Cuban ambassador to Antigua/Barbuda calls for support for Palestine


SOURCE: (Prensa Latina) The Cuban ambassador to Antigua and Barbuda, Sergio Martínez, called for increased global solidarity with Palestine, the Cuban Foreign Ministry announced today.

According to a notice published on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Martínez urged people to reject the massacre perpetrated by the Israeli army during a mass celebrated at the Church of San Francisco de Asís.

In his speech, the diplomat asked how many children and defenseless beings should die, how many schools and hospitals should be destroyed, to stop the genocide against Palestine and other countries in the region.

He also recalled that the “Cuban Revolution has always been a tireless defender of peace, peaceful coexistence and the right of the Palestinian people to independence, as established by the resolutions of the United Nations.”

The ceremony was attended, among others, by members of the government of Antigua and Barbuda, members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited in the country and representatives of institutions of solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people.

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  1. Though I can appreciate the support for Palestine, I cannot say the same for Hamas,who provoked this response, and Hezbollah who invited themselves into the conflict. The war would not have started if Hamas did not brazenly “invade” Israel and took hostages. With all this is going on, so many Palestinians dying, no movement from Hamas that could bring this matter to an end. True, at this stage it would mean the end of Hamas but, so what? Is it better to just let your people die? The same can be said of Hezbollah. What did they think would have been the effects on Lebanon? Or, did they think at all? That is the problem up there. All are consumed with seeking their desired outcome without regard for the people to whom they claim that they are their defenders.
    I am not giving Israel any thumbs up here but really, if Israel give up the West bank it would in quick time become like Gaza and Southern Lebanon, with it’s maze of tunnels where the leaders will hide while leaving the rest of the population to die for a war they did not start. Once they entrenched enough, rockets would fly over the wall into Israel.
    There are no easy solutions here but, perhaps Palestinians should be given a book on Mahatma Ghandi or Martin Luther King jr. So that they might try to find a non-violent solution. Their present solution of trying to force Israel into the sea is not working and won’t be for a very long time.

  2. Hold on…invading and killing 1200 Israelis and kidnapping 200 in one day is not a massacre? They fire thousands of rockets which cost Israel billions to shoot down and when they take out a single terrorist it’s a big story. Everybody jumping on this international bandwagon and forgetting that these places are recorded in world history as being places INSIDE Israel. When the Jews were persecuted by Hitler they had no choice but to return to where they had been living for thousands of years. They have made every effort to live in peace with the Arabs but how secure can you be with enemies both without and within?

  3. Do you guys know of the systematic disappearance of Palestinians…perpetrated by the Israelis….FOR YEARS!!! Imaging, your Father, brother, Uncle…just go missing….Your Electricity and water suppressed…You have a seashore line and you cannot go out to fish…Your land, that was parceled out to you have been encroached upon…YEARLY… to make housing for Israelis…

    Just have a conversation with a Palestinian….
    The You have been washed by the western media…hence your


    Entering into no arguments for:




    ‘…Just how does a nation ‘…Support Attrocities of Terror: …By Terrorists: in producing ‘…Terrorism,’ then euphemistically calls it ‘…DIPLOMACY?’


    It is certainly not about ‘…Pumping Water from Potworks Dam’ and ‘…Generating Electricity.’


  5. First of all, the UN treaty penned on the establishment of Israel was done under the recognized State of Palestine, and this is the thanks the Palestinians get for opening up their hearts and homes to the Jews from Europe, who supposedly, were traumatized by what they just went through during WWII. So, while the Palestinians thought they were extending a helping hand, nefarious, devious snakes were actually using this charlatan excuse to unsuspectingly, and under the cover of law, in effect, invade Palestine, claim Palestinian land as their own, establish the State of Israel using brutal acts of terrorism by forcibly expelling Palestinians not just from their own homes, but also from their lands, and to then dissolve and make null and void the recognized State of Palestine. Can you imagine that??! The whole village got together, felt sorry for this homeless beggar, decided you were in the best position to help the beggar, you agreed, then invited him graciously into your home, and then this beggar turned around, abused and terrorized you, while at the same time lying to others that it was YOU who were terrorizing him and then kicked you out of your own home. The beggar then called Police, to complain that you are threatening him in “his” house, and got you banned from your house and land, now you’re the one homeless and begging, and anytime you raise your voice on this injustice, the people in the village say you’re just a troublemaker, and how you’ve been making trouble for that poor, poor, man (in your house) for years now, and that you deserve what you get for all the trouble you’ve caused that poor, poor man and all his nice family he has called to come and live in “his” house. Ain’t that some shit? Beat that Diddy!

