Dave Henry Receives One-Year Prison Term for Shoplifting Spree


Dave Henry, a repeat offender with an extensive criminal record, has been sentenced to one year in prison for thefts committed shortly after his May release.

Henry was caught shoplifting on two occasions in June: on June 4, he stole eight bucket hats from a store on All Saints Road, and on June 19, he was filmed stealing five jars of peanut butter from Little Canton Supermarket on High Street.

Given his history and recent offenses, the court imposed a six-month sentence for each theft, to be served consecutively, totaling one year.

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  1. Uno no fraid e prison lift e prison😂😂😂😂lol
    Wake up one morning n cya find e prison bar them😂😂😂

  2. Over some hats and some peanut butter, but men can be out here owing THOUSANDS to their child’s maintenance and the court orders 1 week and doesn’t even do anything to find them 🙄 and people wonder why the youth these days have no recourse but to lie, cheat, steal, join gangs. Mother is busy working and slaving her life away while the father out there not concern at all for his child smoking a blunt right now. These children grow up fatherless and with a mother struggling in poverty. She would watch and rear her child’s more if she had help, but someone has to put food on the table since the courts aren’t even bothering to go after the other parent! So, give me a break! You want to make an example out of anyone, start arresting these absent fucking men who are useless tree smoking bums, who to me is far worse than a few bucket hats and peanut butter stealing cleptomaniac!! Open your eyes Antigua, 👀 is this the reality we are living in!? Lol 😆 imagine what could happen if a mother wasn’t missing 20,000 she should have from the years he’s behind on payments. I’m sure that is a lot more than the cost of the hats and butter.. 😆 imagine she could be home now, work less, love in a cleaner, better neighborhood, with no gang for her teen child to meet, imagine the PM can meet with gangs but not ask family court what they’re ACTUALLY DOING to get the youth of this country their money for them to survive on, instead of them being to steal or ruin people!

    Get it together!!!

  3. A dam shame them ah lock up people for shoplifting but them fraid dub lock up gang bangers who out yah a kill n rob people mek it mek sense see them backwards see

  4. oh yeah?

  5. Great job by the police and the judiciary. Keep up the good work and continue the pressure on these nefarious scumbags.

    Credit where credit is due 👍🏾


  6. BUT the real question is what that have to do with you ? or you a baby daddy or mama ?? MIND THE BUSINESS THAT PAYS YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. @concerned mother – Sorry you have to go through that ordeal but some of the mothers made bad decisions as well.
    1. Some women when they start dating a man with existing kids encourage him to stop taking care of his kids because they want all of his money – guess what, when he leaves you, you done teach him bad lessons.
    2. Some women go after the men that done have plenty kids and can’t afford them. How you think he is going to afford yours?
    3. Some go after the roughness and perhaps qualities in a man, which might be the same men them that don’t take care of he kids.

    Choose better next time.

  8. @Concerned Mother!!

    Maybe you should learn to keep your legs closed until you find a proper man. Then you wouldn’t be in your current situation. If you hadn’t opened your legs to “absent fucking men who are useless tree smoking bums” as you put it, you and others like you wouldn’t be in situations like that. Society does not owe you or your babies anything. That’s all on you and the male you opened up willingly to. If he decides to disappear from you, it is up to you to take up the slack.

    Again, the important key is to be very selective to whom you open up your legs to.

  9. I have mixed feelings about this. But my opinions would be contradicting every single comment I made on these articles. Good night everyone😂.

    Though I shall say I hope the police keep up the good work, and do better to alleviate violence.

  10. You have no idea what you even talking about and I laugh 😆. I was referring to mothers all mothers who are single parents. If you say that when you leave someone that you now take up all slack then YOU sound Guilty as if you don’t pay your support or maintenance and simply GAS LIGHTING because you’re just another narcissistic fuck! Lol

    FYI I let him as I’m the bread winner and THAT’S the problem. Because I make enough to take care of my kids doesn’t negate the right that my child has to receive support from the other parent. We planned and created this child together, it wasn’t immaculate fucking conception lol! If you even know what THAT is… Google it!! The principle and moral of the story is IN GENERAL (you fuck), if a man stealing 200 in goods gets 1 year, men who basically STEAL from their exs whether she left him (bc he’s not good enough for her!!) Or not, he is held responsible by the court of law to provide and when she has to also cover HIS HALF then he’s keeping her money basically!! He’s taking advantage and the time a mother can spend with her child or children is canceled out by her working 2 jobs instead of one. That’s NOT my situation as I’m highly educated and live a comfortable life with or without his pocket change that he’s court ordered, but you can be CERTAIN that I will see him behind bars and I’m prison because of the stark principle behind it!!

    It would give me great pleasure to see the courts hold these men who owe thousands of dollars locked up for 6 months to a year!!

    Thus, if they want to make an example or if anyone it should be starting there because watch them then see men running to the cashier in the court house to pay their due diligence for their child.


    Men are going in for 1 year for hats and peanut butter, instead of the ones ruining youth by not providing for the youth or making sure they live in a clean, nice neighborhood without gangs. I don’t have this problem and never will but many do!! I’m just not oblivious to real life and I understand the ramifications of single mom life in poverty… that’s what happens when you work in the field I do!

    Now, since I KNOW ministers and judges read this as well (and that’s who this is directed to, not men like those commenting who also don’t pay for their child and just drop seeds everywhere!)… do something!! If these women start getting help, watch delinquency drop!! PM needs one meeting with family court… watch it indirectly dismantle the gangs!!

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