De Voice Dethroned As Leeward Islands Calypso Monarch

De Voice ZJB Photo

Results of the Leeward Islands Calypso Competition

The Leeward Islands Calypso Competition has concluded, showcasing a vibrant display of calypso talent from across the region. The results are as follows:

  • King: Dr. Splinter from Anguilla
  • 1st Runner-Up: Mighty Dow from St. Martin
  • 2nd Runner-Up: De Voice from Montserrat

Congratulations to the winners and all participants for their incredible performances!

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  1. And Antigua comrade ALP judges install at festival commission judged destroyer as calypso king and leave out Althea song ” don’t bow down” but latumba say culture must be free, and it was ALP stifling culture all these 5 decades.

  2. Chupz…
    Antiguans have to put politics in everything.
    U can’t comment without mentioning any political parry???
    Chupz man..

  3. Eldred you sound tink tink. Every thing a politic so. If you have a gripe with ALP go drink some gripe water and hush you Damme mouth. Fair must be Fair and cut the politics. I am not a fan of destroyer I went to the show to support Althea and I guess you stayed home. No one
    can dispute that Destroyer didn’t defended his crown on the night hands down and unmatched. Again Althea is my girl but I will say it as I see it. Eve deserved the first position and Althea second. Tell Zachari for me to his exit and give way to the younger ones, his time is up. Y’all are a Bunch hypocrites

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