Director of Agriculture Calls for Water Security and Increased Agriculture Budget


Antigua and Barbuda’s Director of Agriculture, Gregory Bailey, emphasizes the vital role of water security in bolstering national food security. 


As the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) unveils its 2022-2026 medium-term plan, Bailey highlights the need for innovative approaches, including renewable energy integration, rainwater harvesting, and enhanced water storage. 


Craig Thomas, National Specialist for IICA in Antigua and Barbuda, stresses the importance of reducing food imports, given that they account for less than two percent of the country’s GDP. 


Despite being one of the Caribbean’s driest nations, Thomas believes innovation and technology can overcome water challenges, with a focus on agro-processing and priority crops. 




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  1. In addition to obtaining water from the sea. There is merit in having catchments to keep as much as the rain water that we can for farming our crops. Rain water contains nutrients that are needed for growing our food. Our Government may want to give serious consideration to this and include it in their priority.

  2. Beating dead horses- we have been repeating this over and over. Can remember hearing a farmer repeating these statements over and over. Serpent in his first parliamentary address covered All there areas and more. The government is still grappling to get the domestic water situation under control.

  3. All the government officials stating with him in high place are feathering their own nests. His farm got water , roads, electricity. Agriculture equipment mostly working for agriculture offices. Heard the him done taking up half of Dimond estate lands . Me also hear is he taking over the government pineapple down south. The minister of agriculture is also a farming. The greed and grabbing spread across all ministries in Antigua. The government ministers are corrupt, the civil servants following swiftly behind. The tax payers in this country need to call for accountability.

  4. Director of Agriculture calls for water security… Minister of Education calls for better education… Minister of Works calls for better roads. Police Commissioner calls for security…

    I wonder if any of them officials understand that it’s exactly their responsibility to deliver all these things they call for. Stop calling. Just do your job.

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