COMMENTARY: Judges: Killing the Competitive Spirit of Pageantry


By Rawlston Pompey

Whether by human-controlled ‘Animal Contests’ or human-organized ‘Beauty Pageants or Contests,’ these events were not only known to have been filled with intrigues and confusion, but also equally as much, they have provoked disappointment, anger and invited the ‘Wrath of Patrons. Spontaneous crowd reaction, has seen ‘Judging Panels’ and even Police taking inescapable evasive action from unseen oncoming missiles. With no radar and intercepted equipment, some un-intercepted missiles were known to have caused collateral damage and injuries.


This commentary primarily looks at the recent behavior of the ‘Panel of Judges.’ Reflecting upon the early days of competitions, ‘Pageantry Thievery’ (coined), have prompted dissatisfaction in audiences. Though not necessarily with rampancy and frequency, the same continues to be obtained in many nations across the globe. In other activities, and particularly decisions given by; (a) ‘Pageant Judges; (b) Ring and field-of-play referees and umpires,’ hell often broke loose. Be they patrons, ardent fans and faithful followers, though not necessarily correct, invariably, they are incensed by that which had occurred. 


In the ‘Jaycee’s International (JCI)’ (Antigua/Barbuda Chapter) of the recently held ‘Regional Queens Pageant,’ a female media personality commenting on the event, could have been heard saying earnestly, truthfulness and all sincerity; ‘I expect her to win the competition, but I did not expect her to win every Segment.’ The understanding and/or perceptions of commentators and patrons, have often sent clear messages to the decision-makers that some results and some decisions, were ‘Unacceptably Outrageous.’ 


Frequently, this was the point at which agitated and irate people had done the unthinkable. The ‘Brutally Frank,’ courageous, truthful and observant female commentator, may have been concerned with the quality of judging. She knew that the comment may have implications for their personal safety. Then chucklingly, she uttered; ‘We might have to get the ‘Police’ to escort us out of here.’ She may have been cognizance that her comment may have incensed some ardent followers, fans, well-wishers and patrons. 


Clearly, ‘Human Civilization;’ a good sense of reasoning and informed decisions, have constantly changed mindset and propensity. These, invariably, allow for contending ideas to be ventilated; for commonality of understanding; amicable resolutions; tolerance to be exercised and restraint to prevail. That was when specially and cordially invited delegates’ from across the region may have gracefully accepted their invitations. 


Undoubtedly, in the spirit of ‘Congeniality; Competition; and Regionalism,’ they have all participated in the prestigious ‘JCI Beauty Pageant.’ Each delegate would have enthusiastically entered with ‘Great Expectations’ of not just being placed in ‘Runners-Up’ positions, but also to be crowned ‘Miss JCI Queen-2023’ [Observer Media: July 31, 2023]. 


The commentary also looks at the apparent corrupt and debilitating ‘Attitude of Insularity’ by the selected ‘Panel of Judges.’ Most importantly, it seeks to unravel or discern rationalities for none of the ‘8-regionally-invited participants’ failure in securing one of the ‘4-Judged Segments.’ Here and now, it shall be made clear to those that had judged the recently-held ‘JCI Regional Queens Pageant,’ that have positioned the ‘Panel of Judges; to be seen as ‘Killers’ of a ‘Participatory Spirit,’ and ‘Destroyers’ of ‘hope, dreams and aspirations of the ‘Visiting Delegates.’


The commentary is ‘Dedicated,’ firstly to the ‘8-Rejected and Dejected’ regional delegates; and secondly, to those with an appreciation for ‘Fair Judging’ in a competitive environment. Additionally, it is dedicated to the many followers, and-non-grumpy and fussy readers. These include a ‘Retired Sister/Midwife, and sister, ‘Emily Ryan’ [SVG]: Esteemed social media friends,’ Audley Phillip; inclusive of the personally-known; ‘Retired Justice Keith Thom; Practicing attorneys-at-law ‘Charlesworth Tabor and Wendell Robinson-Glenroy Alexander.’


