Charlesworth C. M. Tabor, Attorney-at-Law
On the 12th June, 2014 the Antigua Labour Party was ushered back into government after the general elections following its 10 years in Opposition. Oh! What a sad day for this country legislatively, for no other government since Antigua and Barbuda gained its independence on the 1st day of November, 1981 has been as inept and legislatively incorrect as the present government led by Gaston Browne as Prime Minister and Steadroy Benjamin as Attorney General.
If you think that that indictment of the government by me is harsh and unwarranted, then the following few examples are presented as justification for my indictment and will suffice to convince you otherwise.
Defamation Act, 2015
In April 2015 the government passed the Defemation Act, No. 7 of 2015. This Act, inter alia, at section 24 (2) (i) stipulated that a defamatory matter is published on the occasion of absolute privilege if the matter is published in either House of Parliament by a member of either House. What this simply means is that a member of Parliament is free from any defamatory claim for anything that is said once it is said in the building of Parliament.
Now, section 24 (2) (i) is clearly in conflict with section 58 (1) of the Constitution of Antigua and Barbuda (the Supreme Law). What section 58 (1) of the Constitution stipulates is that members of Parliament only have freedom of speech in Parliament and is immune from any civil or criminal proceedings for statements made in Parliament when those statements are made during proceedings of Parliament. In other words, Parliament must be in session and the member is in the building of Parliament. This very issue is now before the court on a constitutional motion and the court will determine the matter.
Prison Amendment Act, 2017
In June, 2017 the government passed the Prison (Amendment) Act, No. 17 of 2017. The objective of the amendment to the principal Act (the Prison Act, Cap. 341) was to removed the Governor General as the person who had the power to grant the remission of sentences and replace him with the Minister of Public Safety.
Section 84 (1) (d) of the Constitution of Antigua and Barbuda is absolutely clear on who has the power to grant the remission of sentences and that power is vested in the office of the Governor General.
This matter came before the court for adjudication since the Minister of Public Safety, acting in the mistaken belief that he had the power to grant the remission of sentences because of the Prison (Amendment) Act 2017; in February, 2019 granted the remission of the sentences of several prisoners, including some who were serving sentences for murder. The Court in its judgment on 10th April, 2019 declared that the amendment to the Prison Act was unconstitutional.
Release of Texan Tourist
On the 1st June, 2018 Shannon Martinez and her family came to Antigua from Texas for a 12-day vacation. At the end of her vacation, while at the airport preparing to return to Texas her suitcase was searched and 20 rounds of ammunition for a 9mm gun was found. She was charged and was found guilty by the Magistrate and sentenced to one year in prison.
This matter was the subject of much publicity and of course the US government also got involved. Again, rather than following the required legal processes, the Attorney General got involved and unlawfully granted a remission of her sentence and Mrs. Martinez was wisked out of Antigua after spending one day in prison.
The point that I wish to underscore in this matter is not that Mrs. Martinez was granted a swift reprieve for her crime, but that what was done by the Attorney General was unlawful. Perhaps the best way for this matter to have been handled was for the Governor Geeral to have issued a pardon. While there are some that would also disagree with this solution, the point though is that the action would have been lawful.
Covid 19 Regulations
As a result of the covid 19 pandemic the government had to take drastic measures to protect the lives of the residents of Antigua and Barbuda. To take steps to combat the crisis, the Minister of Health pursuant to section 100 of the Public Health Act, Cap. 353 of the Laws of Antigua and Barbuda, declared covid 19 to be a dangerous and infectious disease. However, the Minister of Health acting ultra vires went even further by making Rgulations under the Act, to control the behavior of residents under the public state of emergency that was declared by the Governor General. The Minister of Health should have known or should have sought legal advice before commiting such a blunder since the Public Health Act (which falls under his purview) clearly stipulates at section 102 that “The Board shall have the direction of all measures dealing with dangerous infectious diseases, and may make regulations with regard to the control of any dangerous infectious disease …..”.
Because the Minister of Health had no legal authority to make such Regulations, they were therefore null and void and of no effect. More egregious and troubling though, is the fact that all the people who were arrested, charged and convicted for breaching the Regulations were done so unlawfully by the State.
It would appear that the government subsequently realized the serious blunder that was made with the Regulations of the Minister of Health and tried to correct it. However, instead of correcting the previous blunder the blunderous and inept behaviour of the government continued with even more absurdity. While the Regulations made by Eustace Lake as Chairman of the Board of the Central Board of Health (CBH) were rightly made, the government then fell into serious error by not having those Regulations confirmed by Parliament as required by section 176 of the Public Health Act. It simply means that those Regulations, like the Minister of Health Regulations, were also null and void and of no effect and therefore the people who were arrested, charged and convicted for breaching those Regulations were done so unlawfully by the State.
Virtual Meeting of Parliament
On the 31st March, 2020 as a result of the covid 19 pandemic and the consequent regulation of residents’ behavior by the government and in particular social distancing, the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda met for the first time in its history Virtually.
