Delta Air Lines Maintenance Incident Claims Two Lives, Leaves Another Seriously Injured


Two people were killed and a third seriously injured when a tire exploded while being removed from a Delta Air Lines plane at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport early Tuesday.

The incident occurred in the airport’s maintenance area, resulting in the deaths of a Delta employee and a contractor, and leaving another worker critically injured.

Delta has expressed condolences and is supporting the affected families while cooperating with local authorities on an investigation.

The cause of the explosion remains unclear.

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  1. The USA? This is a Caribbean News Media. The incident occurred in the state of Georgia, USA. When you say “This Country” …..

  2. The naivety I expose with you people with my comment is so laughable. Questions of the day based on the comments to date. 1.Which country’s name have I mentioned; 2. Where am I blogging from? It is ironic the last one to date is mentioning about being a reading public.

  3. Don’t try that, admit it, we got you! Assuming you ment the US or Anu which we believe. How did you manage to implicate any of those governments?

  4. Antigua News Room: Identify Shameful Government’s IP address and BAN him. He does this “Gotcha!” crap all of the time and is not contributing anything valid here. He is a worthless troll. Get rid of him.

  5. @Shameful Government…🤣🤣🤣🤣your MO – Modus Operandi [phuck] with their #thought_process, each and every time.

    If you were a professor and you gave 10 extra points for a trick question, 90% of those in your class would receive zero, O, 0.0, naught, -1+1=0 free points; and, they’re a very well read class.

    One question to the brightest bulb sitting in this #Peanut_Gallery today…

    Where in Shameful Government Comment was the name of any government mentioned?

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg🦉Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  6. This country is always in the news regarding negative information. Time for this government to go!!!!!!

  7. @Shameful Government… It’s time for YOU to go you silly chimp.

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