Gisele Isaac Responds to Calls for Resignation: “We Have Real Work to Do”
Chairperson of the United Progressive Party (UPP), D Gisele Isaac, has responded firmly to recent calls for her and Political Leader Jamale Pringle to step down.
Speaking on the matter, Isaac emphasized her focus on the work that needs to be done for the party and the country, tuning out what she described as “noise.”
Isaac said that the loudest voices calling for their resignation are from individuals whose loyalty and membership within the party are unclear.
“The people who are talking the most, we don’t even know if they’re members of our party,” she said, further questioning whether they support the UPP or are delegates at the party’s conventions.
Both Isaac and Pringle were elected to their positions, and Isaac made it clear that neither of them intends to resign under pressure from these unidentified critics.
“The Honorable Jamale Pringle was elected, and so was I. I am not stepping down to please any of them, and he is not stepping down to please any of them either,” Isaac stated, challenging the dissenters to voice their concerns at the next convention if they are truly party members.
The chairperson’s message to those calling for changes was direct: “If they can’t wait for the next convention, they know what to do.”
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Miss Isaac you and Pringle don’t have to step down. The electorate will make the judgement on Pringle in the next general election and then you can decide whether you will step down o not. Your desire to be the puppet master of a Prime Minister will never come to pass.
Lol this sounds like a jokehttps://youtu.be/TzoZjrZmvWU?si=v6DTwcZBbbFejijD
I agree with you 100 percent, they don’t have to step down.
The people of Antigua will let you both know exactly how they feel about you as leaders…
I voted UPP in the last election but if Pringle is leader next election, I will not be voting. Plain and simple.
D.Gisel Issac and Pringle have destroyed the UPP . I am a Family of five and by extention total 20 Persons. By now and next election We definitely would NOT vote UPP. Why are you so PIGGISH D.Gisel Isaac ? The majority of UPP members DO NOT want you around the party. You are DESTRUCTIVE and SELFISH.
The fact that Pringle is UPP leader has made me lethargic about renewing my voter ID card. For what? To vote for Pringle to be PM? No way. Not gonna happen. Me will tap home.
Ms. Isaac is 100% correct. Who are these lowlifes to demand resignations of duly elected officers of the UPP? Dey too nuff and edge up.
I am at a LOSS to understand why my UPP is in this State. Listening to Mr. Knight on Observer radio last evening and I agree with Him that He will be attacking Gisel and Pringle until They exit office. I heard NIKKI PHOENIX exposed Jamale Pringle…BMW , BUILDING HOMES FOR FAMILY. WOW WOW ..I saw another side of Jamale Pringle. SHAME. SHAME.
Lamin Newton please send me your phone number in this medium. I am in ALL SAINTS EAST and ST.LUKES.
All these CORRUPTIONS , Pringle will never win here again. SHAME on you JAMALE.
TAP RIGHT DAY!!! DEM CAN’T MOVE YOU! IF DEM WANT POSITION, TELL DE FU WIN!!! Not up to now the sly, selfish, arrogant Richard Lewis come out and make a statement in the midst of all the resignations. He don’t want unity. He dangerous self want division. He is all of self and none of thee
“I am not stepping down to please any of them, and he is not stepping down to please any of them either”.
Is this woman for real? Are she and Pringle joined at the hip?
Don’t worry, Gisele. You will be out, and very, very soon. You don’t like unity and diverse opinions. Take your woman army and go back to POWA. You can be dictator and fight who you want from there.
@She sounds unhinged
Why should she step down??? She was D-U-L-Y E-L-E-C-T-E-D!! That’s not how things work in a democracy. Maybe you want communism or anarchy, but civilized people VOTE for who they want.
The OVERWHELMING MAJORTIY elected D. Gisele Isaac-Arindale for the CHAIRMAN.
@All Saints East and St. Luke: lmoa, you gave yourself away when you asked for Lamin’s number — just tell us you’re and ALP tool without telling us you’re an ALP tool.
And how exactly did Nikki Phoenix expose Pringle; did she present any evidence to support the QUESTIONS she was asking about car & houses? Too many Antiguans repeat things they HEAR as of they are factual. Just because someone says something does that make it true? With all the progress Antigua is making, it’s highly embarrassing that so many of you are still so dumb.
A time is going to come when many of you are going to have to pay for y’all loose tongues. You should always remember there are 3 sides to every story — and, unless you’re an eye witness to a particle thing, whatever is said about that thing is hearsay.
It is high time y’all evolve and stop spreading rumors y’all can’t prove.
Yes stand your ground. After all the hard word, how dare they not give you respect? Is your decision to stay best for the party or your opponents? The proverbial monkey trap.. don’t let go
Is it Pringle and Giselle who have you in your current situation. Antiguans fight against the wrong thing instead of battling the issues in Antigua and Barbuda you are concerned about not making a change in your country and your aad state of affairs.
I have access to running water twice a week; garbage collected once every two weeks; drive on deplorable roads everyday and can’t see what I paid $600 for at the supermarket and the problem is Ms. Isaac and Mr. Pringle? While you ALP dregs are consumed with UPP’s internal business, your boss is still flipping our lands and taking US $12 mil. bribes from the interlopers on Barbuda. He is the person who should be asked to leave and let us breathe.
“US $12 mil. bribes” you say????
well that is PEANUT CHANGE compared to what John Ashe said Baldwin Spencer/UPP got from him. KICKBACKS, GREED, BRIBERY, CORRUPTION u name it UPP has done it!
