Coconut Thief Faces $700 Fine and Prison Time, Ordered to Compensate Victim $600


Last month, Diandre Gittens, a 20-year-old resident of All Saints, trespassed on Marlon Yorks’ property, stealing seven coconuts worth $525 between November 14 and 25.

Gittens confessed to the crimes in the All Saints Magistrate’s Court, leading to a $700 fine for praedial larceny within three months, with a 14-day prison sentence for default.

He was also ordered to compensate Marlon Yorks with $600 for the stolen coconuts. Gittens received a reprimand and discharge for the trespassing charge.

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  1. Seven single coconuts or seven bunches? Seven coconuts cant be worth that much unless they are laden with white powder.

  2. 7 coconuts are valued at over $500 in Antigua? Wow. I am quitting this measly millions of dollar job and get into coconut planting, raring and selling.

    I am happy they got the thief and he was held accountable.

    I am still distracted with the value of 7 coconuts. I am not sure I no longer can afford coconut ha ha ha ha ha.

  3. Bwoi, my coconut trees haven’t really recovered since the blight/disease of a few years ago, but hopefully when they do recover, I can then sell them at extortionate prices and then become even RICHER than Gassssston 😁

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