My esteemed social media friend, ‘Audley Phillip,’ shall, at his own risk, post comments solely for the purposes of encouraging reading and ‘Building Capacity Through Literacy.’ As far as ‘Freedom of Expression’ and Deprivation of Liberty’ are concerned, the attorneys shall help to keep the author out of jail. Even so, it shall be said that there has never been such harbored thought or desire to be institutionalized. Anything, but knowingly, recklessly, callously or maliciously writing something ‘Libelous; slanderous; scandalous and/or mischievous.’ 


In a ‘Beauty Contest’ in which ‘Delegates’ proudly showcase their endowed talent and performing to an audience, even when not so consumed, the ‘Judged Segments’ may have caused many to imagine that ‘Butterflies were in the stomach.’ Even so, that which has never brought solace to ‘Delegates,’ has often been ‘an Adversarial Judging Environment and a Bias Panel of Judges.’ Clearly, whether deservedly or undeservedly won, the ‘JCI Sixtieth Anniversary’ of the long-running ‘Jaycee’s Beauty Pageants,’ appeared to have made the nationally-held ‘Pageants’ in the ‘8-participating territories’ looked like ‘School Pageants.’


Though not necessarily intended, whether national or regional, ‘Pageant Organizers’ shall know that some ‘Judges’ Decisions’ were not only seen to have the effect of killing the ‘Spirit of Competition,’ but also have implications for future regional participation. This is being looked at from the perspective whereby ‘Judges,’ more often than ‘Pageant Organizers,’ have caused participating contestants to be left despondent and distraught, thereby forcing participants and patrons to harbor feelings that the ‘Weapon of Insularity’ has been used discriminatingly against them. 


Through the years, some ‘Judging Panels,’ have often gave the uncanny and vexed impression that they have aught against ‘Visiting Delegates.’ When the Pageant was over, reasonable inferences may have been drawn that by ‘Cunning or Conniving’ design, on the ‘Sixtieth (60) Anniversary of Pageantry,’ there was no fitting delegate to be judged ‘JCI Queen’ than the home delegate. Such crowning and losing out on the ‘4-Judged Segments,’ appeared to have stripped the ‘Delegates’ of their pride and dignity and wounded their femininity, intelligence and abilities.


That which these delegates may not have known, was that they would have quicker seen a ‘Spiked Heel’ fell off a shoe sole, than the ‘Judging Panel’ according high-graded points for performances that may have wrested the coveted ‘Crown’ from the ‘Kingdom of Antigua and Barbuda.’ Moreover, as in real-life ‘Kingdom Reign,’ from time immemorial, it has been considered a ‘Punishable Treasonable Act,’ by subjects, even in ‘Contests or Pageants,’ to move against the ‘Monarchy.’ As in the case of British Queen Elizabeth II’ […2022], ‘Long Live and Long Reign ‘Her Majesty, Queen Ischikelle.’


It shall be said that whatever may have been the reasoning for the expression or idiom ‘Cockroach has no business competing with fowls,’ fundamental to this commentary, is its use. It shall also be said that whoever may have coined the words for the idiom, ‘Cockroach’ has no business in ‘Fowl House’ (Coop),’ by its usage and through this medium, the feelings of ‘Dissatisfied and Despondent Delegates’ and the deeply disturbed and displeased patrons to the recent ‘Jaycee’s International Regional Queens Pageant,’ are conveyed [Antigua and Barbuda: July 31, 2023].


Likened to those people, forced by necessity in fleeing war-torn and poverty-stricken countries in over-crowded and rickety vessels, they knew that the most dangerous place to be wedged, is between the ‘Devil and the deep blue sea.’ Yet, many had taken the conscious decision to flee their trouble countries. Looked at from the perspective of a ‘Beauty Pageant,’ only a ‘Disreputable Judging Panel’ can actually bring the ‘Pageant Organizers’ into disrepute. Lest anyone be so devious, or misguided in their thoughts, this commentary is not about who should, or should not have been crowned the local Chapter of the ‘Miss Jaycee’s International Queen.’ 


 It is universally known that the most dangerous of places for any ‘Cockroach,’ is a ‘Fowl Coop.’ Seemingly, for the crawling/flying feathered animals, though not concerned about stench, and not quite a meal, these winged-insects are readily beaked-up and gulped-down. As humans loathed their house-presence and obnoxious scent, the innocence of the ‘Cockroach’ has always placed it in positions to face the inevitable-Extermination. Thus, crawling out at the wrong time, and at the wrong place has often seen, that some residents have called ‘Mahogany Bird,’ being dropped with insecticidal spray of ‘Bop and Det.’ 


