice as far as I’m aware.
2. You don’t want to have the crime rate increase due to continued issues between the gangs or revenge killings.
Gaston needs to find the perfect fit … get the young men and women to channel their energy towards responsible/ health activities vs crime/ violence BUT also find and severely punish those responsible for that young ladies murder.
Oh yes I support him meeting with them, the youth them respect the PM, because the respect him he is the best person to talk to them. I no for sure he just save some of them from death and prison. I pray for the youth of this nation . PM continue to be the positive and fight for the yourh
Ban the use of Marijuana by youths and smoking of all types in public forthwith. Politicians looking votes, they don’t truly give a damn. End One Nation Concert and music that engage violence and lude behavior. If you want to do something PM, do that first.
I asked why all the time? How can you knowingly know that this is a group of ill minded individuals youths that kill a next person, a mother have to get up each day can’t see her child. Wow!!!! So we sat with killings and they tell you what time it is and you as a leader talking to these vampires and you want to give them what they want and no one is arrested like. Your sick Mr.PM it shows that you have no feelings for no one but your selfish ways. Yes we are to curve the youths of the society but also if they want to be big men and women then they get hard punishment she big man and girls gets. What if your child was the one to be in that situation you’d look on it from a different point of view
What’s next? Are the gangs going to have representation on the tourism board, given the negative impact of crime on that sector.
After all, the beach is just the beginning…
I guess this is also the end of the road for the weed-selling ‘industry’ that the PM was promoting not so long ago.
Yes, I support the PM. One of best way to curb crime is to find out why they are doing it in the first place.
I dont agree. honestly id like to send all of them to have a conversation with jesus, however if it works, who am i to stand in the way of someone trying something different.
This is the right thing a good leader does. The Prime Minister is the Prime Minister for ALL and not only for some. And he should never feel he is too important to meet with the downtrodden. It is a brave action as well. Who other then the Prime Minister should go down in to the trenches to meet with those that have fallen through the cracks of our society. Give them an ear and a helping hand. Youth the society has written off. It reminds me of many biblical stories where Saul became apostle Paul. He was a murderer of the brothers. Or the story of the Good Sheppard leaving the flock to go and search for the one sheep that got lost. Even in a family you just do not discard a bad apple. You try everything to win him/her back. The Prime Minister doesn’t just give up on the youth without giving them a chance. But don’t make a mistake, this will be their last chance to leave the path of crime and violence. What happens thereafter depends on them.
I would give the PM a lot of credit for making that move. Like everything in life, there are opposing forces, negatives and positives.
But for the PM to attend those meeting in person, he deserves much credit. He is actually doing the job that some parents are failing to do – Get to know and communicate (listen and talk) with your children. Behavioural patterns do not change overnight – if you know your child, you would see changes in his/her behaviour before they got that far.
Instead, we blame everybody and everything for our failures. We blame the decriminalization of cannabis, did the youths just start smoking after the law was passed? Wake up, the youths have been smoking weed for decades. Is Antigua the only country where that law is in effect?
Violent crimes have become a critical issue and multidimensional approach to solve the issue. Obviously he knows that visiting the gangs alone will not solve the issue and that’s why various agencies are at work.
By so doing, the PM has made it clear that he is taking the crime situation at heart and will do have ever is in his power to put it under control.
The “gang” showed their hands.
What are your demands? You want a club house so you can smoke your lives away like the deadbeats that you are? Or do you want some so you can showcase all the things that you stole?
Just look at you all in the picture……your faces may be blocked out, but we know and recognize you man.
Not only are you grown men who are capable of working for a living, you are all lazy cowards who use crime to fuel your lifestyle.
You talk with a gun as if it’s a pen, but don’t forget….live by the sword and you will also die by the sword.
Your parents gave you an education whether you wanted it or not. You are not stupid……just lazy and ignorant.
I support what he is doing young boys need attention yo need to k own what’s going on with th mabe they never get the love a.d attention
Some children get please hear what they have to say ,that’s why children going g out of hand because some parents have know time with there kids so they do things like they don’t care PM take a stand
@ Less We Forget is now equating Gaston Browne to the Apostle Paul???
When he was previously known as @ From The Sideline, he used Gaston Browne’s garbage collection stunt as equal to Jesus’ washing of feet.
I agree with the pm meeting with those youths because,we never kno the depression that’s they are facing n what drive them to make such decision,it can me lack of attention,lack of love,lack of education,lack of empathy even parental guide,I believe the pm need to go hard on these father’s who leave their kids on mother alone to raise, especially boys,as a single parent,u can’t be at work and at the same time be there for the kids.I definitely agreed with u meeting with them Mr PM,I do hope that you speak some sense into them n encouraged them to turn from their WICKED WAYS
What about the young girl, a victim of these gangsters?
The PM Gaston Browne simply put is, “not letting a good CRISIS got to waste.
A…#simplicity says, “no where bodily, ‘tis everywhere SPIRITUALLY!
B…de #REICHSTAG_👄_SYNDTOME is in full effect!
C…the 🛖! The roof is on 🔥☄️, and according to the youths. Burn! Burn baby burn!
Gaston Browne, PM has NO CHOICE but to meet with the street thugs. He meets with the Five Star ⭐️🌟⭐️🌟⭐️ Thugs and negotiate with them every day!
The foot soldiers, pawns, food_4_Fodder SIMPLY dropped one at his doorstep, and he’s running #Helter_Skelter’!
Jumbee _Picknee aka Ras Smood
De’Ole Dutty Peg Foot Garrat_Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
I support it alot. If you inflict force you’re only gonna make things way worse. These kids, although criminals of all categories, have been through so much. The prime minister made the right move by hearing their voice, making them feel important other than making the feel less than. We need more law enforcers to move towards an empathetic approach before turning to violence.
It’s not what is right or wrong for this gullible PM, it’s what’s self serving and for his interest.
So that should be the question.
Does it help this self centered PM, or did meeting these gangs help or benefit the people?
Who did this benefit in a real sense?
I will tell you this, negotiating with terrorist and criminals (allegedly) never works for the betterment of the larger public.
So these meetings undermined the very resolve of a Nation..
It comes across as weak.
And by the way.. ain’t these gangs connected to numerous criminal activities on the island? (Allegedly)
Find the criminals for these crimes first, then squeeze them to give up the rest of the criminals that they work with, including the white color criminals.
But this is my belief…Gatson Browne meet with these gangs under the disguise of “negotiating” only to hush them up from exposing his dirty deeds. These gangs are in Gatson Brownes pockets..
This is the only thing that makes sense here.
No. 1 The prime minister is only doing what he can to help solve the problems with crimes and robberies. A government is not only made up of Gaston Browne alone and he is not the only one making decisions. That is why the government is called a body.
You people do realize even if Gaston wants to do things a certain way and the rest of the persons involved in the decision making doesn’t agree to his ideas he just has to let it go and do what majority is in favor of.
No.2 How are we sure that whosoever killed the person/Young Girl is apart of this gang? We cannot hold them responsible if we have nothing against them other than being in a gang.
No.3 The police are the ones who we should really be pushing to solve these cases and not the prime minister. The same police system that your brothers, sisters, aunt ,fathers and uncles make up push them to do their job other than just laying around waiting to get paid and do nothing.
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