Community Volunteers Join MP Anthony Smith in Temporary Road Repairs in Buckley


Buckley residents have come together to assist with temporary road repairs in a community-driven initiative supported by Hon. Anthony Smith Jr., MP for All Saints West. Expressing gratitude for their efforts, Smith acknowledged the residents’ dedication and reaffirmed his commitment to improving infrastructure in the constituency.

He announced that official roadworks will resume next week, alongside a project to clean out the ponds in the area. Residents are encouraged to remain patient during the process as efforts continue to enhance the community.

Smith emphasized that progress remains a priority, underscoring the collective effort required to build a stronger All Saints West.

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  1. This is what MPs who are worth their salt should be doing. Let the constituents see that you’re committed to the betterment of the community in every way. No candidate will be able to impede this MP’s path to victory. So, bring it on. He’s a blessed and talented young man.

  2. For nearly seven years, residents of Jarvis Drive (the second left after KFC) have been pleading for a simple but urgent fix—stones to fill the deep potholes that turn into muddy pools whenever it rains. Despite numerous messages and appeals to MP Anthony Smith, there has been no response or action taken to address this issue.

    Meanwhile, the MP has been actively repairing other roads, some of which were already manageable, while completely neglecting the worsening conditions on Jarvis Drive. The situation has become so dire that residents are forced to put plastic bags over their feet just to walk out onto the main road when it rains. The road continues to deteriorate, making daily life even more difficult for those who live there.

    This is not a request for an expensive road overhaul—just basic maintenance in the form of stones to fill the worst potholes. Yet, despite years of appeals, the concerns of the people in this area have been ignored. The lack of action raises serious concerns about fairness and whether all constituents are being treated equally.

    It’s time for the authorities to take this matter seriously and provide much-needed relief to the residents of Jarvis Drive. If direct appeals continue to be ignored, residents may need to escalate their concerns through formal petitions, media exposure, or community-led action to demand the attention they deserve.

  3. That in my opinion is Bull Dung.There is a Ministry of Works . Let them do their freaking work.A wey Maria Browne Bird a hide? There are too many Ghosts Ministers in Gaston’s Cabinet.

  4. Look at allsaints bottom village the road is sp bad before the preschool and water them people from that side can hardly walk out it’s really bad jack help needed

  5. I am convince the reasons for the state of the countries infrastructure and economic conditions have to do with our ethnicity loving our own, the whites and Chinese love their brothers and sisters so much they build monuments to their ancestor including roads and available bank financing that make America and others be the envy to travel to, aren’t those politicians ashame when they travel abroad to see all they have done to the country is loot it’s treasury and land resources they sell off to white foreigners leaving nothing to show life improvement after 400 years of slavery, this has to stop, with Dave ray writing to show his fanaticism for a friend or political side, who is in the black people side?

  6. I am convince the reasons for the state of the countries infrastructure and economic conditions have to do with our ethnicity loving our own, the whites and Chinese love their brothers and sisters so much they build monuments to their ancestor including roads and available bank financing that make America and others be the envy to travel to, aren’t those politicians ashame when they travel abroad to see all they have done to the country is loot it’s treasury and land resources they sell off to white foreigners leaving nothing to show life improvement after 400 years of slavery, this has to stop, with Dave ray writing to show his fanaticism for a friend or political side, who is on the black people side?

  7. @Eldread,
    The problem is that you guys choose to complain about everything yet not making any positive contributions to your communities. As @Purple shared that it has been seven (7) years that the residents of Jarvis Drive have been complaining, Seven flipping years, and no one chose to start a community group to address issues such as these? I’d be ashamed to mention the number of years of a particularly annoying issue.
    All they do is write on these blogs with no constructuve ideas to help to mitigate the challenges

    If we have rely on the government to do everything, then things might not get done, as there are many areas that need to be addressed. They all cannot be done at the same time.

    In this case, Anthony Smith Jr. is being a great leader by showing how he can harness the skillsset of members of the community to work together to resolve some issues because it will be to their benefit as well.

    If you see that as a partisan statement, then you’re narrow sighted in your thinking about not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.

    PWD has a limited number of workers who cannot be everywhere all the time. You will always feel that your problem is greater than someone else’s.

    Antigua does not have sufficient financial resources to execute all these social programs. Let us do what we can to aid in the development of our island.

  8. @ Dave Ray: You are certainly singing for that promised position in New York. Why do you and others like you. Like to kiss the arses of Politicians.I heard that lady on a call in show speaking about money owed to her by someone.

  9. Oh stfu. Now we must fix our own roads? Do you suggest next we dismantle government??

    This is the sickening thing at times about the diaspora. They lose real touch with the plight of locals. Because Dave will never and has never gone to hands on help build any road in the US. But we must add that to our plate of woes??

    After we go in sun to fix the roads ourselves you do know we don’t have water to bother after right? Guess that is for us to also solve as a community. From where are we getting extra disposable money to buy stones ourselves for ROAD. You don’t understand life here. Talk about what you know about.

    Cost of life is killing us and talking about we must fix road and that WE should be shame for waiting for seven years. So no shame there for government????

    So disgusting. Sing for your supper but chat sense.

  10. @Dan,
    In New York, my community has a neighborhood council and we get things done because our coalition knows the right channels to go through to accomplish our goals. If you read my comments, you might learn something different than what you’re saying that I said. The reason that many fail exams is because they don’t read with comprehension.
    James Drive has resudents who have access to resources and can approach Min of Works as a team. Stop comparing your issues to the US’. We have a federal government that can get things based on the taxes we pay.
    Your life is not hard for everyone in Antigua. You own a smart phone which I’m certain is more expensive than mine. You’re doing well but like to complain.
    We pay city, state and federal taxes along with social security.
    Which supper am I singing for? That dunce talk is meaningless. As soon a as someone challenges something you that you support, you guys airways tag money to it. Lol @ singing for my suuper.
    That’s the reason you guys will remain in opposition for years to come. You’re low minded.

  11. @Boogy Peak
    You’re so gullible that you allow Market Lady Dana to play with your mind at nights. I don’t have to explain anything to you. Let the lady say her name whomever he called. Why doesn’t she seek legal advice in the US against me? Don’t you find that strange? Use your brain sometimes. You just believe everything you hear? Wow! That’s the reason some people will never grow. I just left Antigua last Sunday. So, I’m free. Think about it.
    She curses everybody at.night about stupid things. Demeaning people’s characters with lies. How’s that uplifting to the country?
    She creates more divisions amongst the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda than any good she’s doing.
    Look at this; you don’t even know me, but you formed an opinion because of your gullibility.
    You can’t use your real name here because you’re a coward.
    My name is Dave Ray
    I’ve always been self sustained. Never had to depend on anyone.
    Pick sense out of nonsense, if you have that ability.

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