Relate the ‘Cockroach’s Predicament’ to ‘Beauty Contests or Queen Pageants,’ some contestants or participants really have no business competing in ‘Pageants’ where ‘Judges’ were minded to do the unthinkable. Contesting delegates only need to be graded with marginally low scores to be dropped out of winning contention. Though competition was usually fierce, the difficulties that may have been faced by ‘Visiting Delegates,’ were not necessarily posed by home competitors. To participants, foremost in the mind, may have been the exhibition of their best talent. Thus, with a keen desire to cap the coveted title, to leave nothing to crowd responses or empathy of ‘Judging Panels.’ 


The ‘Panel of Judges’ has prompted vivid reminder of the ‘Animal Beauty Contest’ [2000: Animal Beauty Contest: YouTube].  Humorously expressed in song, ‘Slinger Francisco, ‘Mighty Sparrow,’ it was worth referenced for the suggestive ‘Moral,’ where in human contests, there is the process of elimination. Likened to preliminaries in these contests,’ the ‘Animal Judges’ reportedly disqualified several unmatched male contenders. While the ‘Animal Beauty Contest’ was a ‘Figment of Sparrow’s Imagination,’ it was clear that some animals had to be eliminated.  


The creativity and cleverness of the artist, suggested that the ‘Animal Judges’ had been transfixed on ‘One Spot.’ This was opposed to viewing the overall ‘Beauty of the Donkey.’ As far as physical attributes, none of the competing animals ever matched up to the ‘Donkey’ and favored by the ‘Panel of Judges. Those reportedly lacked natural physical attributes were said to have been greatly angered. Those so lacking, included the ‘Lion of the Jungle’ and the grudging, despising tree-climbing and swinging, ‘Monkey.’


Though exist in the same ‘Animal Kingdom,’ among that which humans have over the animals, have been; (i) ‘Endowment of Reason and Conscience: (ii) The gift of speech; and (ii) A ‘Spirit of Discernment.’ Left to the human imagination, it may not necessarily have been its beauty. The lyrical contents suggested that it was ‘Donkey’s Anatomy.’ At the end of the ‘Animal Contest,’ the only animals that may not have been confused, were the ‘Judges.’ 


The ‘Animal Judging Panel’ appeared to have been so enthused, that they reportedly awarded the three coveted positions; ‘…First: …Second; and …Third,’ vied for in that which was conceptualized and dubbed by the ‘Mighty Sparrow’ as the ‘Animal Beauty Contest.’ Consequently, they have crowned it; ‘King of the Beast.’ In many respects, humans have often ‘Mimicked the Animals.’ In the recent ‘Jaycee’s International (JCI) Regional Queen’s Contest,’ local delegate ‘Ischikelle Corbin,’ has bettered the ‘Donkey’s’ achievements’ by ‘Five.’ 


In the contest, that which appeared to have captured the attention of the of the ‘Judging Panel’ was the endowed attributes of the ‘Donkey.’ In the ‘JCI Pageant, that which inferentially wooed the ‘Judging Panel,’ have been the ‘Segments’ capped by ‘Crowned Queen, Ischikelle Corbin’ It would be wrong to speculate on that which may have captured the attention in the ‘JCI Pageant’ in which the home-based delegate capped the ‘4-Judged Segments and ‘Queen of the Pageant.’ Therefore, in the ‘9-delegate ‘JCI’ Pageant,’ the home-based contestant has bettered the achievements of the ‘Donkey.’ [July 31, 2023].


It shall not be seen that in the event-planed ‘Summer Festival,’ including; (i) ‘JCI Regional Queen Show: and (ii) The non-invitational shows,’ that seemed destined down a slippery slope for a ‘Participatory Crash.’ Should the ‘Carnival Development Committee (CDC)’ make a ‘Disclaimer’ that the recent ‘Jaycee’s International (JCI) Pageant,’ was not among its planned ‘Events of Activities,’ then it shall divorce itself from the ‘JCI’s Pageants and Organizing Committee.’ Such course of action may be in the overall interest of the nation’s premier ‘Summer Festival-Carnival.’ It behooves the ‘CDC’ to protect the; (a) ‘Name and reputation; (b) Ensure achievement of its Cultural aims; and (c) Participatory objectives.’


