Cabinet Notes: The Chief Medical Officer and the Information Technology Specialist — who has responsibility for programming the electronic bracelets which have been purchased for tracking those persons who are visiting Antigua and Barbuda and who have been placed in quarantine — were invited to address the Cabinet.
The CMO, who is also the Chief Quarantine Officer under the law, was provided with the assurances of the lawfulness of the mandatory use of the bracelets. The doctor also raised a number of other concerns that were all addressed.
The Cabinet had been informed that the Halcyon Hotel, which has served as the Government’s quarantine center these past three months, is to begin renovations shortly and must therefore be evacuated.
The Cabinet has therefore chosen to utilize the Jolly Beach Hotel which is completely shuttered at this time. The bracelets will then be programmed to alarm the Command Center whenever one who is wearing the device goes beyond a certain border.
As the number of arriving passengers increases, the Cabinet is of the view that the need to quarantine an increasing amount will result; therefore, there will be an increased need to ensure compliance with the terms of a 14-day quarantine.
The object is to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus within the communities principally where family members of the visitors reside. The largest threat of contagion faced by the nation has come from returning nationals who disobey quarantine conditions and who then mingle with friends and family members before the 14-day quarantine period has ended.
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Don’t know about you guys but I’m done commenting on this topic . It’s clear to me that the people in charge views on this will never change . The concerns on this topic means nothing to them . BLACK people brings Black Death White people brings Good Will. It doesn’t matter who potentially brings it the most all you need is one .All has to be quarantined no exceptions !!!!!
So govt. Quarantining EVERY arrival by air or sea at Jolly Beach for 2-weeks?
I don’t think so.
Therefore legality is dubious to put it mildly.
This point was made multiple times by commentators when Govt. first mentioned bracelets months ago.
For the umpteenth time,
Test on arrival
Hold at Jolly 3 nights
Test on fourth morning
Negative – move on to your home/vacay
Positive – remain at Jolly for balance of 14-days
Govt. provides Jolly complimentary fourth night onwards or moves people free to the old air base.(but cannot afford this)
Most countries regionally & globally using a double-test system identify considerably more positives on the second test.
But maybe ‘tourists don’t want it so’…
Laughable as their countries looking at spiking deaths & infections with more predicted following Christmas period – vaccine will not be in great enough % of populations to make a difference until late 2021 earliest.
There are no “spiking deaths & infections” anywhere. Stop spreading these outright lies!
There are ‘spiking’ positive tests results… not deaths.
The more tests that are done the more positive test results you’ll have. If the ‘test is amplified enough times (over 35+ times) you’ll end up with 100% positive results.
The PCR ‘test’ were NEVER designed to diagnosis diseases…. they are merely a tool for amplifying undetectably small amounts of material to see if anything is there. They are being misused for the purpose of diagnoses
Quit with the fear mongering.
And…. Where are police/officials in English Harbour to enforce mask/distancing/hand sanitizing?
Free for all over there with bar / restaurant owners, staff & customers no masks…kitchen teams cooking without masks…
Govt. needs $$$ – fines are part of the regulations….
PM on cnn
” We enjoy travel bubbles with usa & uk, THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS, they (tourists) must have negative test, wear masks”
PM did NOT correct Richard Quest the interviewer who led into the PM by saying ‘ The idea is travelers arrive with a negative test and then NO QUARANTINE’
So, nationals & diaspora, what has been suspected for months confirmed by PM on CNN.
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test – used to test for coronavirus – is not fit for purpose. Herein, we summarize discredited COVID19 testing and encourage you to do your own research and become better informed as to how misdirection, incompetence and scientific fraud is gravely harming our personal and societal well being. The PCR test was invented by Kary Mullis in 1985 but it was never intended for detecting disease; it’s primary applications included biomedical research and criminal forensics. Mullis often spoke out against using his test for diagnosing illnesses. So-called experts ignored the warning. But now, many independent scientists and medical professionals are coming forward to denounce the idiocy of governments, the media and NGO’s for pushing the number of novel coronavirus “cases” (not deaths) premised on spurious results from this problematic PCR test.
Mullis (the inventor of the PCR test) and others correctly called out the idiocy of groupthink – the reliance on ill-informed and misguided ‘experts’ who direct government health policy. A key culprit among prominent world bodies is the World Health Organization (WHO) loudly telling is to “test, test, test!”. WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and his co-conspirators pushing the new dystopian plan for a ‘Great Reset’ know full well the more you test, the more positive cases will emerge and the more their insane over reaction to the ‘crisis’ becomes validated. But dissenters are wise to this scam. Here is a typical comment from one the thousands of experts dissenting from the accepted narrative: “I’m skeptical that a PCR test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine,” warns Dr. David Rasnick, biochemist.
Widespread reliance on the PCR for COVID19 testing is beyond stupid. It is criminal because it is pushed as justification for maintaining ‘lockdown’ measures and compounding the fear and misery (including economic) much of the world is still suffering as a consequence of this gigantic science fraud.
PCR for diagnosis is a big problem when you have to resort to amplifying the outcome a huge number of times – this increases the likelihood of generating massive amounts of false positives.
…now, this is what I’m detecting!
#Oh lah lah!
…even though, I’m not privately investigating!
…#No! No! Sah!
…but, your comment is very interesting!
#Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
…so, this is what I’m concluding!
#Oh! Lah! Lah!
…in times gone by, you’d be a BLASPHEMIST.
#Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
…and, may even be jailed with the HERETICS!
#Know! Know! Know!
…but, today you’re considered a CONSPIRACIST!
#Oh! Lah! Lah!
…simply because, education is making you resist!
#Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
…and, informing the People, as to what’s amiss!
#Know! Know! Know!
…for, even though ‘Ignorance can still be Bliss!
#Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
…these Globalists, have no intention!
#No! No! Sah!
…they’ve already made their decision!
#Not to! No way!
…for, any damn reason!
…to, cease and desist!
The best of all the Star Treks? Well it certainly isnt Enterprise!
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