Debate commences on 4 day work week for Antigua and Barbuda


The newly formed People’s Trade Union plans to push for a four-day work week as one of its first agenda items with Labour Commissioner Eltonia Rojas. Union President Ralph Potter believes it would allow employees to manage personal tasks without needing extra time off, promoting a better work-life balance.

Labour Commissioner Rojas agrees that the concept is feasible, noting that productivity remained high even with reduced hours during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The union, launched recently, promises a fresh, dynamic approach to negotiations, emphasizing its independence from political influence.

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  1. Yall really either don’t like to work, or just don’t like to pay employees their salaries (is which one really) things hard and yall wanna reduce employees hours, why not ask for a raise of pay for private sector workers. That’s what we WANT. But less hours. When you deduct our hours where we getting the money from that ya get with them hours ?? Did employees ASK you all for less working days (I find that very hard to believe). It comes across as if yall idle and just wanna be busy… get busy pushing so that employees have a decent salary to survive on, then look into the employers who have employees with degrees and not recognizing those degrees and the employees still working for next to nothing. That’s what yall need to look into, but less hours ..NONSENSE

  2. The concept is less weekly hours leads to more productive and motivated employees which would lead to an increase in hourly rates. Don’t just dismiss something before you understand the rationale behind it.


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