These are among other ways in advancing with its ‘Developmental Plans’ for ‘Carnival.’ In the recently held ‘Beauty Pageant,’ the ‘Panel of Judges’ then identified by ‘State Media’ includes: (i) ‘Antigua and Barbuda: (ii) Commonwealth of Dominica; (iii) Emerald Isle Montserrat; and (iv) Federation members, St. Kitts and Nevis’ [ABS TV? Radio: July 31, 2023]. These appeared to have represented the ‘Perfect Team’ of ‘Mystery Judging,’ thereby, blemishing the ‘Pages of History,’ when none of the ‘8-Invited Participants,’ was not accorded worthwhile consideration to be awarded one of the 4-Judged Segments.’


Through the years, those that were often seen as ‘Supportive Participants,’ have been persons from whichever islands were departmentally-regularized by ‘Immigration’ authorities and resident right here on ‘Antigua and Barbuda.’ Instructively, ‘Pageant Hosts and Hostesses’ often gave the impression that the ‘Panel of Judges’ had been; ‘Carefully selected from across the region by ‘Pageant Organizing Committees.’ Frequently, those so selected have often been seen as ‘Slaves’ to environmental and non-governmental organizations. Thus, the ‘Selectees’ were often placed to unscrupulously act against competitors not of their ilk and origin. 


Then to all intents and purposes, on the night of the ‘Beauty Pageants,’ hosts and hostesses, rife, yet ‘Unsuspecting of Deception,’ those so selected as ‘Pageant Judges’ have been described by nationality. That the overwhelming majority of patrons and ‘ALL’ visiting Delegates never knew was that they had ‘Currency of Residency,’ with allegiance to identifiable political organizations. There was no better person to make his observations and displeasure publicly known, than ‘Prime Minister Gaston Browne’ [Pointe FM 99: August 10, 2023]. Though the ‘Prime Minister’ did not describe the ‘Panel of Judges’ as ‘Riff-Raff,’ there are few Delegates, patrons and calypsonians,’ who may not have the fortitude to so describe the ‘Panel of Judges.’ 


Culturally, narrowed down to ‘Social Commentaries’ and ‘Beauty Pageants,’ those participating had invariably embraced the concept of a ‘Competitive Spirit.’ None shall believe that have entered only for the fun. Contests and competitions are never for fun. Each competitor, contestant or participant, does so with one objective. While the ‘Decisions’ of ‘Judging Panels,’ shall be accepted as ‘Final,’ some ‘Pageant Judges,’ seemingly ‘Guided by Insularity,’ have not only; (a) ‘Shattered delegates confidence and patron’s expectations; (b) Killed the ‘Spirit of Competitiveness; but have also; (c) Affected future pageant’s participation.


Consequently, home-based competitors, appear always to have been well-positioned to have the ‘Winning Edge.’ In fact, in the recently hosted ‘JCI Pageant, the ‘Judges Score Sheets’ may show that except for ‘home-based ‘Delegate Ischikelle Corbin,’ none of the ‘8-visiting Delegates’ performed well enough, or had scored highly in any of the ‘4-Judged Segments’ to have capped the ‘Coveted ‘JCI’ Crown’ [July 31, 2023]. The segments awarded to the home-based Delegate included: (i) ‘Best interview; (ii) Best performing talent; (iii) Best Swim wear; (iv) Best modelling skills; and (v) JCI Queen-2023.’ 


There may have been no contest without regional participation. If there was such a contest, the depraved localized ‘Panel of Judges’ may have no difficulty awarding the lone local delegate; (i) ‘Queen; ii) First Runner-up; and (iii) Second Runner-up, as well as the ‘4-Judged Segments.’ The ‘Panel of Judges’ appeared to have made the ‘Regional ‘JCI’ Queen Show’ [Antigua and Barbuda: July 31, 2023], less than appealing and inviting. The ‘Judging Panel’ appeared to have seen the invited participants only for their numbers. Thus, the participants may have been given reasons to believe that their participation, was merely for the ‘Numerical Value.’ 


