The Police Corporal who was suspended from duty, following his arrest and charge with kidnapping and having sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old female was reported to be back on the job.
The 49-year-old was reportedly handed the reinstatement letter signed by Acting Commissioner Atlee Rodney yesterday October 23, with orders to a local police s
His return to duty came after a controversial end to the pending criminal proceedings, when the minor, now 15-years-old, was reportedly asked
by a female Crown Counsel to take the witness stand where she was
prompted to tell a High Court Judge of her desire to drop the case the accused officer.
If tried and convicted, he would have been sentenced to imprisonment for life.
His new posting was said to be of concern to his new female supervisor, who according to reliable sources, openly objected to his posting. She reportedly said he was not welcome at the station.
It was not known how the Acting Commissioner would respond to this development. ANR would continue to monitor the situation.
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Imagine the whispering and gossip going on around him by his colleagues. What an environment to return to.
My understanding is that the victim did not retract her claim that she was raped. Rather, she says she has forgiven the person who committed that dastardly act. A Police Officer is supposed to protect and serve the community, not exploit and abuse vulnerable citizens. So, while the criminal charge has been dismissed, there is no logical reason why internal disciplinary action has not been pursued.
How in God’s name can you have a police officer, who committed rape, back on the job? He should have been suspended from duty pending the outcome of internal investigations. If the Commissioner can be suspended for allegedly soliciting acts of sodomy, how can you have an officer in active service when he stands accused of actually raping a minor girl?
I hope the authorities understand that matters like these contribute to the public lack of trust in the police force, and why the public does not come forward with information required to solve crimes.
I would love to hear from former Commissioner Pompey on this development.
Police officers should use what ever means they have to protest and not work with him. This would create good will within the country.
Nothing less is expected.
Mr Rodney confidence in your stewardship also as a Godly man is now under the microscope.
This is offensive in every way I can imagine; it makes me sick to my stomach. Are you telling me that this POS tasked with protecting and serving the citizenry is back to work after committing such a heinous crime. Be under no illusion, this officer is not INNOCENT OF THE CRIME. STILL IN SHOCK!!!!! WHERE IS THE JUSTICE?
How do you know he is not innocent? I believe there are things that we are not privy to that came to light why he was reinstated.I shudder to think he would be still under the suspicion of been a Pedophile and just been pushed back on the job.Mr Rodney is a Man of values .I am beginning to look at this through some other lenses. Sorry to be so blunt,but i am getting the feeling the young lady was lying from the start.
1 Why did he go to the school for the child’s cell phone?
2 How did he know the phone was held at the school?
3 Why did he leave Antigua?
4 Why didn’t he turn himself in knowing he was wanted by the police?
5 Why was his name mentioned as the perpetrator?
6 Did he withdrew a large sum of money from the bank before he left?
7 What was the reason for the withdrawal if it was so?
8 Why was the minor at his home?
9 Where did the minor get the cell phone?
10 Did he give the minor money, if so why?
Rastaman,all the questions you are asking me should have been answered before a judge& Jury ,there they would be throughly answered.Did he get the Phone he went to the School for? No he did not.So it means that the phone is available to be accessed by the Law.Which tells me and any sensible human that there is nothing in the Phone to incriminate him or else the court could have that to use as their evidence against him even the girl withdraw. Why he went for it? You cant ask me that. The news constantly state he was know by the family,no one that knows you ever come to your house?,Why he left the country,is another nonsensical question,he left he came back,no one had to go bring him back.She should a me go inna the courtroom and prove the case.Me done talk.
Paula there was no trial. No evidence was presented. He was extradited from St Vincent, he was eacorted with police officers back to Antigua.
Statics shows family members and family friends usually commit these types of crime
check the amount of incest cases before the court.
Check the number of sexual assault cases before the court. Remember popular sport media personality, he was a family friend also.
So why did he go for the phone again?
Hell no, he should not be back on the job. The matter did not go to trial so he was not convicted therefore as soon as he walked away from that matter he should have been charged under the Disciplinary Code of the Police Force for ‘DISCREDITABLE CONDUCT’and be further suspended. It would not have been a case where he would be punished twice. Using the same evidence from the Criminal Case for the Disciplinary one. I bet my last dollar he would have been found guilty and his.dismissal recommended by the trial office and upheld by the Commissioner. He could appeal that decision but how far would that get, then he would be out of the Force and he would return to St.Vincent. because of shame. Dirty vagabond. Breach of trust. What message are the sending.I am waiting to see what happen
When will the psc investigate this officer or his rank not high enoough for an internal investigation. They should investigate him like how they investigate Roberson.
Rastaman,did you hear the Commissioner on Abs tonight? If you did not,ask somebody,and as the older folks would say Pick sense out of nonsense..
Nasty bastard you did it once you will do it again
What he did was worst than what they susped the top cop for..
Eh eh, eh. Wow !
Let us remember that “People don’t always get what they deserve in this world.” …
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