Defreitas Launches Nonprofit Organization

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Defreitas Launches Nonprofit Organization To Promote A Strong, Inclusive, Sustainable Community

Franz deFreitas today announced the launch of a new nonprofit organization, City South Municipal Foundation Inc., incorporated in

Antigua & Barbuda.

This organization will serve as a catalyst for restoration, development, transformation, and empowerment of the citizens and residents of City South and by extension Antigua and Barbuda.

City South Municipal Foundation Inc will undertake programs in the general areas of Economic development. Sports. Arts, Social development. Entrepreneurship. Health & Wellness, Education, Infrastructure Development and Youth development to name a few.

“We are engaging our community now to set residents up for success in the long run,’ We have to all have a vision for a better more sustainable community and work towards it with innovative programs that reach residents where they are Franz deFreitas will serve as Executive Director of City South Municipal Foundation

Inc. and will lead the charge to make the lives of residents in the community better.

“When communities are built to help people thrive, our nation thrives”

Today’s announcement brings additional structure to the work that deFreitas has

already been doing in his community and opens up opportunities for more residents

across all demographics and socioeconomic levels in City South and the nation

For more information about City South Municipal Foundation Inc. contact us

at [email protected] or call 2687750775.

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    • @ .
      Before I checked who wrote the first comment I automatically knew it must have been Franz ‘lover/ stalker’ 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  1. Good job, franz,
    Keep up the good work!
    Your country needs you!!
    Don’t be daunted by the DOG!!😏

  2. Frantz is broker then a joke. Another one of his get rich quick schemes on the back of Antiguans. This is loser energy being spent to solicit and tug on the heart strings of the soft and easy prey you’ve managed to identify in Antigua.
    The UPP has terminated their usefulness of you after you signed a letter calling your leader incompetent and ineffective.
    Oh Frantz we can see right through you. You will never be able to tug on my purse strings hard enough to allow me to fall for another one of your hair brained scams. You can’t manage your own finances how can one expect you to run a successful business. BTW, did you ever repay the church their monies yet? You know the one you divested thousands from in Foreign?

    • the cost of one ABLP vote in St Marys South = $5,000,000/29 = $172,413.79, when nurses, teachers are unpaid and the nation is stinking dirty the cost of one ABLP vote in St Marys South = $5,000,000/29 = $172,413.79, when nurses, teachers are unpaid and the nation is stinking dirty


      From my memory, Gaston and Molwyn ran a supermarket into bankruptcy even when they were in power. GB and Chet were masters of bounce cheques in opposition.
      Have you ever wondered how all of a sudden they became wealthy after becoming MPs?
      Use your common sense if you have any???
      Out of the mouth of babes ‘Enrich yourselves’………no wonder all you minions will live in poverty and follow blindly.

  3. You ALP cool-aid drinking parasites are so pathetic. What the hell does Franz being broke or UPP have to do with anything here? The man sees a dirty, dilapidated, neglected community whose parliamentarian has been there forever and has done nothing but hand out trinkets at election time to the beggars who continue to support him.
    Come on! It’s time for people to take responsibility for their own well-being and to hell with politicians who have no interest in people other than a vote come election time. This will show people where the real power lies and make them independent thinkers, eliminating the tendency to bribes.
    Excellent idea, Franz.

  4. A message to the AUTHORITIES, please DO NOT approve a NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION with FRANZ involved.

  5. As a UPP supporter, Franz should be kicked out of the party after signing the letter to dismiss Jamale Pringle. He is upset because He wants to be appointed Senator. Who can trust Franz?

    • @ PEP

      Well you come and kick him out: The thorn in the flesh of the ABLP.
      Mek the man lone. He promoting democracy that is lacking in your ABLP party that cannot even complete a simple primary. What a thing!

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