“According to the testimony of the FBI agent, “during the same period”, Ashe sent the then Prime Minister (Spencer) approximately US$170,000”
“Giving evidence in the case, an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had earlier identified connections between the several entities and members of the government of the United Progressive Party. Among the statements made by the FBI agent in a sworn deposition is that, on June 8th, 2014, Ashe told a representative of one of the entities that he is “going to Antigua on Thursday to vote and would need to take something for the PM. Hope I can have the $26 K in cash before then”. Here is a breakdown of SOME of the BRIBERY MONIES UPP GOT:
$26 K
etc, etc, etc, etc
She was not duly elected. She and her three elves fix up and tief the elections.
Will not say HOW here out of respect for others who should have been guarding the process but flinched.
Don’t anybody dare say the Free & Fair League was there. They were just there to monitor the count of what came on the stage to count.
Ask the chairman why she was so adamant that the vote for chairman came to the floor before the political leader. Ask her why she wanted the vote for leader to be last, especially when everything was starting so late and delegates would be leaving for work and school next day, and that only changed when some MPs protested. As her what she said about the change to the returning officer who when asked why this change simple said “I was told”.
Ask her with the code of conduct why her elves were wearing Pringle shirts and not party shirts at the convention.
Ask her with the code of conduct why they were telling the delegates leaving the hall to go to the voting area to vote for her and Pringle.
Ask her why the boxes in the hallway were under the care of Pringle and her supporters.
Ask her if a check was done to see if the number of ballots coming out of the boxes matched the number of delegates who could vote.
Ask her if Whener was reprimanded and made to apologize for his disgusting behavior in front of all the delegates who stayed for the leadership count.
Ask her why as Chairman, the General Secretary’s minutes do not reflect her unsociable, rude and unpleasant behavior at the retreat when in front of guests speakers she stormed out because of something that was said that she did not like.
And last but not least, ask her if she is not being disrespectful to all the candidates and their hardworking campaigners who worked their arse off to deliver improved results for the UPP, yet she keeps crediting herself and four of her besties for the improvement.
And one more. Ask her WHY she was not keen to protest Harold Lovell’s 6 votes loss. Was it because she wanted her little black boy there as leader to help her put the party in a neck lock choke hold?
There are more questions.
@Step down. You did not win fair
Funny that all of a sudden you have all these “questions” longgggggg after the convention. So no questions for Richard Lewis??
Ask Richard Lewis why he hasn’t spoken out about the raukus in the party?
Ask Richard Lewis why he don’t tell his hounds to back off sprading lies and rumours?
Ask Richard Lewis what he promised the MPs that signed that letter?
Ask Richard Lewis why he keeps trying to USURP Mr. Pringle
Mr. Pringle was good enough when he was the only UPP MP in Parliament, now all of a sudden he not “worthy”???
Ask Richard Lewis why he is a such a SORE LOSER?
Ask Richard Lewis why he so full of himself and despite going after Gaston, that was not enough to win him the party leadership
Ask Richard Lewis if he is still Antiguan? Is his HEART truly devoted to this country??
Ask Richard Lewis if is not Jamaica is where he truly wants to be
@ Step down. You did not win fair you have asked some great questions. The Chair is like a bull in the UPP despite what she says about democracy. Once you do not agree with her she and her minions and lesbian women in the Women Forum see you as enemy. The UPP cannot succeed under its present leadership.
Totally agree with you @ Rovi, the ABLP supporters are all up in UPP’S internal business. The poor delusional souls are fixated. Mercy me!
This fixation fascinates me no end at all, because the country’s road infrastructure is in dire straights, Antiguans still have to endure power cuts to this day, and not forgetting the water shortages; and yet, ABLP supporters (and Gaston Browne) entire focus at present is on UPP’S comings and goings.
I confidently predict that if they keep giving this government an “economic” and “infrastructural” pass, then come the next General Election nothing will have changed – when many of the diaspora and return here, this is mentioned, and cannot believe their eyes at the continued underdevelopment and disrepair.
Bwoi, Gaston ah sleep good because of dem myopic supporters!
Well aye dey alone caan tap dey!!!!
This is absolutely correct
The mere fact that more ABLP than supporters want them to leave, should be an eye opener for any UPP supporter.
Now truthfully, if I were a voting UPP member at the last convention, I would have voted for Lewis. Why,because Gaston is more afraid of him than Pringle. However, if I was to vote now, I would vote for Pringle. Why, because I am of the belief that the ball is his court to realize that the big picture is keeping their party together, and to go on national media swear his allegiance to his leader! That would call off the UPP hounds. It won’t however do anything to stop the ABLP posters on here from trying to kill UPP.
I hope all UPP supporters realize that the longer this goes on, the more likely ABLP can easily win the election.
I really can’t see anything good coming out of these folks stepping down. At the very least, Pringle’s constituency gets upset, he runs independent and retains his seat, because his constituents will sympathize with him, the rest of course will be swept away leaving “single Pringle” again.
Please UPP supporters, forget about the many jokers you hear and keep your eyes on the big picture. Call Richard Lewis and as him to end this and work with Pringle to save the party. Failing this, all of you except Pringle are going to be swept away.
Richard Lewis is NOT a team player!!!
How you expect to run a country when you can’t even keep your house in order?
Leadership matters.
So, by talking for Pringle, isn’t she giving legs to the notion that he is her puppet? He could not even be trusted to come out and say he will not step down on his own? 😳 They say that perception is 90% reality
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