The ‘Panel of Judges’ appeared to have done more harm to future Pageants participation, than the achievements of the home-delegate. The apparent hand-picked ‘Panel of Judges’ had caused a ‘Wave of Dissenting Voices’ to have been heard more than any other time in the ‘Pageant’s history between ‘One and Sixty Years’ hosting the localized Pageant [1960 – 2023]. Whether deservedly or undeservedly won the ‘Sixtieth (60) Anniversary’ of the long-running ‘Jaycee’s Beauty Pageant,’ the ‘Judges’ appeared to have made nationally-held pageants in the ‘8 participating territories’ looked like ‘School Pageants.’


Many have frowned over ‘Judges Decisions’ that have been continuously begging not to be described as pregnant with ‘Bias and Insularity.’ These may now necessitate policy-makers to take a close and serious look at the existed ‘Judging Malady,’ that continues to afflict the ‘Invited Delegates,’ should the ‘Carnival Development Committee (CDC) wishes to encourage future participation and at the same time, help to build regionalism than cultivating a mind-set in ‘Pageant Judges,’ as to be seen as hell-bent in ensuring that the ‘JCI Crown’ was retained in the host nation. 


Likened to the home-based delegate, ‘Ischikelle Corbin,’ the delegates have all showcased their; (a) ‘Beauty; (b) Intelligence; (c) Special talents; and (d) Modelling skills’ commendably and exceedingly well. There appeared to have been great camaraderie between herself and the specially invited, yet humiliated and frustrated participants. Competitively, it was often a very small ‘Minority of Misfits’ and narrow-minded people being placed on ‘Judging Panels,’ that have caused competitors horrors. These ‘Misfits,’ and not necessarily the organizers, have given ‘Invited Delegates’ reasons to harbor beliefs that some segments of the ‘Pageant’ have been ‘pre-judged,’ and that some results have been ‘pre-determined.’ 


Nationally, in recent years, the ‘Quality of Judging’ was said to have offended regional participation. From research, some media panelists, equally as much as patrons appeared to have taken issue with home-based Delegate and ‘Pageant winner, ‘Ischikelle Corbin.’ This may have been discerned from ‘Judges Decisions’ that have often been under the scrutiny of; (a) ‘Participants; (b) Patrons and fans; as well as (c); Participating regional countries.’ Without regional participation, ‘Pageant organizers’ will only be left with the ‘National Queen.’ After all, this is the ‘Queen’ that represents the ‘CDC and Nation.’ This might be good reasons for the ‘CDC’ to have not just training, but also ‘Judging Criteria’ for the ‘Panel of Judges.’


The ‘8- Invited Nations’ then represented included; (i) ‘The British Virgin Islands: (ii) Commonwealth of Dominica: (iii) Montserrat; (iv) The impoverished, Gang-ruled Haiti; (v) St. Kitts and Nevis; (vi) St. Lucia; (vii) The United States Virgin Islands: and (viii) St. Vincent and the Grenadines.’ Early hosting of the ‘Pageant’ saw the larger ‘CARICOM’ nations of; (i) ‘Barbados; (ii) Guyana; (iii) Jamaica; and (iv) Trinidad and Tobago; and (v) French and Dutch Overseas Territories’ fully participated.’ For whatever reason/s, by their non-participation, ‘OECS Grenada,’ appeared to have forego the possible seasonally-dispatched invitations.


In later years, these nations appeared to have concentrated resources on the more costly, but prestigious ‘Miss Universe Pageant.’ Though no reasons were disclosed, none may deny the perceived existence of ‘Judging Malady’ among participating nations. Expectedly, in most competitive contests, the home-based competitors were often better positioned to have advantages over visiting delegates. Such advantages are manifold. There is: (a) ‘Home-based fan support; and (b) Support of the selected non-open-minded ‘Panel of Judges.’ Most appeared to have been selected, not because of judging experiences, but for their past participation. Such persons more than ever, shall now be seen as ‘Liabilities’ than ‘Assets’ to the ‘Jaycee’s.