Was this Virtual Meeting of Parliament lawful? The answer to this question is a resounding NO. While section 59 (1) of the Constitution of Antigua and Barbuda gives the Governor General the power to proclaim the place where Parliament shall meet, the reference to place does not imply a geographical location such as a village or parish, but rather a specific building in a particular location. The Proclamation issued by the Governor General, therefore, on the 30th March, 2020 that there would be a meeting of the House by Video Conference Link to be held in St. John’s is nonsense to say the least. More troubling, however, is perhaps the cajoling of the Governor General by the government to do an unlawful act.
In fact, at the supposedly Virtual Meeting of Parliament on the 31st March, 2020 one of the Bills down for consideration was the Emergency Powers (Dangerous Infectious Diseases) Bill, 2020 and would you believe that one of the very objectives of that Bill was to give Parliament the power to meet Virtually. It would really be difficult to find a word to describe this ineptness of the government. However, the Bill was subsequently withdrawn by the Attorney General when it was realized that certain provisions of the Bill could be unconstitutional.
Emergency Powers (Dangerous Infectious Diseases) Bill, 2020
Down for consideration in Parliament yesterday was the Emergency Powers (Dangerous Infectious Diseases) Bill, 2020. Again, it was withdrawn. You will recall that the first time this Bill made an appearance in Parliament in March, one of its objectives was to legalize Virtual Meetings of Parliament. Now, one of the objectives of the Bill was to suspend the payment of severance to workers indefinitely. However, because of the outrage that ensued, the government was forced once again to withdraw the Bill. The payment of severance to workers is almost sacred and here you have a government that proclaims it has come from the bowels of labour, was willing to amend the Labour Code to throw workers under the bus. This is beyond shameful.
Now dear readers, the issue of proper lawful behavior by government in accordance with the Rule of Law is just as important as bread and butter issues that affect your pockets. Just as you would be concerned about the latter, you should be equally concerned aout the former, because if the society continues to be nonchalant about the government’s legal errors and excesses, then we might just wake up one day to find that we are living in a totalitarian State.
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Hope at least you enjoyed your intellectual “exercise” this morning.
As usual a whole lotta rambling. The author must be refreshing this page a million time to see who leave a comment so he can ramble some more. If he has so much time on his hand to write all this mumbo jumbo why don’t he write about so other hot topics such as Vincia James alleged murderer beging granted bail or the hush hush of law enforcement on Bruce Greenway case. Oh right they are not political enough for him. All his rambling must be about bashing the governament. I await his reply.
Mr Tabor with all that ignorance ABLP did, the UPP failed to remove the AG from office.
Write about the failure of the UPP to perform their role as Her Majesty’s Royal Opposition.
The UPP failed to bring anything meaningful to the table to force the ABLP to make changes..
Now write an honest article about the lack of positive strong representation from the UPP….
Antigua and not Barbuda is badly in need of an opposition to keep the sitting government in check….
Who is this Charlie (“Charlesworth”) guy anyway. He sure takes up a lot of writing space as he rambles on and on. I don’t have a clue who he be? Is he a member of Government or the Opposition or something? What office does he hold, or is he just another wannabe? Some say he running for office, but election is a long time from now. Some of the stree saying Harold L. better what his back. Somebody might be after his position. Anyway, the guy should try to condense his ramblings. He obviously has some king of a point(s) but he’s slow to put it out there. Anyway, congratulations for being interested.
Move to the head of the class . You are CORRECT. The Opposition cannot debate these issues. It is about time UPP and Tabor call a SPEARD a SPEARD. I cannot understand for the life of me why UPP cannot be honest with Themselves and know that Pringle DO NOT have the capacity to debate these issues. I listened to HON. Asot Michael in Parliament last evening and this Guy is SMART and BRIGHT . Asot performed the duties of the OPPOSITION. Tabor I know that you DO NOT believe what you are saying but it will be better if you just SHUT your mouth. The Opposition in Parliament is lacking capacity.
Rupert Mann, the Leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition has a PAID “RESEARCH OFFICER” to assist him in that regard. So what is the problem? Somebody is NOT doing their job effectively. The said “RESEARCH OFFICER” is a writer and lecturer, yet Jamale Pringle still grapples with basic SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT. Why is that? Why? Why? Why?
Even the author of the above article proudly states that he is “attorney at law” and UPP loyalist. So why oh why is Mr. Pringle still STRUGGLING with parliamentary debate and common sense?
Maybe just maybe the rumours are true that Lovell and his svengali master want Pringle to fail miserably.
You are correct !!!! But Jamale Pringle capable of Comprehending ? I wish there was an OPPOSITION. i LIKE TO LISTEN TO STRONG DEBATES. Asot Michael seems to be the Leader of the Opposition. Jamale Pringle is making news in the wrong Area. Hope He can get on TRACK soon.
RAMBLING.. Charlesworth Tabor . Lots of words and say NOTHING. Tabor are you running in the next election ? I hope NOT because you will lose your deposit . You appear to be looking NATARIETY.
INTELLECTUAL MASTURBATION at its finest. Like father like son.
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