Fresh off the heels of a consultation for the Friars Hill Road business community and residents on April 17, 2019, Sir George Walter Highway stakeholders are anticipating today’s public consultation to be held at the Multipurpose Cultural Center at 6pm and hosted by the Ministry of Works’ Project Implementation Management Unit (PIMU). The discussion will focus on the implementation of the Antigua and Barbuda Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project.
PIMU Project Coordinator, Dennis Cudjoe expressed his content with the level of participation from Friars Hill Road stakeholders. “We were very happy that several residents and individuals representing 29 businesses and organizations were able to voice their concerns and ask the panelists questions at our stakeholder consultation on April 17 and we look forward to more participation and engagement from attendees on Wednesday. These consultations are crucial because they enable the PIMU to interact with members of the community in an effort to adopt more effective and efficient strategies with respect to project implementation along both corridors.
Panelists for Wednesday’s consultation will include representatives from the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda, APUA personnel, the Contractor’s representative, PIMU representatives, the Authorizing Officer and senior staff from the Ministry of Works. Attendees can look forward to learning more about the land acquisition process and seeing a visual presentation of the road design for Sir George Walter Highway.
Members of the public are encouraged to attend tomorrow’s consultation at 6pm at the Multipurpose Cultural Center. For more information, please call 562-9176/464-4344 or email [email protected]
The Antigua and Barbuda Road Infrastructure Rehabilitation Project is a grant of 13.9 million British pounds and it is being financed by the United Kingdom Caribbean Infrastructure Partnership Fund (UKCIF) and administered by the Caribbean Development Bank. The Department for International Development (DFID) is providing oversight.
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