There are three primary elements to ‘Beauty Pageants.’ These are; (i) ‘Contestants: (ii) Criteria; and (iii) A panel of Judges.’ The contestants shall not only perform to the best of their ability, but most importantly, to the ‘Pageants Criteria.’ Those that shall be keenly observant are the ‘Panel of Judges.’ They shall be satisfied on the basis of merit, that ‘Delegates’ have performed to the ‘Set Criteria,’ and to the individual and collective satisfaction of the Panel. Even with ‘Crashed Training Courses,’ those not so measured up to qualified standards of judging; (i) ‘Beauty: (ii) Intelligence: (iii) Talent; and (iv) Modeling skill,’ and are colorized and organizationally-affiliated, shall not be so engaged to judge the ‘Jaycee’s International Regional Queens Pageants.’ Guided by the ‘Moral’ in the creative thinking of the ‘Mighty Sparrow,’ likened to the danger faced by the ‘Cockroach,’ Pageant organizers shall know that ‘Crashed-Trained Judges’ could make ‘Visiting Delegates’ feel they have entered the ‘Wrong Pageants.’ This said, it shall be borne in the mind of ‘Pageant Judges,’ that in all ‘Competitive Pageants,’ such as that of the ‘JCI,’ and at all material times, ‘Credit shall be given to whom it is due.’ Keep hope alive; Keep the ‘Pageants’ seasonally running. Long Live ‘JCI’.







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  1. Only thing I can say for this year, in the local queen show Miss Corbin was the clear winner as the judges had it.
    In the JCs queen show Ms. Corbin of Antigua was the clear winner as the judges had it.

  2. My good friend Mr. Pompey I see you have gone from crime to beauty pageantry in your commentary. However, all I will say with respect to this article is that Ms. Corbin was the undisputed winner in both the Local and Joyce’s Queen competition.


      We have spoken.

      There was no disagreement on that which was discussed.

      The ‘Author’ has, and boasts ‘NO’ expertise in ‘…Beauty Pageants.’

      NOTE WELL:

      The commentary focuses ‘STRICTLY’ on the attitude of the ‘…JUDGING PANNEL.’

      Few seemed to have comprehended this ‘…FACT.’

      Consequent upon your learning, you will and know that this commentary is not about:

      (i) ‘…Who should: or

      (ii) …Who should not win.’

      But ‘Suspect’ that some ‘…Drag Queens’ or Enthusiasts’ will express themselves with ‘…Piggy Grunts’ on this page. That is ‘FREEDOM,’ and well respected.

      Do know you are not in that ‘…GRUNTING GANG.’

      Even their ‘GRUNTS’ must contend.

      Still, any ‘PIGGY’ that offers nothing but ‘GRUNTS;’ …Stepped out of line, ‘GUARANTEE’ a counter-response.

      WALK GOOD.

    • So why give all segments to Antigua. Dominica 100% won best swimwear. I hope the other Islands Boycott next year, and you can continue your cheating and bias and crown Antigua.

  3. Aloenso and Tabor Pompey is from St.Vincent, so all you Antiguans luck he did not rain missiles on ARG and worst yet if he had Ragion and the commissioner backing him , along with his two younger brothers- all policemen.( joking 🙃 right- I have utmost respect for Mr. Pompey and our Chief ). Miss St. Vincent should have won the swim wear segment in my book. Mrs. Antigua was the clear winner. She clearly won the most of the segments and was no less than second in any that she did not win as far as I see it. Pompey how did you judge Mr.St.Vincent in the talent segment. Honestly I did not even give her a score for that. I don’t understand how any judge could rightly give someone points for that unless in is a DJ competition. Also remember they had a criteria and a theme- “ Fire and Ice”.

