Daniel says there’s a plot to arrest him on Nomination Day


United Progressive Party candidate for St. John’s City West Wilmoth Daniel has said there is a plot to arrest him on Nomination Day.

He told the launch of the UPP campaign in St. John’s tonight, the incumbent, Prime Minister Gaston Browne is plotting with the police to execute a plan aimed at blocking his nomination.

Daniel who is also the UPP deputy leader said the plan it to arrest him early and release him at the close of nomination “so I will no be nominated.”

Nomination Day is Monday, March 5, 2018, between 8am-6pm and the veteran politician his opponent who initially dismissed his candidacy, now fears that he might win the seat.

“The labour party is mortally afraid of me,” Daniel declared.

“I want you all to understand that I am going to win that seat,” he added.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has said that he is not worried about Daniel contesting the seat against him and plans to defeat his UPP opponent.


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  1. I would love to see that then hell will broke loose. …that can never happen but anything is possible

    • U is such a ass thank god u can only vote once tell me what next u going do and this question is for u what have gaston brown do for the 4 year he is in office from 1 to 10 give me his past grade and name the projects he bring to make poor class of people in this country life better look at gas price water food road poor poor poor gosh i guest u dont go shopping u get it all free from labour most of u labour party supporter like free thing u all on a train that taking u all no way in life

      • Oh boy we do not have a editor here to remove comments like this. We need to keep the discussions clean. I know as time draws near you guys are getting nervous, but that is why it will be short and sweet. it will not hurt that much.

  2. Given the mentality of Gaston Browne I would not be surprised if Daniel and Mac were arrested. We would then confirm who controls the police. Maybe just maybe if this were to happen all hell will break loose in Antigua and the people would rise up against dictatorship.

    • if Gaston had done what everyone was calling for in 2014 Daniel would have been in 1735 long time. All we have to do is follow the money spent on roads and other project at the PWD. And then what happened at MSJMC. And he coming to talk about a colleague offering him a bribe and he reporting that to the PM? Give me a break. A man that before the election was living in a house on St. John’s street and after that moved into a mansion in Longfords/Blue Water. A man that used to drive one old Nissan Pathfinder suddenly had many luxury vehicles and plenty bling bling on his hands and chest. Chandler always used to warn the party that ABLP when they get in office will lock them up. So far no one has been locked up. And only three have been called to answer for some buses that end up in their names. And another was ask to answer how she was able to get so many salary increases not approved by the Cabinet her boss. All misbehavior in public office. We haven’t touch corruption as yet.

      • That’s why UPP must win this election that all the corruption and misbehavior in public office can be dug up. You guys are adept at ripping off the country and hiding the loot in corporations and foreign bank accounts. You then try to cause mischief by harassing UPP members. Name the UPP members who are worth over $30million dollars in a small island like Antigua. Asot Michael will never be kicked out of the party because he knows to much. You need someone with his skills.

        • If you living in a glass house don’t throw stones. The members of both the UPP or ABLP will never investigate one other cause both are root deep in curroption

      • 40 million unaccounted for from public works ? Ask Asot! 14 million US for road resurfacing lost? Wake up Vere Bird Junior from his grave and ask him. Rolls Royce missing from the port but ended up in a politician’s yard? Ask Molwyn. Fraudulent signature for a passport? Mrs. Brann died but paid her dues in the gaol . Who signed the passport? Ask Cutie. I am out of breath already. Dato Tan, Yida, Odebretch, De Niro? Ask ABLP.
        Corruption? From the Birds dynasty into the Browne’s dynasty!

  3. Danny, remember this. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Gaston is scared. I understand that he circled our rally five times.

  4. ALP head of security will be working overtime to help his hapless party get back in power. They cannot find a serial killer who escaped from under their noses literally but they will be harassing Daniel, Lovell and Burton in the upcoming weeks. This commish has to go now.

  5. As far back as I can remember there is always a plot to lock up or kill a UPP, ACLM, PLM, and ALISTER Thomas one man party members, this is just gimmickry to play on the emotions of people but that joke old now, not gonna fall for that no more Daniel this is 2018 you need NEW EMOTIVE MATERIAL. Here is one tell the people there is a plot to block whatsapp and facebook but vote UPP to ensure that does not happen. LOL

  6. Mr. Daniel what are you afraid of. If you are so confident you will defeat Gaston Browne at the polls why stoop to this type of political propaganda. Come better than that

  7. Right now in Villa Gaston and Daniel have who can give the guys on the blocks the most money competition SMH….Never agree with bribing but Antigua people embrace it from ever since so the politicians will do what they must for votes..On another note Daniel campaign soft against Gaston He ga get licks on the 21st memba me say so. UPP cannot run Antigua they will and I mean will end right back up in the same ditch of debts then the UPP supporters gonna go in hiding cause they gonna be too shame to say a word so i’m sorry but the best HOPE for Antigua right now is the present ABLP..

  8. Who carry the gas price from $21 to $32, who introduce taxes at the supermarket, who spend millions of Dollars on roads and raise gas at the pumps and don’t forget the Country Pond ect ect. ect. I guess they forget about those things. Lest we forget Lovell, lest we forget we catch you a lie Lovell.

  9. Well nomination day come and go and Mr Daniel was not placed in handcuffs so all that BS about Gaston Browne planning to arrest him is nothing but smoke and mirrors. Smh Mr Daniel what are you afarid of. Weren’t you suppose to be the ‘Pitbul’ what happen you have to stoop to properganda and bribery to win. You that desperate for power? And yes now after this post your cheerleaders going to cuss me but hey speech is free.

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