  6. @zackie The European Israelites left Europe in 1948 and met the Palestine there in their land, they are settlers and colonizers.

    They took over and started to oppress the Palestine people, the Israelites are an apartheid State, the only countries that support them are the western colonizers Governments, because the weapon builders in the west are making big money from these wars.

    Hamas are Palestines fighting for their freedom from an oppress apartheid State, the same way the ANC was fighting against the South Africa apartheid regime, but on a different level.

    On October 7th most of the Israelites that was massacre was done by the IDF to prevent Hamas from taking more hostages than they did take.

    That is how the IDF regime operates , they bomb Hospitals, children, women, the UN peace keepers, journalists, schools, they also killed hostages that escaped from Hamas and was waving white flags, have you being hearing of Israelites killing mostly Hamas fighters, they said Palestines are less than human, so they bomb them all, committing genocide.

    Nelson Mandela said Africa will not be totally free until the Palestines are free.

  7. @Geopolitical issues it affects our lives in more ways than one. EXACTLY!!!

    Massacre? & Zackie have no clue as to the plight of the Palestinians. Their utterings are based on emotions and not History…or truth. And I can never decipher what Pompey is fact I never really take the time..


    Did say there were to be ‘…NO ARGUMENTS.’


    It matters what they are.

    Be they:

    (i) ‘…Puff Daddy:

    (ii) …Puffing Powder: or simply

    (iii) …PUFFFING SMOKE,’ be and ‘…PUFF’ any darn thing.


    Be it ‘…SCRIBBLING’ or otherwise:

    (i) ‘…No ranting nor raving: and

    (ii) …Rawlston Pompey’ takes ‘…NO RESPONSIBILITY’ for any ‘…LACK OF UNDERSTANDING.’

    Even so, ‘…RESPECTING’ the views of ‘…PUFF DADDY.’

    If it’s your forte, ‘…KEEP PUFFING, DADDY.’

  9. @Geopolitical… well stated. You were able to bring out the points made by Puff Daddy.

    @Puff Daddy – you are on the right track. Like you, most of the time I can’t bother with Pompey’s statements, not sure if they are revenant either. He is an intelligent man but he too has been brain washed by the western media.

  10. This Cuban person is flapping of the mouth.No one in CUBA could speak freely in Public to oppose the Government and live to tell about it.HAMAS,attacked innocent young people having fun at an open concert in a park.The world did not condemned HAMAS and their financial donors.Israel fought back and you people are coming down on them.I am so glad Israel is not listening.If anyone attacked me.I have a right to respond by any means that suits me.Israel has that right,also.When are Cubans going to be able to speak their minds in public?

  11. It is true..Also…In Cuba they use the word “Palestino” to denigrate people f4om the Eastern paet of the country..All people from Swntiago or Guantanamo is being called “Palestinos” in Habana..They have a literary Apartheid in Habana against any cuban citizens from other province..They cannot work in Habana easily…They have one single ideology allowed legally and morally..Nobody can speak openly against it. They are just playing a propaganda to move the attention of the economic disaster they have..They are against free market..They want everything to be under the strict control of the State. One Family is the Feudal owner of everything.
    Stop pretending that we can understand Middle East conflicts..We shouldn’t take a side in those conflicts..Is pure ignorance we trying to understand them better than them and taking sides..
    We have too much problems over here to be using our energy in foreigns conflicts.


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