  4. I honestly think that you should stick to your field and even then your writing is made up of incorrect facts, nonsensical garbage, and makes absolutely no sense. DO YOUR RESEARCH. There were five judged categories, as evening gown was broken down into two categories, BEST DESIGN and BEST IN DRESS. Best design is actually pre-judged and has been for several years. The judges adjudicate the gown on mannequins and look specifically for craftsmanship. It is then judged on the night again based on fit and the delegates carriage and poise. For many years, the Jaycees organization has organized workshops for its judges. On several occasions I have observed professionals in various areas train the judges on what to look for. A workshop was actually held with ALL FIVE judges this year prior to the show. Over the years the judges are shown clips from previous shows and use the criteria to score the former delegates based on the criteria. They share their scores and and feedback is given. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Home advantage? What kind of home advantage can you have as the newly crowned Carnival Queen when you have DAYS to prepare for a REGIONAL PAGEANT. Our girls are usually exhausted mentally and physically and go straight into another pageant. They have to create a promotional video and work with their team to strengthen their package, sometimes in less than two days. SOMETIMES THEM NO EVEN GET TIME FU ENHANCE OR CHANGE DEM FROCK. They then have to play the role of host delegate by greeting each of the other delegates at the airport and attending all outings. Jaycees has a packed schedule. OUR GIRLS HAVE TO DO THIS ALL IN ONE WEEK (IN FORMER YEARS DAYS) WHILE THE OTHER DELEGATES HAVE WEEKS, MONTHS AND EVEN AN ENTIRE YEAR TO PREPARE FOR THIS SAME PAGEANT. I actually believe that we are at a disadvantage. Our reigning Jaycees Queen deserved every single segment. She followed the criteria to the T. Her walk was the only acceptable one. The others were dancing. This was a pageant, not dancing with the stars. Her interview showed that she is well read and articulate, whereas the others would not even win best question and answer I. OPTIMIST PETITE. Her talent showcased exceptional acting ability and creative writing. Her fellow competitors dresses looked good onstage GO CHECK THE HEM and the TORN MESH. Nobody know one pageant more than this ANTIMAN. So unless you are a member of the gay community and eat, shit and breathe pageantry, SHUT YOU RASSHOLE.

    • LMAO!!!!!!! Me rh Pagent Enthusiast you made my day with all them wud you ah fire under this intellectual masturbator. Me nah know why he don’t stick to law enforcement and even then he should stfu because all them shit he ah critize was happen under his watch as the top cop


      Really not sure how this ‘…Most Disrespectful Chimpanzee’ got here.

      Perhaps on: (a) ‘…Antigua Airways: or (b) …On Air Peace?

      Sneaking Suspicion: ‘…An Escapee From the Wilds of Africa.’

      The Author is most delighted by this ‘…Grumpy; …Chimpy: Smutty Reply.’


      The Author never even ventured to describe the appearance, intelligence, performance or even skills of the ‘Delegates.’


      This ‘Chimpanzee’ is clearly ‘…MISGUIDED- WRENK- AND DISREPECFUL.’


      ‘…A Chimpy Pageant’ is ‘…Coming Soon.’


      Will engage the services of ‘Frank S’ to do some ‘…TAME TRAINING.’

      Awaiting three Delegates:

      (i) ‘ …One Baboon
      (ii) …Two Gorillas
      (iii) …Three Jack Asses
      (iv) …Four Monkeys; and
      (v) …Five Wilder-Beasts
      (vi) …Six Peahens: and’
      (vii) …Seven Lionesses
      (viii) …Giraffes.
      If other ‘Chimps’ show up on this Page, ‘Pageant is also open to both ‘…Male and Female.’

      The one, so far recognized, will be ‘Registered’ as a ‘Delegate.’


      Understanding ‘Congeniality.’
      There will be an Award.’

      Most Respectfully,


      Though this ‘Baboon,’ seemingly ‘E

  5. Mr Pompey, though some assumed Ms St.Vincent would be the winner of the swimsuit segment, it is not only the suit that is judged. Body proportions carries points in this segment.
    Frankly, Ms St Vincent doesn’t have enough junk in the trunk (butt) nor enough rack (boobs).
    That’s what gave Ms Antigua the edge over Ms St Vincent in the swimsuit segment. None of the other contestants were a threat to Ms Antigua in any of the other segments.
    Big Up Ms Antigua 👑 Ikelle Corbin

  6. How come there wasn’t all this energy the year when they stole the crown and gave it to Shelana George? Both local and JCI? Cause she had Brucella and dem pushing her Rasta queen narrative?

    Jamaica clearly won JCI that year! And for the local? We knew they remove costume just so they could GIVE her the crown 🙄

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