Cocaine on plane intercepted


(ONDCP Release)

On the morning of Friday, 2nd February 2018, ONDCP officers conducted another successful drug interdiction. This occurred at the V.C Bird International Airport where a private charter plane that was preparing for takeoff was intercepted.

Four individuals to include pilots are assisting with the ongoing investigations and bags containing a quantity of cocaine were seized.

A total weight of 47.51 kilograms or approximately 105 pounds of Cocaine was found. The drug carries an estimated wholesale value of One Million, Six Hundred and Sixty-seven Thousand, Six Hundred and One EC Dollars ($1,667,601.00 ECD).

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  1. What is going on in this small paradise island of mine??? Plane leaving with cocaine…puzzling. Antigua a produce cocane now?? This island is too small for this. Lord Jesus help us.

  2. People not contented want more want more want more. They are willing to do illegal things to live a certain live stlye

  3. Money money money. It’s a rich men’s world. Temptation comes to all of us in different ways and forms. You got to have strong morals to stay away for certain of these temptations. Whether its money or sex.
    Jesus was offered the world if he would only bow down to Satan.

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