Call centers do not present the best opportunity for residents to improve their standard of living, Prime Minister Gaston Browne has said.
He was responding to news that the NCO Financial call center will close on July 31st, 2018 leaving 400 people out of work.
“Call centers are not going to be priority employment for the people of Antigua and Barbuda, that’s the reality of it,” the prime minister who led failed efforts to keep the company open said.
“What happen our people don’t serve a good standard of living,” the Antigua and Barbuda leader questioned.
The company said its operational costs in Antigua and Barbuda is what led to the closure.
But Browne told Pointe FM over the weekend, “If we are truly going to develop our people and ensure that they live good living standards, call center jobs cannot be the reality.”
“The reality has to be good value driven jobs, where they have good pay and prospects for advancement,” he added.
The country’s leader said the solution going forward has to be increased productivity and entrepreneurship.
He urged those displaced by the closure to “redouble our efforts, we may have to produce more.”
“Sometimes our people are called upon to slave for some small amounts of money,” he said.
“Why don’t we get back into primary production do a little farming, produce more, work for yourself and become entrepreneurs.”
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Have never understood why we embraced this industry whee the # 1 driver is low cost, particularly labour. Pm is right, look elsewhere
Why don’t you stop insulting the food people that works for pittance? Listen me Gaston at least 55 of them I know that had on Ablp shirts and they’re devoted supporters that you insult however all I will say to them is don’t forget this.
You have so much can you give back to them with some of the acreage all around and some of the various rent money that government pays for your properties.
PM instead of just saying go to do farming I think you should come better than that. If it happened before election i honestly dont believe that would have been your solution. Not everyboby has the know how when it comes to farming. With all DUE RESPECT TO YOU, perhaps you could do farming and leave your comfort zone as PM. #TABLES DO TURN!!!!
That is your prime minister……he is having easy life by letting his government rent his building…this is tham corruption
Give us the contract to grow the weed. We can form a Farmers Association.
First they say the neaga dem no know how fe deal with the clients
Now us another story bout operating cost
Will the real alorica please stand up
We embraces this industry to provide young people leaving school who don’t have college money work experience and pocket change. It’s called self reliance.
It is bette than nothing which is what the alp offering.
Farm my ass , no vision, no plan , no ideas no competence. Enrichment program for alp ministers only , other need not apply
Being a registered voter. Always vote for development and not red or blue, this news really bother me.If this is the only thing you can tell 400 ppl who are going to be without a job but your Government find jobs for a friend or a friend of a friend. Let’s see if your next election will be that easy.it is very easy to say farm but stop and think sometimes before you talk because you call your self world boss but this sound like a boss that is not thinking.These ppl salary was not much but try to make end reach and was great full for the money even with the customers being abusive, so where the hell where they farm, did you take time to even go and meet with these ppl to see options you have or send someone to talk to these ppl. You always say ur Government is caring and about the ppl but your actions is otherwise.Just remember when ppl cry they tears don’t only fall on their face but on the person that cause them to cry. I feel so sorry for these ppl and you as a prime minister before you try to comfort ppl,you sit there and trying to belittle them. You remember things when you were a kid so why should these ppl forget this for next 4 years.we need a change if you can’t help your ppl let’s try some one else,because when one person is in power too long they feel entitled.
Why are we even crying? This is what the majority voted for. Insensitive, arrogant and pure shameless. Five years of blows now.
You’re so right. Majority of the young people voted for this government.
Why Gaston don’t go farm he moustache? Real clown he is!!
BTW, Where are the projects you wanted to secure which prompted an early, snap election?
What happen to the roads being worked on mornings and nights to speed up the completion date?
Reall clown
You reap what you sew. You voted Gaston back in. He dosnt care about anyone but himself.
They were all warned and as the old fokes would say, “who na hear will feel.” Young people especially must listen to the older generation when it comes to the ALBP party. They’re the self-enrichment political party who don’t care about the country and its people…only about themselves and them alone.
People complaining about ALP, but UPP na better. Instead of bickering and pointing fingers, why don’t we look for some fresh NEW and YOUNG faces and form a new party that will actually work for the people and just kick alp and to the curve
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